T Tuesday: waste not edition

Last updated : April 11, 2016

Here I am, once again, at dark thirty writing my T stands for Tuesday post in between getting kids up and making lunches. Perhaps of these days…weeks…years…I’ll get the habit of preplanning these things. I think it’s my personality though to wait and see where life takes me.

T Tuesday waste not edition | Halle's hobbies

Today I wanted to share a couple of things I did this week to repurpose items that would have been thrown away or in this first case, composted.

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making apple cider vinegar. I’ve read numerous posts on this old fashion technique. Usually this time of year we have apples coming out of our ears from our neighbor’s trees. This year happened to be a poor production year with their trees.

Homemade apple cider vinegar t tuesday waste not edition | Halle's hobbies

I did have a couple organic store bought apples that we’re definitely past their prime. Not wanting to completely waste expensive apples, I decided to experiment. The recipes or tutorials I read used peels and cores but I’m certain that using the whole apple will work just fine. I sterilized my quart mason jar in the dishwasher then filled it with the chopped apples. I used spring water to completely cover the apples. A scrap of cloth was placed under the ring to allow it to breath. I placed it in our basement storage room while it does its magic. Hopefully by Christmas, I’ll have some homemade apple cider vinegar.

The second waste not piece of this post was using a paper scrap in an unexpected way.

t tuesday waste not edition | Halle's hobbies

The scrap started as a misprinted Christmas letter from last year. Then it protected my journal from paint and sprays, glues and inks.

t tuesday waste not edition | Halle's hobbies

Now it’s the base of a new art journal page. Who know where this page will take me.

Do you use any “throw away” items in unexpected ways? I’d love to hear about them…



15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: waste not edition
    10 Nov 2015

    Love your recycling ideas, and hope that the apple vinegar will be good. I am not one for planning in advance either, more of a muddler, but it suits me. I like to reuse old envelopes, book pages and everything possible in collages. Have a lovely T day, hugs, Valerie

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    10 Nov 2015

    Eager to hear how your vinegar turns out. I am always using bits of this and that instead of throwing them away. Sometimes it feels like a sickness LOL That said your saved letter with paint mop up looks fabulous and special already. Happy T Day Halle oxo

    10 Nov 2015

    Yes i love recycling in that way and do my best to rack my brain to of something to make with throw away items… And once i get my craft room set up i hope to do even more!! Happy tday!!! Hugs! deb

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Nov 2015

    I love reading how people recycle/upcycle instead of throwing things away. It’s an encouragement to me to do better in that. :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

    10 Nov 2015

    When apples are starting to get past their prime or are bland tasting, I always turn them into applesauce, but apple cider vinegar is an interesting alternative. Looking forward to hearing how it turns out.

    I keep saving scraps of paper and this and that, but somehow have way more than I think I will ever use. Maybe I should get busy on my journals! Happy T Day!

    10 Nov 2015

    I really do not have the room, it takes,to keep all the things I’d like to recycle, but on occasion something catches my eye and my heart will not let it go.

    Looking forward to seeing how long it will take to get your vinegar.

    Happy T-day

    Dianne C.
    10 Nov 2015

    wow, love that ‘waste page’ as the background in the journal spread…very cool! you will have to let us know how the vinegar turns out. it will probably be much more flavorful than what we buy in the store! happy T day!

    Linda K
    10 Nov 2015

    hope your apple cider vinegar turns out well. It sure looks good! I love using my under papers full of marks and paints for background pages too. Happy T day!

    10 Nov 2015

    like that textural page and never tried apple vinegar looks good

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Nov 2015

    I look forward to seeing how the apple cider vinegar turns out. Not something I’ll ever try because I’m allergic to vinegar. But I might make some for others if yours turns out OK.

    You needn’t ask if I recycle. That’s why every room in my house is overflowing with art recyclables now. I try to use my mop-up page made out of red rosin paper, to wrap my Christmas gifts. But this year, I think the “pickings” will be a bit slim.

    Thanks for sharing your recycled items and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday. And repeat after me: Plan ahead!

    Lisca Meijer
    10 Nov 2015

    No I don’t trow things away either. I don’t even have mason jars, I use jars from products that I buy like chick peas or pasta sauce. Let us know how the apple cider vinegar turns out.

    Happy T day! Lisca

    10 Nov 2015

    I hope you have success with the cider vinegar! As for hanging on to stuff and re -using. ….all the time -often on journal pages! Happy T day! Chrisx

    11 Nov 2015

    Recycling These protective scraps is fun, your´s really Looks too beautiful to throw away! good luck with the vinegar and happy tues- and everyday…

    Voodoo Vixen
    12 Nov 2015

    I’m sooo late visiting everyone, should be smacked hard on the wrist! ;) I hope your apple vinegar turns out lovely for you and love that you still have a misprinted letter from last Christmas on your desk to turn into a journal page!! LOL

    12 Nov 2015

    This post is right up my alley. :)

    I never thought of making my own apple cider vinegar before. Let me know how it goes.

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