T Tuesday: wreath edition

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth @ alteredbooklover. This is a day that we share a cup, a glass or a mug of cheer and chat about our week.

photoshop tea

I got a little playful with my tea this morning. Photoshop is fun!

Well…what about the wreath? That was the title of the post. What kind of show are you running here anyway?  (don’t you love it when I put words in your mouth)

I’m getting there…just need another sip of tea.

So, last Fall, a good friend of mine sent me a picture via FB of a wreath that she loved. She was convinced that I could make one as well. I wasn’t as sure. After collecting the needed supplies I gave it a whirl… Within a few frustrating minutes, I knew I was on the wrong track.  I set it aside and really didn’t give it another thought until yesterday.

I was laying on the couch…I finally caught the crud the kids had….and it came to me how to properly wrap the wire.  Within 10 minutes I had the wires in a complete wreath form….no thanks to Gracie who kept batting at the wires and tried to steal the floral tape. What a pest!!wreathI had the leaves all prepped and ready to go so the wreath went together really quick! It’s not exactly like the original photo…which I can’t seem to find anymore…but it my version.

Today I’m going to catch up on some laundry and rest some more. I’m definitely better than yesterday but not 100% by a long shot.

What are you doing today?

14 Thoughts on T Tuesday: wreath edition
    Divers and Sundry
    25 Feb 2014

    i like your cup. i can see that warming steam, and my husband loves earl grey tea.

    your wreath is a great design. you could make one suitable for any occasion. i love it when inspiration strikes! :)

    25 Feb 2014

    I love the wreath and love that you put your own take on it! It would be interesting making it with seasonal papers, too! Hope you feel better–it’s not fun for anyone when the Mom is sick!

    Bleubeard and ELizabeth
    25 Feb 2014

    You need to SELL these. This one is fantastic. With the money you make from selling them, you could buy your own Sizzex.

    Wish I could do all the things in PS you do. You are SO good with that program. Beautiful way you captured the steam and the mug.

    Aren’t cats a joy? Good thing that floral tape is stretchy, and not terribly sticky. I remember once when Bleubeard got into my glue dots. I was picking them out of his fur for days!

    Linda K
    25 Feb 2014

    love your cup of tea with the fun layering. A cup of hot tea is just what you need when your not feeling well. Your wreath is beautiful!! Feel better soon and happy T day!

    25 Feb 2014

    Your wreath is beautiful. That hot cup of tea looks so welcoming. Happy T day

    25 Feb 2014

    Hello and Happy T Day! WOW, that wreath is amazing and pretty and white and leaves, oh my. All my favorites wrapped into this amazing wreath. I need to learn how to do this. Since having my first wreath wall this past Christmas and now Valentines, I need something new and this would be great. Way to go on trying it again and having it work out. Sorry your not feeling well, hope tomorrow is even better for you. Hang in there.

    One day I hope to have PS and do fancy things with it too. Thanks for sharing with us.

    25 Feb 2014

    So sorry to hear you came down with the crud!!! Great idea for a wreath, love how you did it. Thanks for stopping by this week, hope you get to feeling better.

    25 Feb 2014

    Sorry to hear you are under the weather! Love your wreath, eh ;)

    25 Feb 2014

    Your friend knows you well because just look at that wonderful wreath Halle! Cool photoshopped mug too… take care of yourself and feel better soon oxo

    25 Feb 2014

    That cup looks very huggable. But your wreath……It is absolutely FANTASTIC! Wow! Love it. Thanks for visiting. Hugs xx

    vicki miller
    25 Feb 2014

    the wreath is absolutely gorgeous!

    Denise Price
    26 Feb 2014

    Hello! Hope you are feeling better today. I had a busy day yesterday and did not make it around to everyone’s blogs, so here I am on Wednesday.

    Your wreath turned out super, and I can see so many possibilities for this sort of wreath, beyond the obvious use as a door decoration…put a mirror or picture frame in the middle, make mini versions as Christmas tree ornaments, make tiny versions as decorations for handmade cards…I have it all planned out for you, LOL, :)

    Rita McGregor
    27 Feb 2014

    Sorry you caught the crud, but you came up with the perfect solution while sick because the wreath looks great! Happy belated T-Day! :)

    Voodoo Vixen
    2 Mar 2014

    Love the way you have done the wreath with the leaves on stems, very pretty! Hope you are feeling better now… its been a while but i finally made it!

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