T Tuesday: summer days edition

Nothing beats summer in Minnesota if you ask me. It’s the reason we put up with the harsh winters.

I’ve been trying to get myself back on track with walking in the morning. I like to do it as early as possible but some mornings I can’t seem to get the lead out.

I’m so fortunate to have beautiful and well maintained places to walk. Just around the bend of the above photo I spotted a place where the fairies live. :)

It was so cute. I’m glad the park service let it stay there.

As I continued on my walk I got to our city center park which hosts a carnival and street dance the 3rd of July. Everyone was working hard to get things set up for the afternoon. Mini-me and I went up for a little while and hung out with our neighbors. It’s always a good time.

Yesterday Mini-me and I walked at the MN Landscape Arboretum. They have a nice 3 mile walking trail that we enjoy. There are benches of varying ages throughout the walk to rest or contemplate.

My garden is doing quite well. I’ve harvested 2 cucumbers and 2 jalapenos so far.

I’m hoping the tomatoes will begin to ripen soon.

Today has me working on some boring chores in the house. I got my walk in though. I plan to spend more time outside as well even if it’s just weeding.
What are you doing today?
7 Thoughts on T Tuesday: summer days edition
    9 Jul 2024

    What a gorgeous park you have been to, and that place for the fairies is simply adorable! Nature never fails to surprise me!

    Traude "Rostrose"
    9 Jul 2024

    Dear Halle, your first photo is already gorgeous. If this is what summer in Minnesota looks like, it is really perfect. You have brought back some very pretty impressions from your walks, the fairy house photo is delightful. There is not much to harvest in our garden yet.

    All the best from Austria and happy T-Day, Traude


    9 Jul 2024

    What a gorgeous park you have been to, and that place for the fairies is simply adorable! Nature never fails to surprise!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    9 Jul 2024

    I would have been by sooner, but my keyboard batteries died and I had to recharge them.

    That is a beautiful area to walk. It looks really cool under the tree canopy. How adorable you found a fairy home. Someone was very clever.

    I’ve always been leery of those carnival rides that go from town to town. But I suspect there were lots of other great things at the carnival and street dance.

    Your garden is looking good. I have already had over three dozen cherry tomatoes, but no romas this year. They are getting hard to find and I am not good with tomato seeds. I’m sure it’s a great way to start your day, which includes your coffee.

    Thanks for sharing your walks, the carnival, and your veggies, as well as your coffee, with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    C J
    10 Jul 2024

    Winter lasts 10 months of the year so I don’t mind the heat and humidity of Summer. The fairy door looks like it leads to the Mines of Moria. Speak friend and enter. Happy T Day

    Erika N
    9 Jul 2024

    That looks like a great walking trail Halle. I feel the same way about New Hampshire as you do about Minnesota. The nice weather makes up for the long winters. Your garden is looking great. I hope you had a super T day. hugs-Erika

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Jul 2024

    What beautiful scenery! It looks refreshing to my eye.

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