T Tuesday: wildly random edition

Did you ever have one of those days weeks where you feel as if you are running in all different directions….but its just your mind.? Or is that just me? So many irons in the fire but they are all being attended so that is a step in the right direction.

College applications along with official transcripts and ACT scores have been submitted. FAFSA has been submitted. J is several steps closer to heading off to college in the Fall!

We had our first snow on Friday. It didn’t amount to much but the change in temps and the crazy wind has certainly taken us all by surprise. BRRR! Luckily we had gotten the vast majority of the leaves picked up and taken to the environmental center for composting. While we were there I stopped in at the Reuse room and snagged a brand new bottle of gesso and 3 cans of spray paint.

I started a new segment on my blog called Funny Face Friday. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it up but I must say I’m seeing faces in more and more things all the time!

And of course I’m on track with the current photo challenge. Here are days 19-27 for your viewing pleasure.

19. Spooky….one of our board game covers

20. Witchy…mini-me helped me with this prompt. She said my vignette looked kind of witchy (not sure how I feel about that)

21. Night…our corner tree with half the bulbs burned out. Come on Christmas decor sales.

22. Wicked…another board game cover…wicked genie

23. BOO!…he’s really too cute to be scary

24. Decoration….I do more Fall than Halloween decorating. Not my favorite holiday.

25. Out & About…can’t say that I just sit around at work. I’m moving constantly!

26. Pens of plenty…some of my faves

27. Pumpkin…just another crazy weather day for us. Snow is not uncommon in October around here.

Just a few prompts left. I really had fun and was challenged with some of the prompts. I’ve yet to pick my November challenge but rest assured I will share it with you.

Since this T stands for Tuesday after all and I wasn’t able to sneak my beverage in any other way…

This has been what I’ve been drinking in the evenings when it’s chilly. It’s so good!

Tomorrow we’ll be handing out treats to all the little goblins that stop by. I’m supposed to dress up for school but I really don’t want to…plus I have a doctor appt right after work. AWKWARD! We’ll see how motivated I am tomorrow. I figured I’d default to a cowgirl. Braids, hat, boots…check. We can make that work.

What are you doing today?

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: wildly random edition
    30 Oct 2017

    Halle that was a great haul at the recycling center. I’d love to find some gesso at mine..lol Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    31 Oct 2017

    Lucky you finding that gesso! Have fun with it. Happy T Day, Valerie

    31 Oct 2017

    snow in october… we seldom have that and often leaves are still on the trees at that time and branches are breaking. but i love your halloweeny photos! happy t-day and happy Halloween!

    Erika N
    31 Oct 2017

    I saw that there was snow in MN on the news. Brr. We’ve had such a warm October (unusually) it just seems to early for snow. But I guess not! I remember doing all those college application forms. What a lot of work that is. Good luck with those applications. Happy T day. hugs-Erika

    Linda K
    31 Oct 2017

    You sure are one busy lady! Oh I dreaded doing the FAFSA forms each semester for 4 years but it was a big help and so worth it. Enjoy your Halloween and happy T day too!

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    31 Oct 2017

    Sounds like a busy week and as always I love seeing your creative photography ?. The pumpkin looks wonderful with the white snow and wow, you’ve had snow already – brrrr! Your drink sounds very warming and I adore your mug, Godiva make fabulous chocolates – I’m off to raid the treats cupboard for a chocolate fix now …lol ?. Have fun as a cowgirl today and wishing you a very Happy T Day! J ?

    31 Oct 2017

    Hi your godiva cup is gorgeous I love it. your photo challenge is a fun one-I like it whenever the seasons change-we had a 40 degree drop here-and lots of wind-it takes me a bit to adjust for sure. Good luck with everything. Happy T Day Kathy

    Divers and Sundry
    31 Oct 2017

    Snow!I hope we get some snow this year.

    I’ve never done a photo challenge and enjoy seeing how you find suitable subjects.

    Happy T Tuesday

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    31 Oct 2017

    OMGosh. You scored big time with that gesso. You were in the right place at the right time and a good brand, too.

    LOVE the photo challenge. You created the perfect photo collage and I hope you continue this or one like it in NOV.

    Great that all the paperwork is in for J to go to college. Let’s see if he’s accepted, now.

    We’re supposed to get flurries on Halloween, which is tonight. How did I get so far behind? I can’t catch up, like you did.

    What a great Godiva mug. Thanks for sharing your week, your photos, and your tea with us for T this Tuesday. I simply ADORE your Friday faces, too.

    31 Oct 2017

    Do I ever feel like I’m running in all different directions? Yes!! Good for you for keeping on top of things none the less, Halle.

    Speaking of funny faces, did you see the fabulous photo of the monster face flower on Johanna’s blog?

    Some clever ideas for your challenge photos – especially the step count one. The frost on the pumpkin is a great photo!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    31 Oct 2017

    Sounds like you have had a busy week, I think we all get to feel that way. The photos for the challenge all looked amazing, its a great collage . I loved your mug today. Happy T day wishes. Yvonne xx

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