T Tuesday: WIP edition

Last updated : April 10, 2016

WIP catan pieces

I’ve working on painting all of the Settlers of Catan pieces in between playing nursemaid. Mini-me has influenza. I’m beginning to think that Typhoid Mary is camped out in our house.

WIP catan pieces

See those little tiny bits of white in the green hex tiles. Those are teeny tiny sheep..complete with black faces. I have to take off my glasses and hold the tile a couple inches from my face to see to paint them.  BAH!!! Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart.

catan pieces

The attention to detail is worth it in the end though.  Once I get all the pieces completed, we’ll decide in the border color for all the tiles. It must be consistent throughout the tiles. I’m leaning towards a cream to taupe tone so that the paint job on each will really pop.

I also have to share this Model T Mr. G printed. He had to modify the original CAD file as it wasn’t going to print correctly. He designed the wheels, axle pieces and the mounts for the axles.

3D printed Model T

The penny is for scale. This is for a history presentation J is doing today. He and his partner thought a 3D model would add some punch to their project.


Time for a bit of tea before some errands and more nursemaid duty.  I’ll do my best to get around to visit my T stands for Tuesday friends as soon as I can.

What are you doing today?

11 Thoughts on T Tuesday: WIP edition
    Linda K
    1 Mar 2016

    Hope the little one feels better soon. I cannot imagine doing anything so tiny-your tiles are very impressive! Happy T day!

    1 Mar 2016

    Glad you are finding some time for art in spite of nursing your little one! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    1 Mar 2016

    Wow, these are fantastic. I’m still in awe. Yep, the eyesight goes. I have an eye appointment this afternoon, in fact.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful tiles AND the car with us for T this Tuesday. Thanks also for sharing your tea.

    Dianne C.
    1 Mar 2016

    I am just blown away by the details in your game tiles! they are marvelous…did you purchase tiles to decorate or did you have to do them from scratch? love those tiny sheep!!

    Rita McGregor
    1 Mar 2016

    I have heard of The Settlers of Catan game but I didn’t know it had game pieces you could paint–cool! Sadly, I would have to take off my glasses now, too. I need new ones (probably trifocals) and am afraid to go and find out how much they will cost me.

    Cute cup, too. Happy T-Day! :)

    Carol L Samsel
    1 Mar 2016

    Hope your Minnie Me is getting better already ! Those tile are amazing… ever up close I wouldn’t be able to do them. I do have a very strong jewelers magnifier that does help .

    1 Mar 2016

    I had to enlarge your photos to see those sheep–you have to have a steady hand, too. Sounds and looks like the whole family is enjoying the 3D printer. Hope your mini is feeling better soon!

    1 Mar 2016

    Oh boy! You two are certainly having fun(well, apart from being nursemaid!) I love your model and Mr G’s car is incredible! Hugs, Chrisx

    2 Mar 2016

    your tiles will be incredible, and this car also is fascinating. such tiny work!
    i had to look up “typhoid Mary” and i hope she will leave you all soon – take care!
    thanks for your visit and happy belated t-day and rest of the week!

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Mar 2016

    What a striking mug!

    And I love those Settlers pieces. I’ll have to show them to my son. We like that game.

    14 Oct 2020

    Did you make the Catan board pieces your self? Or just build on top of the actual game pieces? Would you sell them?

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