Tag : frugal living

114 posts

I was working on my place mats this morning. The first one turned out…the second one was a failure. The contact paper on the front buckled and I ended up with a U shaped place mat.

I need to punch some more squares since several got ruined when I peeled back the buckled contact paper.

I’m not giving up…I will make at least 4 of these so we’ll each have one for the holiday season.

I’ve been holding my little girl. She has had the sniffles for about 2 weeks but took a turn for the worse on Christmas Day. Yesterday I took her to the doctor after she spent most of the night “barking”. She has croup and a sinus infection. Poor little thing. We’re hoping she’s well by Tuesday which is her 6th birthday!

Today I’ve started punching out squares from old Christmas cards. I saw this blog post on creating placemats from old cards and pictures of family and friends. I have a several shoe boxes of old cards that will fit the bill. I think I’ll use clear contact paper instead of bringing them to Kinkos though, especially since I happen to have some laying around.

I picked up this sweater at a garage sale over the summer for $1.

I didn’t like the way it fit but did like the pattern. Last year I saw a tutorial on making hats from sweaters…wish I could credit them but I can’t remember where I saw it.

I ended up with two hats. I like the square one with the little tassels the best. The braided tassels I made from some black yarn I had laying around.

I still have a bunch of sweater left…I’ll have to do some experiments. Maybe ornaments for the tree? Who knows but I’ll post anything that is successful.

Every morning I’ve been waking up to find this at my front door.

Today I made a draft stop to hopefully help…my only worry is that it will be froze to the door in the morning.

The curtains in my son’s room and the ones on the patio door have both been froze to the 3M window kits we put on them. I can’t even imagine how cold it would be if they weren’t on!

I filled the fabric tube with old towel scraps and used baggies filled with rice and beans. Last time I made one of these we had a cat so I had kitty litter laying around.

Last month I won at BINGO on ABC and received a fabulous package from Marie.

In the bottom of the cigar box there was a lone earring. I immediately fell in love with it…I like sparkly things!

What’s a girl to do…why, make a pendant, of course. I simply removed the french hook and put a jump ring in it’s place.

Just thought I’d give a sneak peek at what I’m working on.

I haven’t done any painting for quite some time.

There are lots of layers on this canvas…I just keep painting over the old with gesso and starting over. Talk about getting my money’s worth out of this canvas!

I never would have guessed I’d be going to a garage sale towards the end of November. Luckily it was held INSIDE the house because it’s super cold and windy with scattered flurries today.

Everything you see for $9.

I’ve been wanting a guillotine cutter for ages.

The creative memories cutting templates look interesting as well and I already have the blades that work with it.

So glad I had to go get my yearly “squeeze” this morning or else I’d have missed these great deals!


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