Its been a busy week with the Independence day holiday smack in the middle. Lots of time off for everyone. A wedding, drivers training, a parade then cookout followed by local fireworks.
First the wedding…it was lovely and sweet. The crazy thing is I used to do before school care for the groom. Yikes…making me feel old.
We did the traditional parade and cookout with the neighbors. Mini-me brought a friend this time. After we returned home about a dozen of J’s friends came over and braved the heat of the garage to play board games and hang out until fireworks. A large game of Nerf Wars eventually broke out. I’m still finding Nerf darts in the yard.
The next morning I got out of bed and literally hobbled to the bathroom. I couldn’t figure out why my feet hurt so much….
Then I saw this. I walked just a little bit on the 4th. Good thing I was wearing my walking sandals.
So I bet you are wondering if I’m ever going to get to the dream catcher, deer deterrent portion of this post.
I made this dream catcher one day basically just as a test. One to see if I could follow directions and two to see if using a non perfect circle would make things weird. I also wanted to see how to adding beads to the webbing.
My grand experiment taught me several things. I decided I like the asymmetrical look of the webbing. I also like the organic look of the bent tree branch I used for the frame. I decided to hang it from our service berry tree right over my Tiger Lilies in hopes of scaring the deer away. They have already stolen the tops of two of the stems. The remaining ones are full of buds. Fingers crossed that it works!
I can always dream right?!?
What are you doing today?
Wow! Over 17k on your pedometer! I am so impressed. That is why your feet hurt! You were busy! Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day
Must have been a wonderful wedding. It was good to see that you were drinking lots of water. I figured you would be drinking champaign or something (grin).
That dream catcher is perfect. I also like it and both of us can dream that it will deter the deer. We don’t have those in MY neighborhood, so I wouldn’t know what to expect if I ever saw one. I bet someone would call the humane society and they would take it outside of town about 200 miles.
Thanks for sharing your dream catcher, your wedding, your fitbit, and your water with us for T this Tuesday.
Well done on all that walking. Glad you enjoyed the wedding. Love the dream catcher. The deer here stay in the filed behind the fence. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie
Wow, that is a great number of steps, no wonder your feet hurt the next day. It sounds like you have had a busy but wonderful week. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
Good morning congrats on all those steps! Sounds like a fun week for you. I love your dream catcher-I may need to try this out and I love your dream rock Happy T Day Hugs Kathy
sounds like a real old fashioned fun time at the wedding. I’ll be curious to hear if your dream catcher works on the deer;) My feet, and more would be hurting after so many steps-wow! Happy T day!
I hope your dream catcher works for you, the deer in our sons garden eat everything, even the lemon tree has given up growing. No wonder you had sore feet, a good excuse to sit and craft. Jan no 16
Halle i like your idea of using a bent twig for your dream catcher. i hope you’ll let me know if it keeps your deer at bay.. Lord knows i need something like that…lol Wow what a busy day you had! no wonder your feet hurt..!!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb
Lovely post, Halle. I enjoyed ready about your 4th festivities and the nerf wars – lol.
17,457 – wow!!! No wonder your feet ached. My all time record is about 8,500!
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Looks like a wonderful wedding and celebrating the July Fourth with the parade and cookout sounds perfect! Wow, that’s a lot of steps though, no wonder your feet were hurting the next day …lol ?. I love the dreamcatcher you made too and I hope your dream comes true ?. Happy T Day wishes! J ? x
You have been _busy_! Sounds like great fun was had by all.
I’ve never lived in a place where deer could get to my plantings, but I’ve heard they are persistent. I hope your set-up works :)
Happy T Tuesday!
Haha! That is a lot of steps. No wonder your feet were hurting. Nerf fights are fun for all ages. I am sure we have run over quite a few with our lawn mower. Your dream catcher is very pretty and I love the added touch of the beads. happy Tea Day, Kate
Sorry to be late, we went out yesterday morning, came back – had lunch and went out again! What a fantastic time you had – it’s always so good to meet up with old friends and family! I can imagine how you feet must have felt – 17,457 steps is a lot – I only use an app on my phone for measuring my steps so have no idea how much I use when I am not carrying it! I know we walked a lot of steps in Paris but not that much I’m sure! My daily target is 6,000, which the app tells me is appropriate for my age and I often exceed that! Your Dreamcatcher looks fabulous and if dreams come true and the deer don’t come for your plants it will be all the better! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx
holy cow that must have been quite a parade/day of walking!! congratulations…hope your feet and legs have recovered! love the dream catcher…♥