T Tuesday: changing views edition

Here we are in late August…things changing as they always do this time of year.

The garden and CSA box are providing beautiful produce to eat fresh and preserve for winter. I like to freeze bags of chopped onions, peppers and celery as a start to a few different recipes. Its a quick grab and get cooking after work. And aren’t these so pretty!!

The garden is beginning to look a bit tired…August marks the beginning of the end for the garden. Soon I’ll be pulling up the plants, covering the garden in compost and start the composting process all over again with those spent plants.

This was the beginning of the pile for Mini-me. We moved her to college on Friday. No tears. Lots of sweat… It was over 90°F, nearly 100% humidity (it was thunderstorming on and off), 3rd floor, no elevator and no A/C. We got it done though. She’s been busy with welcome week activities and starts classes tomorrow.

The pile for J starts today…he moves to campus this weekend for his senior year.

Marvin seems a bit confused, a bit needy.

Check out the cool art deco bowl I picked up at an occasional shop on Saturday.

I absolutely love it…the colors and design.  I picked up a few other things but this is my favorite.

It’s raining here this morning which is very welcome. The thunder is rumbling as I write my list for the day. I do love a good thunderstorm as long as its not damaging.


What are you doing today?
11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: changing views edition
    24 Aug 2021

    Your garden still looks beautiful, despite the creeping seasonal changes. Your bags of chopped vegetables are also very pretty!

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    Divers and Sundry
    24 Aug 2021

    That’s a great way to package veggies for the freezer. Best wishes for your college-bound folks. I trust they’ll have a fun year ahead. I love that bowl! I like the sound of a good rain, what we used to call a 3-day soaker, as long as -as you say- it’s not damaging. Happy T Tuesday :)

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    24 Aug 2021

    You have more patience than I when it comes to chopping those veggies into tiny bits. They look very colorful through the bags. That will be great for soups, stews, and sauces this winter.

    Your garden looks SO much better than mine right now. Mine is dying from the heat and humidity. Yours is still going beautifully.

    Looks like Mini took everything but the kitchen sink with her to college. How is she going to survive without AC? Is her Uni requiring masks and vaccinations? I hope she stays safe. As for J, when did he get to be a senior? Did he skip a year, or did I miss something. For some reason, I thought this was his junior year.

    You are SO lucky to have a cat that will look the camera straight on. The boys run and hide when I pull mine out. No stills for them unless they are asleep.

    The more I see Art Deco, the more I like it. If you ever get to Kansas City, MO, their entire downtown is filled with Art Deco architecture,. You would LOVE it!

    Thanks for sharing your garden, veggies, Mini’s trip to college, your new bowl, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    24 Aug 2021

    Wow, your garden is looking fabulous and that veggie medley is one of my favourites, always useful to have for lots of recipes 😁. Give Marvin a hug from me, I hope you are all ok with college just around the corner! Such great find too, your new bowl is beautiful. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    24 Aug 2021

    That is a great idea to freeze up some starter meals. Yes, they look so pretty. Your garden is still looking good even with the changes. My out door garden is done but my GH still is providing tomatoes and peppers oh and celery. That bowl is awesome! Have a great day.

    Erika N
    24 Aug 2021

    Congrats on getting through move #1 Halle. One more to go. I remember when we moved my daughter to college one of cats got so mad at her that he ignored her for weeks whenever she came home. Your garden sounds like mine. I do love your chopped and frozen idea. I might steal that one. Hope you had a super T day Halle. hugs-Erika

    Kate Yetter
    24 Aug 2021

    What a great bag of beautifully colored produce. Your garden must be doing amazing. What a great bowl. Very pretty! Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Lisca Meijer
    25 Aug 2021

    Marvin does look needy. I wanted to hug him! Your veggies look very colorful. It’s a good idea to do all the chopping before hand as it takes the most time when you cook. Also, it will defrost more easily. Gosh, you will miss those kids. Now both of them are gone off to college. I wish both of them all the best. It’s such an adventure for them, to live on their own for the first time. I love the bowl. And I also like your to-do list. I also make lists, but not as neat as yours… Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    25 Aug 2021

    I love your new bowl ~ Very pretty! I’m glad you survived moving in day for your daughter ~ How nice to have bags of perfectly cut mixed veggies at the ready. Enjoy your week!

    25 Aug 2021

    Awesome garden. I was hoping to get some bell peppers from ours, but some bug got at the plant. When the Eldest moved to college, they had a bunch of upperclassmen volunteers that helped unload cars and carry stuff to the dorm room. Move in went so quickly and effortlessly as they seemed to have things down to a science. I hope the move for your son is a lot less heated. Marvin looks like he’s going to enjoy being the Only. Happy T Day

    Sharon Madson
    25 Aug 2021

    What a great idea to freeze pre chopped vegies for soups and such. Love it. Kitty looks sweet. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day, late.

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