The days and weeks are flying by faster each day it seems. My creative energy burst from a few weeks ago has waned. The half-done projects remain just that – half done. Not enough progress to share.
Finding balance
I’m once again struggling with balance in life, work, home, and creativity. It happens every year. I should expect it, but here we are struggling. Questioning if I should take a blog break. Then questioning if I do – will I be more motivated later or less. Questioning if have enough interesting things to share so I’m not boring my audience week after week to the point of losing them.
I have discovered something about myself recently. I am not a multitasker. I have always considered myself good at this…but I am not.
This realization is a good thing. I just now need to figure out how to work with this new mindset. I’m thinking that I need to set certain days aside for certain things. Maybe not particular days such as Tuesday is sewing day and Wednesday is laundry day but penciling in time for the things I love as well as the things I must do.
T stands for Tuesday is one of those things that I do love to do and is time-sensitive. I’ve never been one to pre-schedule posts…honestly, it’s only happened a handful of times over the last decade. I am not saying that there is one single thing wrong with scheduled posts…the most successful bloggers do precisely that. It just has never been my style…mainly because I always had the time. This photo (without preplanning it) demonstrates me being divided between home and work life.
Moving forward
No, I am not quitting blogging. Nor am I quitting creating…or my job. I could really do with the housework but that’s not happening anytime soon. On the bright side, I am getting more help with those pesky household chores.
I am going to prioritize items on my need to/want to list. Figure out how to give time to each. Learn to let some things go. That even means some supplies. I have decided that I’m not making soap anymore. I’ve reached out to a friend who has a friend that makes soap. I’m hoping we can reach a barter of sorts. Finished soap for supplies. Today I glanced and saw all the yarn I have pressed against the wall of the plastic tote in which it resides. I think that just may be my next supply purge.
It’s all about the shoes
You know I have a long-standing self-imposed rule about not sharing photos featuring faces of family on my blog. And no I am not breaking that rule…I have strategically blocked out Mini-me’s face because I have to show you her amazing outfit for the Homecoming dance at school.
She was convinced by friends to go two days before the dance. She borrowed the dress which happened to fit her perfectly.
Check out those shoes!!! We went shopping the morning of the dance to a local outlet store that carries high-end clothing and shoes at fabulous prices if you can find your size. Lucky for Mini-me…she has tiny feet. The selection is vast and varied. She first found a pair of rose gold sparkly heels that would have looked lovely…in fact we bought them, Then she found these beauties. Since the two pair together would only cost $42 we went for it. As we were talking accessories I told her that she could totally pull those bold shoes off with the right accessories. She was skeptical at first but then I made her think about the color wheel and that the teal and red-orange are complentary colors. She looked amazing. Have I overused the word amazing?!? Nope. Never.
This week has me keepin’ on, keepin’ on. Working toward that elusive balance.
There have been times when I felt my life was out of balance, and I had bitten off more than I could chew. I’m sure in another month or so, you will have settled into your “winter” routine. It’s also good to be aware that there are others in your household who also have “jobs,” so distributing chores should be expected. This isn’t the 50s where the wife does it all, then dresses up for dinner, too.
I think your coffee photo, totally unplanned showed what your life is like at the moment. Thanks for sharing this with us for T this Tuesday.
Mini looks awesome in that dress and those shoes. She is a gorgeous young lady, too. And that HAIR! Wow!
I don’t think anyone multitasks really well, but I know what you mean as I work full time and try to make art time, family time, me time. There is just not enough time, is there? Your daughter looks fabulous and I love those shoes! Hope it was a great T day. Hugs-Erika
So glad to hear that you are staying here in blogland and continuing your crafting ?. You are quite right spending time doing things you love is important and although we don’t get as much time as we may like we can still make some time, housework is not a priority for me either …lol ?. Mini me looks so pretty in her dress but oh those shoes, I would have treated myself to them too – I love them! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
You have stated a lot of my very thoughts in this post. I have often thought, why do I blog, then remember why I began. It does get me motivated, and I love the sharing of ideas. I miss usually once a month; I give myself permission, and just don’t worry about it. I rarely schedule a post, and I rarely know what I am going to post, until I begin! So there, now you know. :) Your daughter looks amazing, yes, that is the right word! Happy belated T Day!
I think your blog has to be primarily for you, about things that interest you or that involve you. As your header says, it’s a peek at your eclectic life. I subscribe to your blog in a newsreader :) so I’ll see every time you post.
Those shoes! I was never much one for shoes and have past the point where my feet can function in heels, but oh! I do love those beauties :)
Happy T Day!
I think more and more of us are discovering that multitasking is not good for us or for the efficiency and quality of our results. Another fad dies and we can give a big sigh of relief.
Efficiency experts used to preach at us to organize our steps to get as much as possible done in every trip. Now we make a many trips as possible to maximize our step count – lol.
Mini-me looks lovely in her dress.
Happy T-day! Eileen xx
Now that I am retired I don’t multi task (or attempt it ). I make a little list of things I plan to do, that I need to do, and that i want to do. Then I work my way through the list. What doesn’t get done moves on to another time. I do have certain days that i do certain things. We go grocery shopping on Mondays and i clean the bathrooms on a Saturday (don’t ask me why). Wow! Mini-me looks gorgeous! Gosh her hair is so long and what a beautiful colour! And I love those shoes! I’m sorry I am late in commenting. We’ve been away camping on the coast and there was no wifi on the campsite. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca