T Tuesday: Christmas wrap(up) edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Welcome to the very last T stands for Tuesday of 2015.

T Tuesday : Christmas wrap(up) edition | Halle's Hobbies

We had a lovely Christmas with family. We had my mom over for a big meal at noon. Then I started cooking again for brunch the next day. Getting everything prepped so I’d have an easy morning. We played a board game then watched Home Alone. By that time, I was so exhausted that I told everyone that they had to go to bed otherwise Santa was skipping our house.  ;)

Christmas morning brunch with Mr. G’s side of the family was great…all the hard work the previous day payed off.

I have to show you the gift Mini-me put together for her brother…

T Tuesday : Christmas wrap(up) edition | Halle's Hobbies

She bought him a gift card but wanted a clever way to give it. She used a photo from Pinterest as inspiration. She thought a Mountain Dew reindeer was needed as well.

T Tuesday : Christmas wrap(up) edition | Halle's Hobbies

So darn cute. There is a kit-kat bar under the gift card. Good thing Santa put new toothbrushes in their stockings!!

T Tuesday : Christmas wrap(up) edition | Halle's Hobbies

Big J bought his sister this cute mug and a Minnesota Vikings T shirt. Skol Vikings!

I did make one additional Christmas card this past week.

Christmas card | Halle's Hobbies

I tried out my new water color brush marker to give some dimension.

Today we’ll be shoveling snow and baking a cake for Mini-me’s birthday tomorrow. 13…I can hardly believe it! Now I’ll have two teenagers in the house.

I am also giving some thought to my 2016 word of the year as well as reflecting on 2015.

What are you doing today?

14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: Christmas wrap(up) edition
    29 Dec 2015

    Glad your Christmas was good, and that you were able to spend time with the family. Happy New Year 2016 and happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    29 Dec 2015

    Gotta love what Mini-me did for Big J. That’s SO clever, and a great T entry, too!

    I wish I had room like that for a tree. Yours was AWESOME. Looks like there were lots of gifts under the tree, too.

    I’m hosting T, putting away my Christmas trees and gifts, and deciding on my Word for 2016. I think I’ve finally decided.

    Happy New Year, dear friend. I hope your holiday is peaceful, safe, and storm free.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    29 Dec 2015

    GOLLY, forgot to say thanks for sharing your lovely tree and Little J’s gift for T this Tuesday. I need coffee, I guess.

    Erika N
    29 Dec 2015

    Looks like you had a wonderful holiday. That sled is soooo cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit, and I hope you do something fun with no snow in the forecast! (Maybe?)

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    29 Dec 2015

    Happy you had a great Christmas with your family. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree of creativity at your house :-) Happy T Day and Happy Happy New Year Halle. Thank you for your nice comment today also. oxo

    Linda K
    29 Dec 2015

    creativity abounds here Halle! The sled gift is wonderful!! A lovely tree and gathering place. Cute penguin mug:) Nice Christmas card too. Wishing you a happy T day and a happy, creative 2016! PS- my word is not yet coming to me…

    Divers and Sundry
    29 Dec 2015

    Sounds like y’all had fun. I got a kick out of the creative gift wrap :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

    29 Dec 2015

    that sledge gift made of candy canes is the custest i´ve seen for a Long time. aaawesome!!

    halle, i wish you a wonderful turn into a great year 2016!

    29 Dec 2015

    Happy T-day!! Sounds like you had a great Christmas…..(yeah…go Vikings!!!!) Love the sled……cute idea! Happy New Year my friend!

    29 Dec 2015

    ouds like you had a great time. All the planning does pay off doesn’t it. What an awesome tree! Thank you for visiting earlier, Wishing you and yours all the best for 2016, Lisca

    29 Dec 2015

    Aah! That sledge is brilliant! Love the card and the mug! I do have tree envy though! Don’t think I envy the two teenagers though – remember those days well! Happy T day! Chrisx

    Carol L Samsel
    29 Dec 2015

    Love that mug!!! The Sled gift was a great idea :) So glad you had a wonderful holiday. I’m still thinking of my word for 2016.

    30 Dec 2015

    I’m so glad you had a Merry Chrstmas. Best wishes for 2016!!!

    Karla B
    1 Jan 2016

    More one creative year.Let us dissolve our emotions in colors and images in magic.Happy New Year!

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