T Tuesday: one last stitch edition

I wasn’t sure I’d get another one in before my month of guest hosting on Art Journal Journey comes to an end…but I did!

I still had a pretty big piece of masterboard left over and noticed a pretty paper pad I had yet to have used. The colors went perfectly.

These mid century colors lend themselves to a more whimsical time yet full of tradition. Since I am adding this page to my three ring binder journal I was free to use super bulky objects such as the metal key and miniature frame. Both items have been rattling around in my stash for over a decade, So happy to finally use them!!

I began the search for a small vintage image but then this little guy caught my eye. I fell in love. He is just the right touch of whimsy I needed.

All I had left were the perfect words…and since I got this one finished at the final hours…I guess we did have time.

Art Journal Journey
I had to share this too…last week when I posted my By Midnight  journal page on Instagram, I had someone famous in the crafting world comment on my collage.
Mark Mortano is the author of the Big Ass book of crafts series, TV host and a designer.  Not gonna lie…that felt good to be recognized by a professional designer.
Since it’s also T stands for Tuesday as well I will share my obligatory drink and a bit about my week,
My garden is still going gangbusters…I think I’ll be canning some beans real soon.
Speaking of going gangbusters….I’ve been walking… walking a lot.
Here are a few photos I snapped along the way.
Those photos are three different lakes within easy walking distance of my house.
Gosh, I love summer in Minnesota!
I got this graphic in my email just a bit ago…
so yeah…I guess I did walk quite a bit last week. LOL
If its not raining…I’ll be walking!
What are you doing today?
17 Thoughts on T Tuesday: one last stitch edition
    29 Jun 2020

    Good evening, I love your new journal page and that was my first thought-I love the colors. Your garden looks great, and you have a lovely place for walking-enjoy I need to get back doing that-but it’s been really hot and humid here. Happy T wishes Kathy

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    30 Jun 2020

    Your final stitch was just in time. I loved it. The pastels are wonderful, as are the elements you used, including the bunny in the frame and the key. This turned out great as a final entry for your theme this month at Art Journal Journey. You have been a fantastic host and given us many inspirational entries, too. Thanks so much for being our host for June, Halle.

    BTW, I’ve never heard of Mark Montana, but if you have, that’s all that matters. A real feather in your cap, too.

    Your garden is looking amazing. I wish I had even a small space I could devote that didn’t get overrun with bermuda grass. Yours is doing SO well.

    You take amazing walks. I can’t believe you walked as many miles as you have in a week. That must be incredibly inspiring.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful art, your walks, your garden update, and your ice cold drink with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    30 Jun 2020

    our journal is again so enchanting I love it and the saying. You have to be a romantic to create such a fascinating side. Great who comments everything, you are also very good be proud of it. Thank you for this nice month to be able to participate in your topic. I wish you a nice start to the new month of July, greetings Elke

    30 Jun 2020

    Lovely art journal page. It’s nice to get recognized by a professional. Your garden looks fantastic. It’s good that you have so many nice nearby places to walk. Happy T-Day!

    Nancy Williams
    30 Jun 2020

    Fab page – love the lace, the pretty colors, and the gold. It all works together so nicely for your last page. Thanks for hosting this month – I enjoyed your theme.

    Proud of your walking and wish I had done as much! Lovely pictures from your walks!

    30 Jun 2020

    Its a fabulous final page for your art Journal Journey theme Halle, Thank you for all the inspiration you have given and shared with us this past month. I do love the sweet image and the lovely colour shades you used. Super photos from your walks and garden, stay safe . Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    30 Jun 2020

    Gorgoeous page, Halle. I want to learn more about masterboards. You’ve made such beautiful pages from them.

    Mark Montano – wow!

    Beautiful photos. I’m impressed with your step counts! One day last week, I actually walked more than 10,000 steps. That’s a first for me.

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    Lisca Meijer
    30 Jun 2020

    That looks like a great page for the ‘stitch’ theme. I love vintage, and this has a vintage feel about it. I’ve not heard of Mark Montana, but he is obviously famous, so congratulations. Now you hear it from an expert! It was great to see pictures from your walk. I have posted pictures from mine, and it is interesting how environments differ. Your area is green! (because there is water near.) Mine is brown and dry, but beautiful nevertheless. Well done for doing so many steps. (I don’t know how many I do. I don’t have a step counter) Wishing you a very happy T-Day, Hugs (These ones are allowed, but oh I so crave real hugs), Lisca

    Linda Kunsman
    30 Jun 2020

    Love your final collage for the stitch in Time theme at AJJ- pretty colors and layers! Good for you with all the steps too. I no longer have a counter and I don’t miss it either, i pretty much know what I do and refuse to compete with myself;) Beautiful sights along your walk. Didn’t know you were on IG- will see if I can find you. Happy T day!

    Kate Yetter
    30 Jun 2020

    I am loving your journal page! Those colors certainly are fabulous and that framed bunny makes me pretty happy as well. Your walks take a beautiful path especially near the water. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Divers and Sundry
    30 Jun 2020

    Congrats on getting noticed by someone who knows good work when they see it :)

    That glass and straw make me smile. Your garden is gorgeous. I find myself drawn to your wooded and lakeside walking spots. Peaceful :)

    30 Jun 2020

    Great to get those walks in! Way2go :) Love your pages and your garden ~ Happy T day!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    30 Jun 2020

    How wonderful to receive that comment – you deserve it, I always love your art! That drink looks very refreshing and I loved seeing your beautiful garden ?. Thanks so much for being such a wonderful host this month at AJJ too, it was such a great theme! Sending you Happy T Day wishes and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

    Erika N
    30 Jun 2020

    This is a great final page The bunny is adorable and is the perfect centerpiece for your page. Love those fun colors too. And congrats on all your walking. I’ve had a couple of interruptions in my walking as it got really hot and now its really wet. Oh well, hopefully soon. Hope it’s been a nice T day. Hugs-Erika

    1 Jul 2020

    This is really a whimsical piece. Your attention to detail is excellent. The photos of your walk are lovely too. It looks like a peaceful area.

    CJ Kennedy
    1 Jul 2020

    Adorable page. Reminds me of an updated Alice in Wonderland. Congrats on being recognized for you collage. Your garden looks great. You’ll be able to climb those bean stalks to the sky soon. Lovely area for a walk, too. Happy T Day

    2 Jul 2020

    I really love this page Halle! It’s good to use stash up that’s been around for a while! How lovely to have a comment from someone you admire too! Your garden looks most productive, nothing like veg straight from the garden! You took some lovely sights in on your walks and what a lot of steps. I love getting those feedback reports, especially when they are up on the previous week! Belated T Day Wishes! Chrisx

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