Tag : fiestaware

11 posts

Does this look good or what?!?  I’m having some basic green tea with my new favorite sandwich. It a grilled cheese with a twist. I use olive oil on the whole wheat bread instead of butter. The cheese is provolone. To give it even more flavor I use stone ground mustard, baby spinach and sliced tomato.  OH YUM!

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today!
You’ll find the links over on Kimmie’s blog

Running a little behind today…I had to fill in at the school library.

While I was out I stopped by my PO Box and found a wonderful piece of Mail Art from Linda.
The packaging is outstanding! I sat and savored it with my tea before opening.

Linda is so sweet…I left a comment on her blog a while back saying how much I loved the mail art she had received.
She emailed me and asked for my address so she could send me some mail art too!

Inside I found these wonderful bits of ephemera and an ATC.
I never expected such an awesome piece of mail art with little gifties inside as well!

Thanks so much Linda! 

See what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today by checking out Kimmie’s sidebar.

Good Morning!
Well, the kids are off to school…my morning coffee is gone and now I need to clean the house!

Time for some comfort tea in one of my many, many Fiestaware mugs.
This particular one is a retired color called Juniper. When I dropped the matching dinner plate on the floor, I actually cried as I picked up the pieces. It was the first and only piece I’ve broken.  I’m not usually emotional like that but it was just the cherry on top of a really crumby day if memory serves.

Again…I am off track… We were talking about tea!!

I LOVE this Oh my! Chai.
It’s my special treat. I hoard it and only drink it when I need some comfort or want to super indulge.

Point of information: I have no affiliation with Tastefully Simple at all…just love this product. :) Thought you’d want to know.

Stop on over to Kimmies blog to see what my fellow tea drinkers are doing today.

I grew up in a household that had many collections. Rocks, sea shells, fancy tea cup and saucers sets just to name a few.
Over the years I’ve gotten rid of most of my “dust catcher” collections and now only collect items that are useful, such as my Fiestaware.
These are our everyday dishes as well as our “fancy” dishes.

I also have a vast fabric stash and scrapbook papers but they fall into the useful collection in my book. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

Do you collect anything? I’d love to hear about it or see a picture.


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