Tag : custom brushes

18 posts

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday, hosted by Elizabeth @ alteredbooklover. This is a day that we share a cup, a glass or a mug of cheer and chat about our week.

photoshop tea

I got a little playful with my tea this morning. Photoshop is fun!

Well…what about the wreath? That was the title of the post. What kind of show are you running here anyway?  (don’t you love it when I put words in your mouth)

I’m getting there…just need another sip of tea.

So, last Fall, a good friend of mine sent me a picture via FB of a wreath that she loved. She was convinced that I could make one as well. I wasn’t as sure. After collecting the needed supplies I gave it a whirl… Within a few frustrating minutes, I knew I was on the wrong track.  I set it aside and really didn’t give it another thought until yesterday.

I was laying on the couch…I finally caught the crud the kids had….and it came to me how to properly wrap the wire.  Within 10 minutes I had the wires in a complete wreath form….no thanks to Gracie who kept batting at the wires and tried to steal the floral tape. What a pest!!wreathI had the leaves all prepped and ready to go so the wreath went together really quick! It’s not exactly like the original photo…which I can’t seem to find anymore…but it my version.

Today I’m going to catch up on some laundry and rest some more. I’m definitely better than yesterday but not 100% by a long shot.

What are you doing today?

beautiful dayWe’ve had such gorgeous weather lately. It inspired me to create this journal page day.

Blue sky and puffy white clouds.

A field of flowers…beautiful day full page

I think I was also inspired by a recent trip to the MN Landscape Arboretum.  So many beautiful flowers. I took well over 100 photos in the 1.5 we were there.

I’ll share more of that day in a later post.




This was the last photo I took that day as we were walking back out to our vehicle. That’s it straight from the camera…no edits…no fussing with color balance etc….with the exception of my watermark, of course.

coneflower edit



Here’s the same photo after playing around in Photoshop. It has a completely different mood.

I could play in the digital world all day but there are things in the real world that need my attention today.


Just playing around in the digital word a bit. 
Using some of my custom brushes along with filters and a kaleidoscope plugin I made this….

from this….


another big one!
Time certainly does speed up the more years that go by.
I haven’t had some weird mid-life crisis such as wanting to take up sky-diving or get a motorcycle.
No tattoos, although I did dye my hair pink for breast cancer awareness last October.
Later we are going to have
my favorite meal…

It’s that time again…  ABC_alteredbookclub is having it’s annual anniversary swap. This year the shape & size was put to a vote and Gothic arches won out.
Previous years  have been skinny pages, chunky pages, charms and even my personal favorite…circles!

I’ve gotten all my arches cut out as you can see. I’m struggling with the paint I used to cover both sides as it has remained slightly tacky. To remedy this I glued dressmakers pattern tissue to the stickiest side. I’ll have to come up with some thing to deal with the other side as well but for now I have a workable solution to start with.

See this gal.

I call her the “crazy eyed girl”. The scan and subsequent digital work have really subdued the scariness of her eyes from the original photo. You’ll be seeing her on my finished arches…hopefully. :)

circa 1930 something…

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