Tag : ephemera

52 posts

Hello and welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday along with Art Journal Journey: A Stitch in Time.

I have to admit this is my favorite so far of the pages I’ve created for A Stitch in Time. It has three of my favorites: a square page, warm color palette and vintage ephemera.

When working on a challenge I often am stepping outside my comfort zone either by the nature of the challenge or some self-imposed extra challenge. This was not one of those times.

I indulged myself in all my favorites. Old books and postage get me every time. I also mixed in some new scrapbook papers in coordinating colors. I like the mix, it gives it personality.

A good part of my stitching was hidden by the elements I added, but that’s ok. It adds interest. I am also loving these washi stickers I found on Amazon. The delicate botanical addition makes me smile.

This also makes me smile…

My helper as I photograph my pages.

I thought I’d also give a little peek at how my garden is growing.

I had to move my containers that were alongside the garage onto the deck and into the fenced in shed garden.

A deer ate my potato plants down to nubs and started on my summer squash. UGH!

This garden is next to be pest proofed. A squirrel dug a hole between my tomato plants yesterday morning.

Today has me plugging away at my list

What are you doing today?

Today’s art journal page was all about me wanting to play with some of our new washi tape.

Mini-me and I picked out 12 rolls at Michael’s the other day when we stopped in to pick up some twirly sticks for my planters along the front walk. Yes I know summer is half over but I still wanted them.

Anyway..back to the journal page.  I simply love the look of dress pattern paper over text so I knew I had to leave a good portion of that revealed on my page. I loosely framed the page first with paint then with washi over the top. Some of the wider washi tapes I tend to tear into thinner pieces and apply in a slightly random fashion.

A clothing tag serves as both a backdrop for the first part of my sentence and the date stamp. I think I may need a new Staz-on pad…that stamping didn’t turn out very well.

I used a needle tipped bottle with thinned white paint to create this heart. After it was somewhat dry I laid the washi over the middle. And true as the statement across it…I loved it.

This page put a smile on my face. Yet another reason I keep creating. Just for me, just art for art’s sake.


Art Journal Journey

I’m back from vacation! It was wonderful…mini-me and I had a great time. Now that I’m caught up on laundry and all the other not so fun stuff once you get back home, I wanted to get creative again.remember the summer

I dug into my scrap bucket for inspiration. The background paper started out lavender…some distress paints did the trick on toning that right down.

I’ve been very drawn to blue/orange combo lately. It’s bold and exciting. remember the summer

The tickets attached to the page are from a family road trip in the early 1980’s with my parents. Amazing that mom still had those little bits squirreled away in a box of memories for so many years. The colors fit perfectly and cemented the direction I was headed with this page.remember the summer

The tangible bits of ephemera brought the memories alive within my head. I knew I had to use them and remind myself to remember that summer.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Summertime Love

Art Journal Journey

This tale is about the “right way” and the “wrong way” to be creative…at least this is how it went for me this weekend.

Saturday in an attempt to kill some time while waiting for some laundry to finish, I decided to challenge myself again to create for the Art Journal Journey theme of Collage~no wings, no leaves, no faces. To begin, I tore a page from a vintage basic electric manual figuring it had some good background to it already. In addition I snagged a couple of random scraps from my worktable and took the works to the sewing machine.

a tale of two pages

I then did a bit of journalling along the edge of one of the scraps. Ok…still feeling it…the creative spark was there but dim.

a tale of two pages

I added some color…still good. Then I sprayed some black mist through my circle stencil. It was as if the mist put out the spark. Instead doing the smart thing and walking away at that point to regroup…I was still waiting for the stupid laundry cycle to complete so I just kept throwing more crap at the page.

a tale of two pagesI’m still not excited about this one but that’s ok. Challenges are just that…a challenge. Otherwise it would be called super happy fun time.

Art Journal Journey

On Sunday while cleaning up my workspace I felt that creative spark again. This time I made a deal with myself not to push through if I wasn’t feeling it. I noticed a freebie art paper I had pulled from an old issue of Somerset Studio. So I had a great starting point…maybe an easy way to redeem myself.

a tale of two pages

Given the fact that this page has an eye on it it wouldn’t count for the challenge away.

a tale of two pages

I didn’t do a tom to the background…I used gelatos to intensify the colors in certain places, some outlining in white gel pen, lots of stamping, gesso through a stencil and heat embossing…but all in a very subtle way. After deciding on some layers of goodies including ink stained babywipes I adding stitching over my layers and around the page in a random fashion.

a tale of two pages

Some black paint splatters and added “eyeliner” were my final touch before looking for words. see possibility everywhere was just perfect.

So my lesson to myself was to know enough when to walk away. You can’t force it. I suppose it’s something like writers block…you can stare at a page but you can’t will the words or art to flow.

I haven’t worked in any of my art journals in quite some time. I’ve been kind of obsessed with sewing lately. But today I was inspired when I saw the new theme of Autumn over at Art Journal Journey.

sounds like autumn art journal page

When I think of Autumn, the rustle and crunch of leaves comes to mind. Memories of shuffling my feet through the leaves alongside the road and jumping into piles of raked leaves abound.

sounds like autumn art journal page

Warm colors and abundant texture dominate the landscape.

sounds like autumn art journal page

 I love this kind of page…  I used to be afraid of white spaces. Now I embrace them on my pages. Negative space can be quite powerful.

Art Journal Journey

I’ve been drinking WAY to much coffee lately. Not that I make a second pot at home for myself but I’ve been out and about and the coffee seems to be free-flowing.  Jitters…shakes…good thing I wasn’t doing any fine motor things because I would have gotten a big old F in any of those.

The bonus to my coffee excess is that it got me thinking about an altered book I started many years ago. Seriously…years…ago….coffeeThis is by far my favorite page in this AB so far. The others all seem forced in comparison.  I likely shouldn’t compare since I’ve really grown as an artist in the years since I started this project but it’s hard not to self-criticize.

The ad is from an old cookbook I tore apart. I love that it’s a little piece of history.

Something kicked my creativity back into gear over the past few days. I’m really excited about that!  Maybe it was the exercise….hey, that should motivate me to keep going on that as well :) But I digress…

I was in the art journal mood so I grabbed my kira-kira journal and slapped down a light coat of gesso. While digging out some washi tapes and other supplies…I dumped over my cup of wash water. UGH!! I had quite a bit of cleanup to do including changing my jeans…yep, dirty paint water all the way off the table on onto my leg.texture

Shockingly, I was still ready to create after cleaning up. Usually that would have soured me for the day.Love

The colors and patterns on this page remind of college. Likely because of the clothes I wore at the time. Leggings, black ankle boots, flannels in those colors. That look is back in its own modern way but I’m not sure that I could pull it off now being 20-something years older. Or that I should even try.  ;)

After completing a few pesky household chores I was still feeling creative.

Wow…two journal entries in one day!  This time I use my white journal. No particular reason…it just felt right. While mopping up the earlier spill I happened upon this fashion plate cut from a newspaper. I wanted to use on of the girls but after an exhaustive search I couldn’t find my “fussy cutting” scissors. I had to change my thoughts on where this was going.

unexpected weapons

Peeking out from a stack of stuff on my work desk I spotted a Basic Grey paper pad.  I was drawn to some paper with small circles. Small circles you say? There are no small circles on this page. Yeah I know…but the cityscape paper was in the pad too. As soon as I saw it my mind went to the old Sci-Fi movie genre such as Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

So there you have it…two very different pages created the same day by the same girl whose mind apparently took a sharp left part way through the day. :)

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