T Tuesday: cursed journal edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Hello, hello! I’m feel a little thrown off this morning from the Memorial Day holiday yesterday. Today seems like Monday. Waking up late didn’t help matters any.

But today is Tuesday… so that means it’s time to join Elizabeth and Bleubeard for T stands for Tuesday.deck box gardenI brought my coffee outside with me to check on the gardens. I won’t bore you with a bunch of pictures of mostly dirt. I have 10 tomatoes planted…4 yellow pear plants and 6 Thessaloniki(Greek heirloom)plants. My beans are sprouting. The cucumbers are planted. Hopefully the leaf lettuce seeds I planted will sprout soon form the galvanized bucket in the deck box garden.

It’s misty raining so I’d like to show you my before and after on my cursed journal. After completing the journal I assumed I would leave the outside unadorned. The cover graphics and color was what made me choose this book in the first place. cursed journal beforeBut the spine left something to be desired. It kept bugging me as it sat on the bookshelf. Since my art space is currently out of commission…there wasn’t a whole lot I could do. Then my tea dyed curtain scrap came to mind. I could have the best of both worlds…pretty graphics and the ugly spine covered.cursed journal afterI decided to add the little bits of chain and charms at the last minute. charmedThey add a little movement and bling.  Now I’m very happy with the journal that caused me so much grief in the beginning.

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: cursed journal edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    27 May 2014

    Ah, that journal spine turned out perfect. Perfect for T day, too. I like the charms you added, as well as the way you left all the strings on the fabric/curtain.

    Thanks for sharing this beauty, as well as your tomato plants with us for T this Tuesday. Now I’m off to read about your dryer problems, since my computer is still acting up. Actually, this time it was Firefox that crashed. If it isn’t one thing, . . . .

    27 May 2014

    The tea dyed fabric was a perfect fix for the binding. The color looks very nice together, too!

    27 May 2014

    The altered journal looks fabulous. Love how you have done its spine. Happy Tuesday

    Divers and Sundry
    27 May 2014

    i love what you did with that book spine! beautiful :)

    Rita McGregor
    27 May 2014

    Now that definitely made that a prettier journal! Happy T-Day! :)

    27 May 2014

    That’s a lovely spine for your journal, great fabric and love the danglies :) Your garden will be lush before you know it! A nice drizzle is a good thing :) Happy Tea Day…..or coffee day ;)

    Denise Price
    27 May 2014

    I also had a hard time getting going today. But I had a great Memorial weekend, and I hope you did, too.

    The pretty colors in your post are making me happy. I love the pink of your cup and the blue-green of your book cover. Thanks for the eye candy. :)

    Happy T Day!

    27 May 2014

    Perfect finishing touches on your special journal… must investigate further to learn more about that tea dyed fabric you used Halle! When those maters come in ooyee won’t that be wonderful… exciting to see them from seed to bearing fruit too! oxo

    27 May 2014

    I love the wonderful look those textures make together. Great choices. I love your creative eye. Your creations always inspire me to look at things in different ways. Thanks for sharing.

    28 May 2014

    Ooooo that bit of spine altering was genius! It looks awesome!

    31 May 2014

    What a great idea for your journal. Genius! Sorry I am late! Hugs Xx

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