Tag : ephemera

52 posts

OK…they will be magnets as soon as I get some to attach to the silver painted backs.

These were really fun to make. Next time I want to get some glass bits that aren’t as iridescent.

Well, not really but that was all my brilliant mind could come up with at the moment.
My upper back, neck and elbow are killing me from a spill I took a couple hours ago while shovelling. The snow has not quit and the plows have not come through so I’ll be going back out again…bummer.

Calgon take me away… Hmmm, did I just date myself with that one.

I was inspired to work in a board book today for something different. I started by gluing down random scraps of text from old books. I then brushed on several colors until I was pleased with the background.

I took out this image of my Grandmother, her sisters and parents to use. Wasn’t sure what the page would become but wanted to use it none the less.

Here are a couple of close ups of each side.

(Click to view larger image)

I’ve been wanting to use these circuit board parts for a while but wasn’t sure what to pair them with.

I came across this picture in my pile of old photos. The couple just looked so unhappy, as if their life was just some cruel joke.

After putting the back to back pages together I felt as if I really need to say something about them being “behind bars”.

The words wrapping around the cutout read:
A prison of their own making. Marriage is what you make it. Make it full of love.

I don’t know whats wrong with me but I keep making ATC’s. I’ve always hated working with this size.

The top one was a “happy accident”. I was playing around with embossing powders by layering them when I accidentally smudged the still molten EP. I reheated it hoping to smooth it out a bit and decided it looked kind of cool. So then I scraped the cooling but still somewhat molten EP with a credit card. I then reheated it so it would smooth out a bit. The palm tree image is mounted with 3M foam tape.

I got a chance to play a little more today…

I also have a couple of postcard size substrate with modeling paste drying on them…not sure what the plan is but it will come to me when I sit down.

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