The start to the school year has been a bit rocky…stress levels are up. I’m hoping everything is settling down now. My most recent posts seem to have been mostly about gardening. This one will touch on that as well.
Additionally, I have taken a little time to be creative. Some cards and a few journal pages.
I can safely say that my gardening days this season are numbered. I pulled up the shed garden and amended the soil with the compost from the bin. Yay, free! I’ve also started emptying pots and composting the spent plants for future compost.
I pulled up half of my carrots. They are small but mighty good. I’m just impressed that I successfully grew carrots…they were not looking good all summer.
Marvin is in the display case at school for our “pet show”. I wish I had taken a wide shot…there are over half a dozen photos of named chickens as well…makes me smile and giggle a bit.
Blogging seems to be getting harder for me even though I REALLY love it. The problem seems to be that I am not scheduling time for it. I sit down and before I realize it, I have squandered hours of time on idle pursuits…down the proverbial rabbit hole on Pinterest or YouTube. Or bingeing a series on Netflix. I know I am not the only person who struggles with this…those platforms would not be as successful as they are without the continual audience.
I know some of my struggle is learning what my new normal feels like. What I have time for, what I should be doing vs what I want to do vs what actually needs to be done. Look at me, verbally processing with you….
I literally have pages of notes and ideas of content for the blog. Some are just rough ideas. Others are plans for projects not yet started or works in progress. Additional ideas for reworking of old content…so many things. I feel as if I have analysis paralysis. I can’t decide what to do, so I do nothing.
Does that ever happen to you?
Hurrah for your carrots. Chipmunks ate the tops off of mine, and new leaves are growing back, so I hope I get some carrots. But like you, I have been cleaning up some gardens. Sadly, it is that time. I’m loving your journal pages and cards too. Glad you found some time to create and let a little steam off. Does Marvin know he is a celebrity? Hope it was a super T day Halle. Hugs-Erika
Himsel got some little carrots, too, and the tops were delicious, too. I found it helps to have a theme like Tuesday T Day. I also do most of my blog posts for the week on Sunday. If blogging every day is too much, consider blogging less days. 1, 2, however many days makes blogging fun and not a chore for you. Love the cards and Marvin
LOVE the photo of Marvin. Your garden is still pretty with flowers at least. I’ve read that autumn carrots are even better than spring carrots. They sure look good.
Your cards are wonderful and your journal spread is beautiful. I can relate to the paralysis. I have it right now, and I post every day. For some reason, I just can’t get it together. Thanks for sharing your cards, your journal pages, your carrots, Marvin, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. I hope we both find our rhythm soon.
Those carrots look like they’d be tasty in a salad. It’s fun to have your own produce to eat :)
I tend to do all my blogging prep on the laptop. I also pre-schedule posts in either complete form or in stages along the road to completion.
Marvin is a celebrity now! Seen by the whole school! I think it’s a fun idea as most families have a pet of some sort. Yes, the growing season is gone. Your carrots look great and I bet they taste very good. Gosh I am impressed that you plan your blogs. I never do, but I suppose it’s easy for me. I just pick up a postcard and find something interesting to write about it. (or the stamp). You could tell us about your day, abut the school, stories about your pupils (without naming them). What do you teach? Tell us about that. Or about a lesson that went down particularly well with the pupils. What is the current talking point in the teacher’s lounge. Don’t plan, just give us a glimpse of your life. Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
That sounds very familiar – I actually hate it when I waste time with Pinterest and Instagram, but I still do it. I have become better, but there are still days when it feels bad. I do most of my gardening in the morning when it is still cool. I’m re-designing my garden right now, I had let go of some plants over the summer because of water conservation, got rid of everything that was struggling and am now getting into fall planting. It’s exciting, but also hard labor. I do like your cards and journal pages.
Fabulous journal cards and pages. When I gardened, carrots were all I could grow successfully! LOL They got huge and I would harvest them all at the same time. I can remember putting them under the faucet outside and washing the dirt off of them. I would wash and slice and blanch and freeze for casseroles or carrot breads or cakes. I was sure energetic in my youth! LOL As for do I end up doing nothing when I can’t think what to do? Yes, a lot of weeks, I end up not posting my blog at all. So, you are not alone.