T Tuesday: two posts collide edition

Last updated : February 28, 2016

It’s a two for one deal here at Halle’s Hobbies… I’m linking up with both Art Journal Journey and T stands for Tuesday today.

Why you say? I decided to embrace my word of the year and enjoy the meeting of two worlds instead of stressing over it.  Technically they’ve met. :) This is one of the things about the blogging community that I really enjoy. So much crossover and one blog leads to another and soon you’ve went down the rabbit hole but learned so much along the way.

The Winter wonderland theme this month on AJJ gave me the opportunity to play with a new supply.

Winter Wonderland supply | Halle's Hobbies

It came in a box of paint from a garage sale. I wasn’t sure that I’d ever use it. Since I was using my sturdy board book heART journal, I knew it would hold up to the weight and wetness factor of the paste.

Winter Wonderland art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I am certainly glad I kept it. Look at the texture it provides. And the sparkle! The photo capture of the sparkle is nothing compared to the real deal. It really does look like snow glistening in the sunlight on a crisp Winter day.

Winter Wonderland art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

Winter Wonderland art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I used this stencil with a palette knife to create the snowman.

Winter Wonderland supply | Halle's Hobbies

Winter Wonderland art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I wish you could feel this page. So much texture on the background and the snow is soft. A really unexpected result for me even with the jars claim.

Winter Wonderland art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

 I hope my T stands for Tuesday friends have enjoyed my latest journal page.

In keeping with the rules spirit of T day, I’m sharing my beverage as well as the healthy breakfast I enjoyed yesterday.

T Tuesday enjoying healthy breakfast | Halle's Hobbies

What else does the day have in store?

T Tuesday | Halle's Hobbies

For starters, the transfer of important dates from one calendar to the next. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to keep a paper calendar since most everything is kept electronically now. But a hard copy is always good. When I rely on technology, that’s when it fails me.

I’m also going to tackle taking down Christmas decor, get in a little exercise and sort paperwork for taxes. I actually started our taxes yesterday. I hate waiting on this. I really like to know where we stand.

What are you doing today?

16 Thoughts on T Tuesday: two posts collide edition
    5 Jan 2016

    What a wonderful post, love your beautiful journal page, and I am sure I need some of that glitter snow! Your breakfast looks very good, I had a banana and coffee, as always. Happy T day, Happy 206, hugs, Valerie

    Donna, Doni, Lady D
    5 Jan 2016

    A fun piece. Love that you made it with hearts. hugs, Donna

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    5 Jan 2016

    I still keep a paper calendar on the wall in the kitchen maybe out of habit but I like them and rely on it to keep appointments. Paper is good :-) Your snowman pages are great Halle! Lovely texture and the sparkle and glisten of snow is one of the magical things I enjoy so much about snow. Happy T Day and you are right about how fun all of the connections in blogland are! oxo

    5 Jan 2016

    Love the shape of the pages and the great texture that the snow adds to the project. Thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey

    Love Chrissie xx

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    5 Jan 2016

    Well I’m certainly ENJOYing your word of the year with that lovely AJJ spread in your heART AB. Sometimes supplies can sit for YEARS before I find a use for them, and then I think how fortunate I am to have hung onto the stuff. I’m sure you were too, when you saw the AJJ challenge this month. I bet we see more of that snow in the not too distant future. And of course, I love how you created your snowman, too.

    Your breakfast looks healthy, and the fresh cilantro adds a special touch. I’m also trying to eat healthy this year, but not when I cook for Sally, apparently.

    The only difference between you and me with calendars, is I record the time AFTER the event, not before. But I love that you are still keeping a calendar, even if it’s just for reminders. I agree with Patty. Paper is GOOD.

    Thanks for sharing your altered book page, your calendar, and your really yummy breakfast with us for T this Tuesday, dear Halle.

    Dianne C.
    5 Jan 2016

    I love the textured snow on your pages, and great quote too!! you’ve also reminded me that I need to attend to my 2016 calendar. It will be good to remember 2015 happenings as I transfer over the dates to remember… guess I am getting old– I wasn’t too excited to see snow yesterday! lol!

    5 Jan 2016

    I have wondered about this glitter snow, thanks for a product review…..now I may have to pick some up…*grin* Now that my tummy has seen your breakfast it is screaming for some too…..must go feed it, only it gets the same protein drink and coffee as yesterday….LOL Happy T-day

    Divers and Sundry
    5 Jan 2016

    I did enjoy your snowman piece. I love how it turned out. That red and white mug is attractive, too.

    I agree with you that the meetings in the blogging community are enjoyable. I’ve had my horizons expanded :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

    Linda K
    5 Jan 2016

    love the sparkly texture on your wintry pages! I’ve seen that product but I just use molding or embossing paste and if I want shimmer I add glitter to the mix before applying it. Your breakfast looks SO good! And I only use paper calendars-still:) Happy new year and happy T day too!

    5 Jan 2016

    Your snow scene is cool–no pun intended! I’m taking down the Christmas decorations today, too in between cups of tea. Winter has hit here and it is only about 13 degrees.

    I keep a paper calendar, too.

    5 Jan 2016

    Wow.. what amazing texture with this ! Fabulous pages Halle ! Thanks a lot for linking to Art Journal Journey! I also use paper calenders. It’s a must have for me! oxo Susi

    Rita McGregor
    5 Jan 2016

    That glitter snow really does look dimensional and shimmery–but soft, too? Fun! I used a calendar for decades. Switched over to a planner in 1999 and used lots of notebooks for lists until I started adding a bullet journal last year. There are still a lot of us who haven’t gone digital. (My DIL just shakes her head.) Happy I made it around this week. Happy T-Day! :)

    5 Jan 2016

    I love your snowy scene! Your breakfast looks so good – we try to have a healthy breakfast. .most days!! Although I enter dates into my phone diary we still like a calendar on the wall! Hugs, Chrisx

    Sharon Fritchman
    9 Jan 2016

    WOW! I absolutely LOVE your gorgeous little snowman scene! It is absolutely beautiful and perfect for the winter prompt! I love, LOVE how you used your new glitter snow!

    9 Jan 2016

    i love the heart shape of your Journal, the frosty pages are delightful! oh, happy belated t-day also:)

    Karla B
    10 Jan 2016

    Fabulous pages Halle!The texture is amazing!Happy T day:)!

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