T Tuesday: mixed media edition

Who knew that inspiration could strike while randomly gluing bits and pieces of paper from the scrap bin. Seriously…this is too weird. I was feeling the need to craft something…anything. I had watched a couple of YouTube videos of folks making these insanely beautiful collaged papers. Of course, the bits and pieces that they used were amazing. Pieces that I wouldn’t be “just trying to use up”. But this thought got me to put paper and glue together.serendipity background beginnings

I started with a double-page spread from a children’s music book. I added bits of paper from my scrap bin until I was pleased or in this case…just “done” with this process.serendipity background

Not bad right…not super but workable. I added some washi tape, stamping, and stickers.

Next, I took the sheet to my guillotine cutter and needed to decide how to chop this up.

serendipity background

I decided on three postcards and several tags or perhaps journal cards.

I added some paint and embellishments to the postcards before adhering them to plain paper. I then ran them through the sewing machine to make sure everything stayed firmly together.

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

Super fun!serendipity background

These are the completed pieces that are ready to use. The gaps are still WIP. Not sure what I’ll do with them but that’s ok.

I had so much fun with this process that I made another collage sheet.serendipity background

I have 5 postcards and 2 tags with a fun springtime vibe.

I made this sheet on Saturday…before this happened on Sunday.Merry Eastergiving

SNOW!! What a crazy weather day. Mini-me and I decided that we should say “Merry Eastergiving” since the outside said Christmas, I was making a Thanksgiving style meal with turkey, all on Easter Sunday for just the 4 of us.

The card in the collage above was made by a sweet friend of mine.  She is a tremendous card maker. I’ve been sending more cards lately. A card in the mailbox is a tiny bit of joy I can send someone. Just getting a handwritten card by a real person these days is nearly cause for celebration. We need that these days.

Distance learning continues at our house…both on the teaching and learning ends of things. chromebook styleMy school issued Chromebook is getting a workout. Stickers optional but fun indeed.

What are you doing today?
19 Thoughts on T Tuesday: mixed media edition
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    13 Apr 2020

    What incredible postcards you created. Very nicely done, too. Seems you have the motivation I have lost. After seeing your sewing, I don’t feel so bad about the tension on my paper. Maybe it’s just something we’ll have to learn to live with. I just wish I could figure why I keep breaking needles.

    I think your postcards are great recycling efforts, Halle, and I may just borrow your idea. The are great.

    We are forecast to have snow tonight or tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it, but I swear I saw a mosquito on Saturday while I was outside. I welcome the hard freezes to get rid of what the spring rains brought us.

    Thanks for sharing that drink (is it non-alcoholic ???) and your post cards, as well as your snow and Easter meal and card with us for T this almost Tuesday. Whoever made that card gets a 10 in my book.

    Kate Yetter
    13 Apr 2020

    Beautiful postcards and tags. I am loving the collage work that you made on the backgrounds. Loved seeing your process. A great way to use up scraps. Your Easter dinner looks delicious! Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Iris Flavia
    14 Apr 2020

    Beautiful works and the chicken babes really made me smile. You are right, handmade it is, that brings a bit of celebration-joy. Always, btw.

    14 Apr 2020

    Your postcards are fantastic, well done. Glad you are keeping occupied. Sorry about the snow! Your food looks great. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    14 Apr 2020

    Good morning, what a very fun craft project-thanks for sharing-I really love that you turned these into postcards and the tags-I agree happy mail brings smiles-I sent out a few Easter cards and I got several happy messages back that it made them smile. a wonderful way to connect. we are very isolated right now so it helped me too Happy T Kathy

    14 Apr 2020

    You’ve made a beautiful assortment of art pieces. I cringed when I saw your snow photo. Ugh. On Easter, no less! Where I am in Connecticut, the traffic on Easter actually looked like it does on Christmas Day: as in there was practically none. It was surreal. I’m glad you and your family had a nice Easter.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    14 Apr 2020

    Wow, what fabulous postcards! I love how they came together, the collage design is beautiful ?. The chick card made me smile as did your Happy Eastergiving, is it usual for you to have snow this time of year? Great to hear your online schoolwork is going ok ?. Wishing you a Happy T Day and keep well! Hugs, Jo x

    jan Spencer
    14 Apr 2020

    Your postcards are amazing, I love all the details you put into the collage and all the sewing, they are beautiful and so colourful. Can¡t believe you had snow but I guess it’s not so late in the year yet. Take Care, Happy T Day, Jan x

    Erika N
    14 Apr 2020

    I should show you my chromebook from school too. I agree about the stickers. And you made me laugh with the Merry Eastergiving. We had some snow last week too-just what we need in April, right? And loving the scrap art. Sometimes that is the best. Happy T day Halle.

    Lisca Meijer
    14 Apr 2020

    I totally agree that a handwritten card in the mailbox is a joy. That is why I do Postcrossing and i receive handwritten postcards on a regular basis. You should give it a try (www.postcrossing.com). Your tags and postcards are fabulous! Just sticking together a few bits and pieces has such an effect. I can’t believe it. Well done you. Snow? I had to smile at your Merry Eastergiving. Three holidays in one! Happy T-Day, Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home, Hugs, Lisca

    14 Apr 2020

    Your postcards are a fantastic idea to use up snippets and papers and how good it is to get mail. I’m complaining about the cold and thankful its not snow like you are getting just now. Stay safe and well. Yvonne xx Happy T day wishes.

    14 Apr 2020

    Snow??!! wow that would be crazy ~ I like how you improvised with a thanksgiving style meal :) I love your collage art! wonderful postcards and bookmarks and tags all from scraps made beautiful! Very inspiring. ~ Blessings

    Divers and Sundry
    14 Apr 2020

    I love the variety of colors you included :)

    Snow! Wow! We have a frost warning here for tonight. I’m ready for hot weather :( Your meal sounds like fun. We’re having to be flexible these days.

    Happy T Tuesday!

    14 Apr 2020

    Great Art collage pages Halle !! Love the way you turned them, into cards and tags. Lovely and happy your second page. Great card ! Happy T-day ! Your meal may be delicious. Have a nice afternoon, stay safe and well Big hugs, Caty

    14 Apr 2020

    Spectacular collages. And the conga line chickies on the card cracked me up, too fun. And snow ? I have a friend from Rochester, MN she said they would get anywhere from 5 inches to 11 billion! I hope you didn’t get that much. Merry Eastergiving. Take care and Happy T Day

    15 Apr 2020

    Your collage page process does sound like fun, Halle. Especially when you get such great results!

    We had an “interesting” Easter too. Darling card made by your friend.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    Rita McGregor
    15 Apr 2020

    Oh! Oh! I see my pretty postcard that says homemade on it!!! Yes, cards in the mail do just bring a smile, indeed! That’s a cute one you got with the chicks.

    You really have been busy! Making art, yummy meals, and distance learning, too. Stay safe and well all of you. :)

    Dianne B Carey
    16 Apr 2020

    Your postcards are truly stunning, I love them! and yeah, snow. only we just got a few flurries, nothing that ‘stuck’ like yours did. (insert gasp here) your family is lucky to have you to cook a great meal for Easter! Happy Spring! ;)

    17 Apr 2020

    Your cards and tags look really fabulous! What brilliant inspiration – I am definitely giving this a go! Turkey for easter sounds like a very good idea! Belated happy T day, Chrisx

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