T stands for Tuesday on Wednesday? What?
Elizabeth isn’t a big stickler for rules, so I know she won’t mind.
I have so many things to share but am lacking the energy. I’m recovering from yet another round of sickness. A wicked stomach bug this time. This coffee drink was purchased this morning in effort to get some protein and fill my coffee need. I haven’t been able to drink coffee since this mess started. Halle sad. :( I’ve only managed to drink about half…I think the rest will have to wait. I’m still not eating normally. Nothing sounds good and my sense of smell is overly keen. Example: Last evening I was at Big J’s choir concert and was sitting on the gym bleachers. A man was sitting just behind me to my right and I could smell his feet every time he moved them… Blech!!! At least the concert was good.
Next week I’ll be sure to share some exciting gifts from Japan, a some news and if all goes as planned…some new art.
What are you doing today?
Happy T-Wednesday! Thanks for visiting me. Sorry to hear that you are not well. Hope that bug will go away real soon and never return.
sorry about the bug you caught-yuck! Hope you are better now. I know how you feel about the coffee-that’s the only time I actually can’t drink it. Your protein drink looks so good.I hope you can enjoy it. And thanks for visiting me!
gotta get your coffee somehow, but i never want coffee when i’m sick. i need hot, sweet tea then. hope you’re better and stay well! :)
Gosh, I’m sorry you are not feeling well. I wish you felt better, but coffee always makes me happy, and I hope it does you, too, and SOON, too.
Saw your post below and agree that guy was just an accident looking for a place to happen. If he should slip on the ice near a car that can’t avoid hitting him, he won’t be around to tell the tale. You were right to call him crazy.
Now go feel better and share your news AND art soon, please.
Thanks for coming by to see my post despite not feeling well. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I would really enjoy that drink. Feel better, Halle, I am looking forward to seeing your art soon!
Bummer that another bug found you Halle! Hope you’re feeling good as new very soon… Your drink looks yummy… My family jokes about my keen sense of smell… it is a blessing and a curse LOL oxo
Hello and Happy T Day on Thursday! So glad you made it out to say hello, thank you for the nice comment on my blog. Sorry your sick again, hope you are on the mends and will stay healthy. Can’t wait to see your new goodies/art for next Tuesday!! That is some pretty strong stinky feet, I probably would have to move. My scent got strong during my last pregnancy. I couldn’t cook certain foods, had to quit wearing perfume and even hubby had to quit wearing cologne and we never wore them again. Even now my scent is strong and smells things the others don’t. This is a good thing and not a good thing. Take care and rest and see you next Tuesday!
Oh! You poor thing. Sending some antisickey vibes your way. Poor thing smelling someone else’s yukky feet. That coffee looks yummy though. Hugs xx
I am really late getting around. Sorry you have been so sick. The mocha cappuccino looks delicious. I hope the second half tasted better for you. :) Happy very belated T-Day!