I finally learned how to knit on needles…albeit only with a new special kind of
yarn. There are many brands and styles of this yarn on the market…but this was the only one at the
fancy pants yarn shop that a few of my knitting group friends and I went to last week.
I made this knitted scarf. The surprising thing (that will only make sense to knitters)is that there are only 6 stitches per row….all knit stitches!
I even figured out how to bind off by myself!! It was without a near catastrophe but I managed to save it….thank goodness.
I think I’d have cried it it had fallen apart.
Then last night while watching “Wheel of Fortune”,
hey it’s educational for the kids,
I crocheted this scarf with the leftover yarn.
I can’t believe how quickly it went!
Of course it’s much thinner and much longer.
I am pretty sure I have to stop all yarnwork for a while.
I’ve had a pain in my basal thumb joint for a couple of months now. I had some stiffness and then something that felt like it came out of joint and popped back in. Honestly, after that it felt better than is had in a month or so…but now it has flared up again.
I’ve decided (with my non-existent medical degree) that it’s either tendonitis or arthritis….hopefully the former.