T Tuesday: LOL edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

Today for T stands for Tuesday I had to share with you a laugh I got yesterday while I was out and about.

I was thirsty and decided to splurge a bit on a bottle of Kombucha while at Target. I love the stuff but it’s a bit hard on the wallet.

LOL edition

I opened the bottle then laughed so hard sitting there in my minivan at Target.  I’m sure the people around me though I was crazy!

LOL edition

This Tuesday is like most for me these days…busy, busy, busy.

I have done a bit of crafting and art journalling. I made a wreath
last week…

art journal snippet

And here’s a little snippet of an art journal page that I have yet to post about.

What are you doing today?

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: LOL edition
    Linda K
    27 Oct 2015

    I am already loving the feel and colors in your journal page and can’t wait to see it all Halle! Never had that drink but I imagine it does it’s job:):) Happy T day!

    27 Oct 2015

    I think your journal page will be fantastic! Love the message in the bottle of Kombucha! Have a happy T day and a great week, hugs, Valerie

    Dianne C.
    27 Oct 2015

    Looking forward to seeing the whole journal page…it looks wonderful! Have never heard of that soda, but that bottle cap is a hoot! …must be the probiotics listed on the label!? And is there a different assortment of messages on the labels, or all the same? Now I am going to have to look to see if we have that soda in Ohio…! Happy T day!

    Divers and Sundry
    27 Oct 2015

    I’ve never heard of the soda, but the bottle cap alone looks like it’s worth the price of admission lol

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    27 Oct 2015

    A tea with healthy side benefits (or backside, maybe)! Funny indeed. I’ve never tasted kombucha, so I’ll have to take your word for it.

    That sneak peek is wonderful. I adore the colors, too.

    Thanks for sharing your laugh, your kombucha, and your sneak peek with us for T this Tuesday.

    27 Oct 2015

    I’ve never heard of Kombucha soda or rhuberry for that matter. Is it a combination of rhubarb and some berry? Or is that too simple minded? Anything that makes you laugh out loud is certainly worth a splurge!

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    27 Oct 2015

    Kombucha will definitely move you ;-) LOL I have never seen the word “soda” on any brands before eventho it is always effervescent with a “do not shake” caution on the label. Oooh! those colors on your journal page peek = beautiful! Happy T Day oxo p.s. Today I am trying to not catch what Mr Magpie has. He hardly ever misses work but came home early today feeling rotten.

    27 Oct 2015

    I’m hearing about this drink for the first time. I think I should take a look at Target for this. Your journal page is already looking awesome. Love the rich colors you have used. Happy T day SusaN

    Rita McGregor
    27 Oct 2015

    I would have been laughing in the parking lot, too! Love the colors on that journal page. Happy T Day! :)

    Jill Holmes
    28 Oct 2015

    Ooh! I can hardly wait to see the finished page! Happy T-day, Halle!

    Karla B
    1 Nov 2015

    I am eager to see your journal page.Love the colors!I don’t know Kombucha but the name is super cool!Happy T Day! :)

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