Tag : challenge

106 posts

quite a while back I sent off a package to Somerset Memories answering one of their challenges.

I heard back from them… They will be publishing 3 of the 7 I sent! Hooray!! Somerset Memories is only published twice a year now so I’ll have to wait until April 1st to see it.

put forth a challenge on ABC in response to a post about reducing waste while still creating art. She challenged us to create 2 pieces of art using junk mail and scraps only.

I dug in the recycle bin and pulled out a toaster waffle box and some junk mail for this piece. I hoping to make another over the weekend. Although it’s supposed to be BEAUTIFUL this weekend so I don’t know if I’ll be spending much time indoors.

I made the cut and am one of two new UHU Gluers!

What does that mean, you ask. (I heard you…)
It means I’m part of their design team.

**Doing the happy dance over here.**

I found out yesterday but have been waiting to say anything until my project and step-by-step instructions was posted on the UHU blog.

Thanks so much UHU for issuing the challenge. I’m looking forward to working with UHU for as long as they will have me.

I’m very excited to say that I’ve become a finalist in the UHU “new gluer” challenge.
I fell in love with the UHU Photo Glue stick long ago, so when the call came out for a new “gluer” I was all over that!

I missed out on the last collaborative project that Seth put out there but didn’t want to miss the boat on this one.

He called for fellow bloggers to look back at their blogs and repost their favorite.

Several blogs I get feeds from are doing this challenge as well. One of the bloggers I admire picked a favorite from each of the years she has blogged. I like that idea so I shall follow her lead.

We’ve lost our table to eat by, at least until all the glue sets.

Our son’s 3rd grade Academic Challenge group has been studying bridges.

This is there homework assignment.

It’s made entirely from spaghetti, marshmallows and glue. Other optional materials were toothpicks, scotch tape and paperclips. It had to span 75cm and 15cm in width. It also had to support 3 matchbox cars…as you can see his supports more than that. They also had to keep track of the materials they used because each item had a $ value and the goal was to build a bridge to meet the requirements the least expensively. He’s not done reinforcing it yet so we don’t have a $ total yet.

My good friend, Elizabeth, in conjunction with UHU glue came up with a fun challenge. Use a sample of UHU glue in an altered art project using a magazine. You can read the full details here.

Since I had a book for a RR I needed to work in I figured I could use it for the challenge. Theme of the book is Beauty. Basically anything you see as beauty in your own mind is game. I’ve never been on a tropical beach but in my minds eye it would be absolutely beautiful!

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