Tag : ephemera

52 posts

I got a wild hair today and created an assemblage.

It’s really funny to me that when I sat down I was hoping to make something for our barren wall over our new buffet in our eat-in kitchen. My muse took a drastic turn from food and wine to the bottom of the ocean. Go figure. Our upstairs bathroom is slowing making the transition from BORING sea shells to a more tropical reef feel.

Here are 2 views…in and out of the frame.

I had originally envisioned the piece free floating by the wire inside the deep frame. I knew that wasn’t I good idea in humid conditions so under glass it went.

The substrate I used is the cover of a discarded book. The wire is bailing wire I found in the garage. The mesh on the piece and the back ground are from the same doily. I stained it with instant coffee then cut it apart. I created the seaweed from both sewing patterns and mulbery paper run through gelmedium, water and craft paints.

Well, I got something completed today! I wasn’t sure that was going to happen. My folks came by to take me out for my birthday …yes…
!Mi cumpleaños es el cinco de mayo! … now where’s my margarita!

All- in- all, it was a very low key birthday..which is FINE BY ME. Tomorrow I’ll get a little ME TIME…so, it’s all good.

Boy these red ones took longer than I had expected. Not sure why red was difficult but it certainly was! I just have green, black and white. Theresa said we can combine the black and white. I’m going to give doing them separately a try first.

Well, my folks just left after sharing a nice Easter dinner and visit with us. The kids have settled in to watch a movie. All is peaceful for the moment.

This sweet little Easter card is from my childhood scrapbook that mom faithfully kept for my first few years.

I almost forgot to post these with my crazy mixed-up day.

I’ve started on the charms for the ABC 5th Anniversary charm swap. So far I have 16 put together. I’ll be adding something to the backside of the scrabble tiles but haven’t gotten it on there yet.

I can’t take credit for the design concept…I received a fantastic charm in a swap on Latest Trends that these are based upon.

This is a Mail Order Brides themed challenge in keeping with the “Women in History” month for
The Latest Trends in Mixed Media Arts Yahoo group.

This digital piece was made in Paint Shop Pro with all of my own ephemera. The woman is my Grandma, the writing are my Grandpa’s sermon notes, the kids on horses are my dad and a cousin. The newspaper is from my mom’s side as well as the house picture which was a ad for sewing notions.

Just to be clear..Grandma WAS NOT a mailorder bride…don’t want to upset any of the realtives. :)

I did some work in PSP today for a digital challenge posted on TheLatestTrendsinMixedMediaArts. It’s layers of digital ephemera and a picture taken by my neighbor with some filters thrown in for good measure.

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