Gosh it’s been a while…11 days since I’ve posted anything. I guess should should give a little recap of what’s been happening around here.
I missed last T stands for Tuesday because I wasn’t feeling well. I had some crumby virus that had me feeling wiped out so I decided to skip it to get more rest. When I was feeling better I decided to go get a haircut and brighten up my blond a bit. I got almost 7 inches cut off!! And it’s still below shoulder length! It was down past the middle of my back. I was feeling frumpy with dishwater blond hair. Now I have a fresh new (still low maintenance) cut and my blond is back, baby!
I’ve been working on a couple of paintings…switching back and forth between them as I wait for things to dry or inspiration.
I’ve also been working on writing an article that will be published this summer. I was a bit surprised by the focus but am having fun with it. How’s that for a tease. I promise I’ll share more when the time comes but for now I just need to meet my deadline.
Over the weekend we celebrated a birthday. J turned 17!!! I’m still a bit shell shocked from that. Just one more year of being a minor. Next year he’ll be able to vote, serve on a jury, register with selective service…yikes!!!!! More grey hairs. But for now we still just get to have fun as witnessed here as he tried out a new game.
Yesterday we watched the Super Bowl and ate a bunch of greasy junk and had beers. Today it was back to gym and a green monster smoothie for me. If I’m being completely honest..this was the first time at the gym in 2017 for me. I’ve been attempting to workout at home but I think attempting is the key word in that sentence. Time to renew my efforts.
What are you doing today?
Sounds like the virus gave you lots of creative energy when it went, your art is lovely. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Oh these winter bugs can be awful! Glad you did a few things to feel better-and yes- a spruce up of blonde is good:) Nice background paintings. Happy T day!
Glad you are feeling better and are ready to finally hit the gym. I need to. This year hasn’t been great for food some days. Loving the art, and can’t wait to see what your article is all about. Happy T day. hugs-Erika
SEVENTEEN already…golly jeepers where does the time go. Such a funny photo. I am well out of the “game” loop with our empty nest. Looks like you’re having fun creating. Glad you’re feeling well AND blond again LOL! Happy T Day Halle oxo
I can’t believe big J is 17. That means I’ve known you over 10 years. Amazing! He looks like he was having fun. He also looks all grown up.
I adore those paintings. They are fantastic. They are your signature series, I believe.
That green smoothie reminds me of the ones I had in CA. Mine tasted like grass, so I can’t seem to get past the taste of what I remember (grin).
Thanks for sharing your art, J’s birthday photo, and your healthy green smoothie with us for T this Tuesday.
Terrific artwork and a fun pic of your teenager. Pleased you enjoyed the Super Bowl and the spread as well
Happy T day
Love Chrissie xx
i enjoyed the link to your instagram, the pages you Show here are superb! good you are Feeling better now and could enjoy the super bowl (sports with seven seals to me;))
So glad you are feeling better and back to your blonde self again :-). The photo of your daughter is so much fun :-). Such fantastic art pieces in progress too, the colours, doodles and stenciling are gorgeous :-). Happy T Day! J :-)
Super art work, it looks like you had a good time creating the pages and great photos as well. Hope you are feeling better today. Happy T day Yvonne xx
Nothing better than a visit to the hairdresser to lift your mood! In spite of not feeling very well, you seem to have been very creative. Lots of nice art work done. Congratulations on your boy turning 17. I remember that is very frightening. All of a sudden it hits you. (My son is 40 now). I’ve never heard of that game but it looks fun. Happy T-Day, Lisca
Great photo of the cone of shame. J’s a good sport. I particuarly like the orange, blue & white backgrounds you’re working on. You’ve really got a lot going on. Can’t wait to learn more about the article. Happy T Day, Jo! Hugs, Eileen
Well, being poorly hasn’t affected you creativity! Your drying art work looks fabulous! I am so overdue a visit to the hairdresser! Happy T Day! Chrisx
My workouts are always at home lol. Getting out on any type of schedule is such a pain for me, and I do ok exercising at home, but I think a few sessions with a trainer would do me good. I trust your renewed efforts will do you good :) Happy T Tuesday!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better. With the angst of an impending snowstorm (I hate snow), your paintings made me smile. Exploding kittens sounds intriguing. Wasn’t that an awesome Super Bowl game? And, I’ll pass on the green smoothie. Happy T Day!
Love the WIP’s on the canvas!!! My own birthdays never bothered me …it was always the birthdays of my son (my oldest) that would set me off. His 16th and 21st were tough but when he turned 40 I almost lost it !!! LOL! Good luck on the writing project!
awesome works in progress…can’t wait to hear about the article! Love your son’s photo-too funny! that sounds like an interesting game… ;) happy Tea day pretty late…!