Tag : coffee

16 posts

Ok this is one of those crazy days that happens…we have a crossover post.

Honestly its likely a good thing because I have so many things to talk about but have nothing prepared and I’m already late to the party. How does that happen?

Anyway…Mini-me made it back from Costa Rica on Thursday evening…we left for Duluth the next morning. Busy weekend then back to school on Monday. WHEW!! What a crazy few days.

I’ll share more about all that in another post but I thought I’d at least share a bit about the coffee Mini-me brought home the Doka Coffee Plantation.

I borrowed this photo from Twitter of the group tossing the raw beans in the air.

This is one that we’ve opened and tried. It’s very good. It seems to me that the caffeine content might be a bit higher than what we usually drink. We haven’t tried the other kind she brought back yet.

Now on to Second on the 2nd….

I have been attempting to join more challenges lately. Before I rejoined the workforce I participated in challenges regularly and it really kept my creativity flowing. Here’s a post from on of those fun challenges I did way back when.

Take a look….


 Sage and SepiaThis is the last week of Summer of Color! I can hardly believe it.

This is the color combo I’ve been voting for each week. The strange thing is now that I got it…I had trouble making it work. The photo color is a bit off for the green but my “Photoshop fu” is off this morning.

I painted the background with sage then distressed it a bit.  After adding the sepia elements, I used some white rub-ons for visual interest. The bride and groom are my maternal grandparents circa 1929.

Incidentally, this is my 1000th post! WHOA! That’s a lot of blogging. Thanks to everyone who continues to read. I love it when you leave comments to let me know that you’ve been here.


Thanks for stopping by my twofer post today!

What are you doing today?


Welcome to another rousing edition of T stands for Tuesday where we grab a cup a and share what we’ve been up to. I’m taking a bit of liberty with that rule this week and I know our wonderful host, Elizabeth, won’t mind a bit.

Before we begin I must apologize for the poorly lit photos. My laundry room/craft room has both florescent and incandescent lighting. Choosing the right filter for proper lighting is nearly impossible.

Now on with the show…

As I was cleaning out the school supply shelf which holds both new and partially used supplies, I happened upon a spiral bound sketch book from one of the kids elementary school days. The cover and drawings were long since gone, the spirals smashed and many pages crumpled. I decided to salvage what I could before the whole thing ended up I the recycle bin.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

So now what. I thought binding them into a journal would be a good choice but boring white pages have never made me want to use them them. Aged pages always draw me in.

This technique isn’t new, I’ve used it myself on many occasions. The one thing that really appeals to me is the randomness of dyeing or staining. You never know exactly what your going to get.T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Since I had a large stack of papers I wanted to make sure that there was irregularity of staining throughout the pages. I sprinkled instant coffee grounds every few pages in the stack.T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I used a spray bottle to gently wet the coffee to start the staining process.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

After letting it sit for a while I poured in more water and used a second container filled with water to keep the papers submerged.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I left the pages for a day…perhaps a little longer.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Now I had a stack of really soggy papers. Since I don’t have the room to lay each out individually I had to come up with a quick and easy solution.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

I used old shower rings through the wire shelving to hold a metal knitting needle. They were able to drip dry over the laundry sink. Worked perfectly.

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Just look at those yummy pages…the color and texture really make me happy!

T Tuesday: coffee stained edition | Halle's Hobbies

Now that I’ve got them all folded I have to decide what sort of book I want to make. The last book I made with coffee stained pages really turned out well. I cut up a suede jacket for the covers. I’m pretty sure I used all of the suede while making some Ren Fest pouches. It is garage sale season though so I might just get lucky and find something that speaks to me. Until then I will set these aside.

This should be my last really busy Tuesday for a while since most things are winding down for the summer break. I may start back with my knitting group occasionally which is Tuesday mornings. Of course.

Today I’m meeting girlfriends for a birthday lunch. Gosh, lots of May birthdays. It’s the last little hurrah before school is out on Thursday.

What are you doing today?

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

T stands for Tuesday

Today’s post is definitely not about tea…it’s all about coffee!

Coffee altered book | Halle's Hobbies

I am proud to say I finally finished this altered book!!!!!! Good grief…took me long enough. As I mentioned in the previous post…I’ve been working on…well, working on may be a stretch of those words. I’ve had this project going…that’s more accurate…since 2008. Seriously.

I did have a bit of help filling out this book ages ago by a couple art friends including our hostess Elizabeth. Thank you friends!!

I made this little photo collage of all of my pages. I didn’t want to include others without permission.coffee collage | Halle's Hobbies

It’s time to tackle the laundry mountain for me….

What are you doing today?

I can hardly believe it but I’m finished!! I started this altered book the summer of 2008. Yeah…talk about a long term project. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed that it would take over 7 years to complete this “easy theme” of coffee.

Coffee altered book | Halle's Hobbies

A couple weeks ago I completed this last page in the altered book.  All that was needed was something done with the cover.

Coffee altered book | Halle's Hobbies

I saved some cheap newsprint type paper that had been wrapped around candle a while back. It was a good size piece…perfect for distressing and covering the book. I decided that a found text story might be fun if I could somehow tie it into the theme.  And bonus…I got to use a new stamp.

Tomorrow for T stands for Tuesday I’ll share the whole book.

I’m quickly linking up with Elizabeth and Bleubeard this morning.

National Coffee Day

Coffee for T stands for Tuesday works for me!

T stands for Tuesday

Before I head off for another action packed Tuesday I had to share with you my colorful carrots…

not so colorful carrots

Look what happened to the purple ones when I peeled them!!

I’m not sure how often I’ll be participating with T stands for Tuesday in the coming months. Tuesdays are super hard for me if I want to do more than post and run. I hope you’ll still stop by from time to time…I’ll do the same for you…

I’m trying my hand at Journal 52 this week since I was using magazine images in my coffee theme book. coffee collage crazy

I pulled out elements that fit my theme then went for some scrapbook paper for the background. Not my usual way of starting out but I’ve got to use up some of that paper!!

The paper I used is actually for a little boy page. The upper left of the 12×12 piece said Catch me…  Since I already had the word coffee… cut out it seemed to fit perfectly.

Across the top I layered on a coffee bean image from an ad and part of a bookmark. It still needed something so I sponged some gesso through a letter stencil. I then dipped my double circle tool, which happens to be from the center of a transparent tape roll, in gesso because who doesn’t love circles!

I used a Pitt pen to go around the coffee cup image for depth. I still felt it needed a bit more of the red so I grabbed some stickers from Starbucks (thanks Elizabeth) for the right touch of color. I  happened upon these play money coins and thought they’d be perfect final touch.

I thought I’d share another page in my coffee theme altered book on this T stands for Tuesday. I can see the end of the book. I’m estimating I only have room for 3 more spreads. Longest project ever!!

java in a teacup

Now that it’s nearing completion, I’m really trying to grind it out… *grin*

plant update

I thought I’d give a little peek at my seedlings. They are getting leggy…time to transplant into slightly bigger pots.

sunny spot

I also had to share this gorgeous photo of Gracie that Little J aka Mini-me aka JR took the other day. I knew she was using my camera but wasn’t sure for what. She definitely has an eye for lighting.

I’ve got errands, phone calls and chores on my list today. Living the dream. :)

What are you doing today?

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