T Tuesday: long time, no see edition

This Spring has been a real challenge for me to stay creative AND post about it…or even catch up with my blog friends. It’s been 10 days since my last post…ridiculous!

I did sit down and do a bit of creating last evening and finished this morning.

I kept adding layers to the background. In fact the paper I started with was oversized for my scrapbook journal. It was a purposeful choice. I wanted to just work on the layers, then cut it down the the part I loved the most.

My only regret is that the image I used of the woman buckled from the wet glue I used. It’s ok though…art journals are a perfect place for all those imperfections.

Speaking of layers and imperfections…

I love how my little stack of papers and fabric turned out. Frayed and torn but lovely.

Did any of you T Tuesday people notice the coffee mugs in the background? Yep I’m counting it.

This afternoon after returning from another funeral, I found this baby bird.

It was still alive and breathing really hard. I was afraid it had crashed into the patio door but looked ok. I checked on it on and off for a while. Finally I decided to go see if I could help or at the very least scare it enough to fly into the nearby tree with low branches.

After a few attempts it was able to find its way to the tree.

I texted my bird loving cousin, who I happened to had just seen at the funeral, asking what kind of bird it was. She is pretty sure its a Tennesse Warbler. I hope he/she is able to continue its migration with the rest.

I am happy to say that there are only 12 school days left of the year. Not that its been a bad year but I’m ready for a break…the kids are too. I have so many things I want to do this summer, way more than I’ll be able to fit in but it will certainly be fun to try!

What are you doing today?
15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: long time, no see edition
    21 May 2019

    A wonderful page Halle and I hope you could help this baby to get on it’s life journey with wings in a good way! Happy T Day!

    A message from Elizabeth: Elizabeth’s power is off. She wants us to know that the TSFT post will be up as soon as she is back online.


    Erika N
    21 May 2019

    I have 18 days of school left and they can’t go by fast enough. I get what you are saying. It is time for break. I love your art today. All that layering is really cool. And I hope the bird can catch up too. I always worry if they crash into a window. Happy T day Halle. Hugs-Erika

    21 May 2019

    Whoops, I posted the wrong website address. Just letting you know my comment will link up to Elizabeth’s blog.

    Divers and Sundry
    21 May 2019

    I love your layering! I need to work on that, as I tend to ignore depth as I’m making my little ATCs.

    I’m glad you were able to help the struggling bird. Happy T Tuesday!

    21 May 2019

    Beautiful page, Halle! I love the fabric bundle. That would be terrific on a card as well. The wrinkle on her neck doesn’t bother me at all. It belongs there in order to be a proper part of the overall page. Lovely bird. I hope she makes it.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    21 May 2019

    I really loved your page very much with all the layering-may try that. hopefully the little bird will be able to fly off soon. thanks for helping him/her Good to see you-Happy T wishes Kathy

    21 May 2019

    Wonderful page! I love the colors. I did spy the cups, and glad you counted them for the t party! Great to see you!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    21 May 2019

    That’s an incredible journal spread, dear Halle. Sorry I was late visiting and forgot to tell Sharon about you, too. DUH. I was definitely in need of caffeine. Loved the coffee cups in the journal page, and I agree that wet glue presents a problem with thin images. Thanks for dropping by and thanks for sharing this incredible spread with us for T this Tuesday. LOVE those layers of art goodies. Something I must try, too. You are SO inspiring.

    Kate Yetter
    21 May 2019

    Absolutely love your journal page this week. That rainbow of colors and all the texture you added is lovely. And the image with its little wrinkles fits in perfectly. That’s the best part of art journaling, there are no mistakes. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    22 May 2019

    The layers on your journal page look great and the material snippets look amazing as really draw the eye to look closer. They were lovely photos of the bird as well. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    22 May 2019

    Amazing artwork! I love dressmaking pattern tissue paper and the contrast of colours and that you used, so beautiful ?. The little bird is super cute, so glad you helped it out. Sorry to hear about the funeral and I hope the year gets better for you; it sounds like a busy summer, can’t wait to see what you have planned! Happy T Day wishes! Jo x

    22 May 2019

    Lovely artwork. I’m glad you spotted that poor bird and were able to try to help it. I hope it’s okay. Happy T-Day!

    Linda Kunsman
    22 May 2019

    lovely layers on your art page Halle. Glad that sweet bird was OK. Happy T day!

    22 May 2019

    Luscious layers and if you hadn’t mentioned the coffee cup, I wouldn’t have picked it up. Poor little bird, but glad he was ok. Today, I am gilding a piece to be presented to a gentleman at his 90th birthday party. Happy T Day

    23 May 2019

    Your journal page is fabulous Halle! Love how you created those layers. Well done for rescuing the bird – I hope he finds his way! I remember those countdown to the end of term days and the plans made…most of which were barely touched! Good Luck with yours!! Wishing you a belated Happy T Day! Chrisx

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