Welcome to T stands for Tuesday! Grab a cuppa and stay a while.
Over the weekend I got a little creative with an art journal page. You can see the details in the previous post.
But I really must tell you about last week!
I experienced the weirdest storm of my entire lifetime. We had a little bit of everything including a snow day on Thursday. This video pretty much nails the day right on the head. So funny!!!
And just to add a little more funny truth, I saw this…
Seriously…this happened Thursday.
Anyway….after moving a bunch of snow, I made a bunch more cards while catching up on some TV.I’m on a mission to use up some old supplies….use it or lose it! I found two boxes of small-ish blank greeting cards in white and ivory. I know I’ve had them for 20 years and hadn’t used more than 1/4 of the lot. Use it or lose it!!
The school year is winding down…sort of. Time is winding down but there are so many things that need to get packed into those days. While I am looking forward to summer and time off, I do actually enjoy the structure of going to work. As crazy as it sounds, I seem to get more done. Having that time constraint makes me more creative too. I’ve always been better with a looming deadline. Think about…you have company coming over in 2 days…oh I’ve got time to get everything done, no problem. Yet the last 2 hrs before company arrives you get more done than the last two days combined. Or maybe that’s just me?!?!
Mini-me and I made a costume for a competition she is doing for her French class. Three girls are performing a skit in French at the University of MN. Mini-me is a whale. We didn’t make a full costume but enough to portray her as whale like…think blowhole and fins.. I’ll have to snap a photo of her decked out before she leaves. I wish I could go and see it but its during the school day.
I’m reusing my Bulldog mug photo in celebration of the UMD Bulldog hockey team winning the national championship this year!
Tuesday is the usual fair for me this week…work and an errand on the way home.
Your journal page is lovely I really like it allot. I have found too that if on a deadline easier to accomplish things-I have gotten much too lazy as I get older into retirement. Happy T wishes Kathy
I heard about your bad weather. Crazy,isn’t it? And I saw that game on TV. UMD definitely outplayed UMASS, but since much of family went to UMASS and I am a native of that state, I was rooting for them. But then they aren’t my school so in the end it is what it is. Happy T day. hugs-Erika
Lovely journal page. Your weather has been more than strange! Sounds like a fun idea to sew a whale costume! Happy T Day, Valerie
I love the layers you add to your journal spread, it looks fantastic. That was crazy weather, so many issues to cope with. The costume sounds fun, I hope you will be able to get photos and its a shame you won’t be able to get there in person. Happy Tea day wishes. Yvonne xx
I laughed at the weatherman in MN. But really it is to cry about. Awful! I might have told you before, I had a very dear friend in Bloomington, so I know all about your weather. Well done you for making so many cards. I also have a box of 20 yr old white and ivory cards, funnily enough. Perhaps I should take the hint and start making some cards. I am with you about being more productive with time constraints. Especially with company coming. Happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca
You’ve really had some strange weather, our weather is hotting up now although it’s forecast rain over Easter which is a shame as it will ruin all the parades. I agree about doing things as the last minute, when we have visitors I keep thinking I will do things over the weeks but then rush on the day of arrival! I’m usually glad when it’s time to go to the airport to collect them. Have a great T Day Jan x
Such amazing pages! I love your design with all those fabulous layers ?. The video made me smile, that’s such a lot of snow …lol! Glad your ice hockey team won and you’ve been having fun creating all those cards ?. Wishing you a happy T Day! J ? x
That video is priceless! We say around here, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute,” but I think y’all have us beat lol
Happy T Tuesday :)
You are on a roll! Looks like you are doing a great job of using up all your scraps. And you have a lot to show for it. And i just love your journal page. The way the words fade into the background is a lovely effect.
And I agree with you. I can get more done in the hour before company comes. I think it is a great motivation to clean things that I normally just pass by.
Happy Tea Day, Kate
Your art journal page is beautiful. And I laughed when I saw that note about the drill being cancelled. Too funny (but unfortunately the blizzard was real). I was thinking about you when I heard the snow forecast for that part of the country. When the storm reached the Northeast, it was all rain for us. Phew. I hear you about accumulating craft project supplies, then not using them in a timely manner. And I think you’re right about when you have a deadline, you get more done in the hours just before it, versus the days leading up to it. Happy T-Day!
oh, that video was truly laugh out loud! honestly, you guys need a break. Truly gorgeous journal pages…absolutely lovely. impressed with your cards too! will be good to have some on hand. ;) happy T day!
WOW, I laughed and laughed at the guy who was doing the stand up in the sleet (snow bullets). I also laughed at the tornado drill. That just goes to show what a crazy state you live in (grin). As if mine was any better!
Hope you saw I left a comment on your journal page. It’s fabulous.
I can’t wait to see the costume you two made. Sewing for me is nothing more than wonky stitches and torn fabric.
Glad your bulldogs won. That’s a great way to honor them, too. Thanks for sharing your week and your coffee with us for T this week, dear friend. So sorry to be late.
I love your journal page -such beautiful layers and colours! The weather man made me smile – we have a breakfast show here where the banter between the studio and the weather people is aways fun! I bet Mini -me liked great! I know what you mean about preparing for visitors….and for me it seems to be getting around to visit on actual T Day!!! Belated happy T Day! Hugs, Chrisx
Our weather has been almost as bad here. I kid you not 80 some degrees the next morning 31 degrees! Back and forth like that. tornadoes and floods, and thankfully no snow in this part of the state, but in westerns part they closed the interstate because of blizzard conditions. What is going on? About cleaning house before company. It is the same for me. Also, my husband used to say he should tell me company is coming a certain time, and it would insure I would get the house cleaned quickly. Happy belated t day!