T’was the Tuesday before Christmas and the day before break,
my mind was a whirl with all I’ve yet to make.
The presents are wrapped, all tied up in bows,
the cookies are baked, but calories? Who knows
The tree lights are twinkling and sweet treats abound,
it really makes more sense when there’s snow on the ground.
So I looked out the window, and what did I see?
A dusting of snow! I squealed with glee.
So funny how quickly my mood turned bright,
and all it took was a light coat of white.
Merry Christmas to all my family and friends,
I bid you adieu as my rhyme has reached it’s end.
What a fun post! Thx for bringing me a smile. Enjoy your snow. I’m thinking we may never see snow again as we have record high temps here this week lol
Happy T Tuesday :)
Oh I LOVE your rhyme!! A happy T day to you and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a fun rhyme, you really have said it all today! Happy T Day, Happy Christmas to you and yours, hugs, Valerie
I really enjoyed your rhyme time. It was fun to read and so well put together. I’m so delighted you got that bit of Christmas snow you were looking for, even though I know it melted long before the big day, or the good feeling you got from seeing it.
Thanks for sharing your coffee mug, your lovely rhyme, and your wishes with us for T this Tuesday. I certainly wish you and your entire family a very merry Christmas, just in case I don’t get to “see” you again before then.
A wonderful poem and picture! And I’m just as excited as you about the snow! Bring on Christmas!
Fun rhyme Halle! Very happy for you to have some snow too even if it’s only a dusting. Fa la laa Happy T Day too oxo p.s. Williamsburg is a great family place. You gets lots of exercise too walking around town. Hope you all get to visit someday.
Very creative, Halle! It is so un-Christmas-like here in NY. Now I heard we are expecting near 70 degrees!
Merry Christmas & Happy T Day!
fun rhyme:)) hope you and yours have a very cozy and peaceful Christmas! happy t-day!
What a super rhyme!Wishing a Very Merry Christmas to you Halle! oxo Susi
Thanks for the earlier visit and the comment.
Merry Christmas my friend.
Love the verse! It used to be a tradition to make verses for Christmas gifts, but I guess we don´t any more – either rhyme or give gifts. But we make sure we are together and have fun, and that is what counts! :-) Merry Christmas & Happy T-Day!
Ah, that was fun and it made me smile. Thank you for commenting earlier, Wishing you a very lovely Christmas, Lisca
Sweet poem!! Yes, having some white on the ground has increased the Christmas spirit over here! I am almost giddy!! Happy T-Day and Merry Christmas! :)
LOVE IT!!!! You put a big happy smile on my face. It looks like we’ll be having a green Christmas here this year with very warm weather. TOTALLY not our regular Christmas weather. Merry Christmas!
That is a fun rhyme-:) Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones
I love your rhyme and even snow time! To you my friend I have to send Merry Christmas wishes and maybe a couple of kisses!
Have a wonderful time, hugs, Chrisx
Merry Christmas my friend!Much Love!