T Tuesday: in the ‘hood edition

Neighborhood that is.  Over the weekend one of our neighbors hosted a chili cook off.  Eight years ago the same family hosted a similar get together but our numbers have drastically changed in that time period. The majority of the kids are either gone off to college or working now…although we have added to the adult total with new families.


My white turkey chili was not the winner but I’m not at all sad. It was a fun day!

A couple days previous to the party I returned a scoring plate that I had borrowed form my crafty next door neighbor.  One of these days I actually finish the card I started using the board. Anyway…I never come away empty handed from her house. She has a vast network of folk that are always looking out for each other and trading this and that.


She had a huge bag of stamps for me to look through, bottle caps from a former co-worker that saves them for me and some tea her DIL didn’t want. Look at the awesome stamps! Can’t wait to play in an art journal with them. The Passion tea by Tazo is a favorite of mine. The Calm I’ll likely use for tea dyeing as I don’t care for chamomile but I do enjoy lemon!!

I’ve also been working on a couple…well, three, oh maybe four projects over the past couple of days. As soon as they come together I’ll be sure to share. To my T Tuesday gals…sorry I never made it around last week…Tuesday got away from me with numerous things including these….


Mini-me’s first season of competitive volleyball is done with the exception of the end of season banquet. Choir concert season has just begun for J. The concert was wonderful.  Did I mention they will be traveling to Manhattan in the spring to sing at Carnegie Hall!?!  So excited for them.

Today’s schedule has yet to be determined for me. It’s kind of nice to have a fairly blank slate for a change.

What are you doing today?

17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: in the ‘hood edition
    Linda K
    25 Oct 2016

    How nice to have someone to trade stamps and borrow tools from! I know I’d enjoy your version of chili very much. Sounds like the kids-and you are pretty busy. Enjoy your day whatever you do, and happy T day!

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    25 Oct 2016

    Sounds like a fun chilli cookoff and your turkey chilli sounds delicious – yum! I love all your new stamps and it’s very kind of your neighbour to keep them for you :-). Can’t wait to see your projects and it looks like you have been busy so far this season with all the games and concerts. How exciting to perform at Carnegie Hall too – that’s wonderful news! Happy T Day! J :-)

    25 Oct 2016

    Glad you had some neighbourhood fun, winning is nice, but joining in is better! LOVE those gorgeous stamps you got, have fun with them. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    25 Oct 2016

    Fun to read about a neighborhood get together and trading/borrowing supplies. You must live in a great neighborhood. I like the Tazo Passion tea too. One of my favorites. When you have a child in school it can get very busy with all their activities – nice to see that Mini-me participates in them.

    25 Oct 2016

    the cook off sounds like fun and what a lucky Girl you are to have such neighbors! happy t-day!

    25 Oct 2016

    Its a great idea for a neighborhood get together, it sounds a lot of fun. Your photos look great as well. Enjoy using your new stamps and goodies. Happy T day Yvonne

    25 Oct 2016

    Chili cook off sounds like a lot of fun and it is the right season for it too.

    What a great network of crafty friends to recycle craft supplies to each other. Wish I live closer..*grin*

    Happy T-day

    Lisca Meijer
    25 Oct 2016

    Singing at the Carnegie Hall! Wow! That will be such an experience! Will you be going? Don’t forget to share! We want to come with you so to speak. Yes, those stamps look great. They will be perfect for your journal pages. A chilli cook off? That sounds fun. Please tell me more. I counted at least 5 slow cookers. Which one won? Did you then eat chilli together? Do you have it with rice? Thanks for sharing. Happy T-Day, Lisca

    25 Oct 2016

    i love chill..what a great idea to bring the community together

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    25 Oct 2016

    WOW, what a fun post. Loved the view from the hood. I’m sure your white turkey chili was fun, and certainly more healthy than beef. It was fun seeing all those crock pots side by side.

    You are ONE lucky person to have such a good neighbor. I love, love, love the frame stamp. It’s wonderful. I also like seeing all those bottle tops. Of course, like you, I don’t care for chamomile. It’s even difficult to dye with, since it’s so pale.

    Both kids seem to be quite active, and a trip to Manhattan will have big J singing for month! I don’t suppose you can sign on as a chaperon!

    Thanks for sharing your chili feast, those gorgeous stamps, the kids activities, and the Tazo tea with us for T this Tuesday. That’s my favorite tea, too. I adore the sayings on the tags.

    Divers and Sundry
    25 Oct 2016

    I’d be a horrible judge of chili, since I always like chili lol I’d be afraid to provide a food that was to be judged, but I’d love to try everybody’s different chilis.

    That “lemon lift” is one of my favorite teas :)

    25 Oct 2016

    A chilli cook off sounds like fun – it’s always good to get together with friends! What fun you will have with those goodies! Great for J to be performing in Carnegie Hall! Have a great week! Hugs, Chrisx

    Carol Samsel
    25 Oct 2016

    Chili cook offs are so much fun!!! We have them at work to raise money for the Christmas party gifts. Some great chili are out there just looking for the chance to show off :)

    Erika N
    25 Oct 2016

    The chili cook off sounds fun. And wow- will you be a chaperone on this NY trip for singing at Carnegie Hall? Congrats-its such an honor for Mini-Me. Sounds like all is well. Happy T Day. Erika

    Dianne Carey
    26 Oct 2016

    So wonderful the way crafters share… gorgeous stamps. And wow, Carnegie Hall… that’s awesome!?

    27 Oct 2016

    Late , quick T stop fly by!!! Just didn’t have my act together this week… uuughh.. What a lovely crafty haul you have there! Hugs! deb

    Karla B
    30 Oct 2016

    Love that kitchen. Crafters always find way huh.Enjoy your stamps;Happy Halloween my friend!

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