T Tuesday: state fair edition

Last Tuesday Mini-me and I decided to go to the MN State Fair. We hadn’t been for 5-6 years. We got up early to take the express bus to the fair which is about a 45 min trip via bus during rush hour.

As you can see by the long shadows, we were there early. In fact so early that most of the things we wanted to do and eat weren’t even open yet. Hmmm…makes me wonder what one does at the fair before 9 am.

Eventually, we had “breakfast”…Sweet Marthas cookies. They are fresh from the oven. This bucket holds an entire tray of cookies…of course you have to eat a bunch to even get the lid on. Challenge accepted. Ok, we failed but did have a baggie with to put the extras.  You may not see a drink in frame but trust me …there was lots of water consumed. I wish we had thought about getting milk. Now THAT would have been good.

We toured some of the barns, the education building and checked out the crafts entered in the state fair competition. After the fact, I found out that at least one person I know had entered her knitting and received a ribbon.

By about 11:30, it was starting to get a bit crowded. Not overly so but enough that we began thinking about what exactly we wanted to see before heading for the bus.

I think we left at a good time because I looked up the attendance on the State fair website site and saw that last Tuesday set an all-time attendance record for that day of the fair,

image credit

I know that we weren’t the most efficient at seeing the sights of the fair at least according to my Fitbit data for the day.

I know that all those steps hardly made a dent in the calories I actually consumed that day. Oof.

Tuesday means back to school for me and Mini-me. J already has a week of sophomore year college under his belt. Mini-me said the other day…”Do you realize that now I’m an upperclassman and J is a lower classman?” It’s the little things I guess.

What are you doing today?
14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: state fair edition
    2 Sep 2019

    We have lots of small fairs here in NH, nothing big like your state fair. It looks like a lot of fun. I haven’t been to a fair in about 5 years either. And i like that breakfast. As long as it isn’t a habit I think it is just fun. Happy T day. I guess you are back to school now also. Hugs-Erika

    2 Sep 2019

    I always loved going to the fair-we haven’t been one since moving to Missouri almost 20 years ago now but the fairs that are closeby are not all that great-I do love a good fair though-Happy T wishes Kathy

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    3 Sep 2019

    Our state fair is going on right now, too. It’s amazing, since the carnival and rides come up from Texas, then OK, then KS, then NE, etc. ND’s is usually the first of October. Seems odd, since you are one state over from them that your fair is the same time as ours.

    I could have eaten all those cookies, Halle. Trust me! You would have gotten the lid on the bucket had I been there (grin). Thanks for sharing your cookies and water not in the photos with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, it looked a bit crowded to me!

    So does that mean Mini-me is a junior? How did I miss a year?

    3 Sep 2019

    Sounds like afun day at the fair, and those cookies look wonderful, yummy! Glad you managed so many steps, too. Good luck to your kids for their studies this year. Happy T Day, Valerie

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    3 Sep 2019

    Such a great trip but it’s all those cookies that caught my eye …lol ?. Wow, that’s a big tub of them and they look so delicious, I’m off to raid the biscuit/cookie cupboard now …lol ?. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    3 Sep 2019

    Great fair, wow! Happy T-Day Halle!

    3 Sep 2019

    It sounds like a super away day, the fair must have been crowded later in the day. The bucket of cookies looks delicious. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

    3 Sep 2019

    Wow! Those are a lot of cookies! A real yummy breakfast. The Fair sounds fun, although you didn’t show that many photos of the things you wanted to see. Your card from Yellowstone Park has arrived!! Thank you so much. I got it today so it is not yet on my blog. I love it. The name of the underlined feature is obliterated by the date stamp so I have not been able to read it. It looks like a crater. Anyway, I find all these things fascinating and you are so lucky to have been able to see it. Stamps are lovely too. (I love that necklace) Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    Divers and Sundry
    3 Sep 2019

    Oh, your fair post brings back fond memories! Our Mid-South fair moved over the state line into Mississippi years ago and got smaller. The little Delta Fair and music festival we got in its place is even smaller by comparison. Sad. There’s not a roller coaster at either one. I’ve never seen cookies like that at the fair. They look worth the trip all by themselves :) Happy T Tuesday!

    Sharon Madson
    3 Sep 2019

    Wow! Yes, I would accept that cookie challenge, too. At least you have some left to take home and eat with milk. They look so good. I am impressed with your steps that day, and with the number of people there that day, too. It seems, here that it is always so hot when they have the state fair in September. We used to go with friends, and eat lunch there and walk, walk, visit barns, walk. I think we are too old now. Happy T day!

    3 Sep 2019

    Oooh, those cookies. I would have been jonesing for fried dough or elephant ears. Sounds like a fun outing with your daughter. Had to laugh at her perspective on status. Happy T Day

    4 Sep 2019

    That fair looks like a fun place to go. Those cookies looked delicious and I could almost smell them fresh out of the oven. Happy (belated) T-Day! (I’m late commenting.)

    5 Sep 2019

    Those chocolate chip cookies look delicious, Halle! Looks like a fun trip to the fair. I’m impressed by your step count. My all time high is 11,000.

    What am I doing today? I’m coming very late for tea ?

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    6 Sep 2019

    OOhh this fair is fantastic Halle !! Enjoy it. I´m afraid I ´d like to eat some of these cookies…. yummy ! I wish you a very nice weekend, and send big hugsss Caty

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