At my school the last day is grade level field trips. I went with 7th grade to Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America. Nothing like setting 6 bus loads of kids free at the mall (and that was just from our school).
We walked in under this beautiful and interactive art installation.
There was a rope attached with a sign that read “Pull rope to help her fly“. The kids had fun helping her flap her wings. Here’s a little news clip about it if you’d like to see more including a video of it in motion.
I went on 3 rides during our time at the mall. The first was the worst…hard on the body…very jerky, spinny and not for the feint of heart. The second was also pretty scary but not so hard on the body.
All those teal twists and turns made me scream a few times much the the glee of the students.
This was the view from the Ferris wheel…nice and slow with a great view of the park.
Over the weekend I did some outdoor sprucing up. I stitched up some new buntings for my gardens…
FYI…My glass of water is just out of frame on the step in adherence with T stands for Tuesday.
And refreshed some metal garden art…
I used several cans of spray paint to brighten up the flower. I’m not sure I love it but it’s so much better than before!
This little sign really needed help and a 3D element. I had two of these metal flowers. They have a metal pin out from the back. I used a tie tack back and a washer to hold it on the sign. IT hangs from a shepherds hook along the front walk.
Today I took Mini-me to take her drivers test…and she passed!! Then I sent her to Target on an errand.
Woot! She did great. She is so happy…so am I! Now she can drive herself to work and school and volleyball and well you get the picture…
Tuesday morning we are getting a new roof put on the house. I know…super exciting. I’ve got all kinds of busy work to do in the house while the nail guns are hammering.
It might be a challenge to take all those kids to the mall amusement park but it has to be way better than sitting in the classroom. I have heard about the Mall of America but wow, it is something else, isn’t it? Your garden is looking great too. Good luck with the new roof installation. And happy T day. Hugs-Erika
oh my, i would die if i had to go into such a rollercoaster thingy LOL … faint at heart, as you say correctly;) nice pics! have a great week:)
That seemed a fun trip to take the students on for the end of term. I don’t know if our Health and Safety rules here in the UK would allow it, it would take an large number of staff to be in attendance as well. Your garden looked lovely the sprayed flower looks so bright and cheerful. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx
Wow, what a fabulous post! The Mall art installation and rides look amazing, I really enjoyed joining you and would like to go on the rides and pull the butterfly wings …lol ?. I’m loving your garden artwork, you are so talented! Many congratulations to Mini-me on passing her driving test too – woo hoo! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Jo x
I really enjoyed seeing the MOA and this play area. Sounds like you had as much fun as the kids. Brave you on the rides.
Your garden areas are looking good. Most impressive with the new buntings. Great use of fabric scraps, too. Nice save on the metal art, too.
Congrats to Mini-me. How awesome. Yet another milestone in hers and your lives.
Thanks for taking us to MOA and sharing your week with us for T this Tuesday.
wow,what a wonderful images,so looks so happy and iam glad you had fun with this. thanks for stop by to my blog.
hugs jenny
I’ve never seen rides at a mall except for the occasional carousel, but it looks like fun to me. I do love a Ferris wheel.
I like your metal flower, both before and after :) Happy T Tuesday!
The Young One and I visited the Mall of America about 10 years ago now. Fortunately, my friend also brought her daughter so I didn’t have to go on that ride! The merry go round is more my speed though I did enjoy the flume ride. Your garden looks so nice. I like what you did with the metal sculptures. Congrats to Mini on getting her license. What will you do with all that free time? Happy T Day!
Great photos of the Mall of America. (I’ve heard about it, but didn’t realize how fun it was inside!) Your yard looks nice and green. Congratulations to mini-me getting her license. That is an exciting time. Happy T-Day!
The butterfly installation is amazing, Halle. You’re very brave. I haven’t been on a thrill ride since I did the parachute drop in 8th grade on a school field trip!
I love your welcome sign and how you repainted the metal flowers.
Congrats to Mini-Me! On her first try, right?
Enjoy your summer vacation!!!
Happy T-day! Eileen xx
Wow! What a great school trip for the kids, maybe not the adults who have to keep tract of them though. Amazing entry way! I wish I could see the Mall of America! You did a great job re-furbishing your garden elements. What a difference. Congrats to your daughter on her drivers license. Our granddaughter has her learners, but will be 16 this month, so soon will be driving! Happy T Day!
Wow, your artwork is beautiful … I like it, especially the 3D door hangers.
Your idea is inspiring
What a wonderful day with the kids Halle !! Amazing your garden, and I love this metal flower! Congratulations to your daughter, you may be very happy. I wish you a very nice new week, Big hugs, Caty