Tag : die cuts

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I’ve had the idea for this page knocking around in my head for a while. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it work until I realized that using die cuts would be the answer.

My neighbor borrowed me her massive stash of dies and a motorized version of a Cuttlebug….more on that on T Tuesday… In the stash were the perfect dies to bring my vision to life.

I went through my scraps and picked out warm Fall colors. As I set the die cuts out on the page I realized that they needed to blend with each other better to give more cohesion to the page.

I used 4 different sprays to achieve the mix of colors you see here over the top of the already different papers. Now I was feeling better about how this page was coming together.

The words I used came from my thought of this magical place, deep in the forest. A place where the dense forest gave way to a place with smaller saplings and bushes, A place for the lovely creatures of the wood to gather.

My word stack consists of rusted fabric, torn lace, bundle of green thread and the mop-up paper from the earlier sprays.


I think this is the very last spread in this journal. It’s getting too thick to close and increasingly difficult to work in. Of course its my own fault…I tend to use lots of bulk on my pages. I can’t seem to help myself. I love texture and fabric!

Won’t you join me in the final days of Words to live by at Art Journal Journey?

Art Journal Journey

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