Months ago I mentioned working at scrap management for my fabric collection. Yes, I said collection…let’s be honest…buying crafting supplies ends up being collecting sometimes.
I really knocked the scraps down to some key sizes that would work for other projects.
With that in mind I came up with a “pattern” or maybe pattern concept since the pieces really fit together in so many ways.
This is a pile of chain pieced scraps. Its really relaxing to sit and sew…then once I have a really large pile of pieces I go sit in front of the TV and snip them all apart then sort them for ironing. So much ironing but so worth it.
Since I’ve starting making a few more masks I had to buy some more fabric….I had to…I really did. That’s me trying to convince myself too.
My neighbor brought me to a wonderful little quilt shop in a nearby small town. I ended up buying a stack of fabric with a few projects in mind. The two floral fabrics were just because I absolutely fell in love with them.
I’ve also found some fabrics at rummage sales. So fun…but now I have some more scrap management to handle. It really never ends…
When I beaded for a living, I told people I had two hobbies, beading and buying beads. LOL Now that my business is closed, (due to covid) I have been going through my quilting fabric. I am putting it in bundles to sell. A friend of mine said I am the only beader that loves the F word, “fabric” LOL. Your design is lovely.
Collecting fabric looks like a very pleasant hobby!
best… mae at
It sounds like fun to visit a new quilt shop, and fun buying more fabric too. Is it possible to have too much? Smile. You don’t have to answer that. The important thing is it sounds like you are having fun with fabric. Hope you have a super T day Halle. Hugs-Erika
One can never have too much fabric! I find shopping for fabric more fun than making projects sometimes. Your quilt full of scraps is wonderful! Great way to make use of the discard. Happy tea Day, Kate
What a great way to knock out those scraps. The quilt you are making is going to be great. It is so different and unusual.
I like the vintage fabric design in the new fabric, but I fell in LOVE with that blue and green fabric that looks hand dyed in the garage sale fabric. This is absolutely awesome.
Thanks for sharing your improv designs and your beginnings of sewing all that fabric together. I suspect you will change the final layout unless you took that photo as a reference guide for where each square needs to be located. Thanks for sharing your new and garage sale fabric and your drink with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend. STILL love your masks you make!
Wow, this looks like a lot of work! Will look great, I bet!
I don’t sew much these days, but still have lots of supplies and lovely fabrics and can’t bear to throw them away. Have a great week, take care, Valerie
Gorgeous fabrics, I love the one with the print, I don’t like sewing, at all, my husband thinks it’s funny as my mum had a small business making curtains and soft furnishings. Happy T Day Jan
Wow, such an amazing patchwork! It’s beautifully designed and put together – love it
. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x
I don’t sew, but I used to enjoy walking through the fabric store aisles looking for particular supplies for particular projects. The holiday offerings were especially fun :)
Happy T Tuesday!
Good morning, I never thought of it that way-but yes what ever craft I am into-I do collect-I probably collect way too much but I love beautiful tools too Happy T Kathy
Yes! I collect stamp sets, rolls of ribbons, paper, you name a craft product, I collect it. Your fabric is so pretty. If I quilted, I would be collection that too! LOL Happy T Day!
All those pretty colors and patterns. Like doing a puzzle. And you can never have too many supplies. Have fun and Happy T Day
Yes, we are all collectors of fabric, or pretty papers, or beads, or whatever our hobby is. When we become hoarders, we have to start doing something about it! Your quilt is going to be absolutely great! Unique in every way. I can totally imagine you find this relaxing. Even the ironing I think can be relaxing (turn the telly on…) My kombucha is very fizzy because I do a second fermentation. I add some (defrosted) raspberries and seal the bottles. The bottles should take the pressure, but sometimes low quality Chinese bottles will explode. I have several bottles fermenting, but I could try to find a box big enough.It would definitely reduce the mess.Thanks for the tip. I’m sorry to be late again, but as I’ve mentioned before, we are not home on a Tuesday and I can’t get to my computer. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
There is no way youcan simply stop buying fabric (or any crafting supply, really). For me it’s yarn, I just can’t resist. I’m not even looking for excuses anymore…