Tag : frugal living

114 posts

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Most of the seeds I started have come up.

They have also survived Gracie. I put some tin foil up around the sides as some suggested that cats hate tin foil. Seems to have worked so far.

I have 3 varieties of tomatoes, basil, thyme and parsley. My green onions have yet to sprout so I’m thinking  that I’ll have to try again with some other seed.

I just love to look at the tiny little plants though, knowing the yummy goodness to come.


Now if only Mother Nature would cooperate….20130411_1720 20130411_1719

My gardens are a little full of snow right now from the latest storm.

We had thunder and lightning with the snowfall this morning. Crazy Spring!! With more on the way.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the snow. It provided much need moisture for the ground…I just wasn’t excited about the timing.

seed cupsI got these started last week and now have a few bits of green coming up.  My biggest concern now is how am I going to keep the cat from grazing on my little sprouts!

I’m thinking of wrapping the plant cart in some netting we have…if I can remember where I stashed it.

Anyone have any tips for me on keeping the cat from grazing on my tender new veggie plants??

Monday was a “stay home” day for me knowing that the rest of my week was much busier. I made my list and got started as soon as everyone was out the door.

I spent more than half the day working in the kitchen. First was my dad’s recipe for Whole Pea Soup, so much better than split pea. Although finding dried whole peas is very difficult in the stores.

Next I started a batch of homemade bread, a recipe from my friend Sandy. I believe it was her grandma’s recipe.  I changed things a wee bit and the loaves still turned out really good.

While the bread was rising I stirred up a batch of pumpkin muffins from the Betty Crocker cookbook with some healthy substitutions. The recipes call for it to be in bread loaves but I just adjusted my time a bit. 20130225_1452

My last goodie before getting dinner prepped and in the oven was some Chewy, No Bake Granola Bars. They are so yummy! I put chocolate chips on half the bars since I’d rather have them plain. My photo was an afterthought as I was wrapping them up for individual servings.

They are so good!!!

I like domestic days…feels good to make things that are healthy and provide homemade, non-processed food for my family.


First of all, I have to admit that this is not my original idea. I’ve seen many versions of this on Pinterest.    box pleat

But after going through the kids clothes and coming up with 2+ garbage bags full to pass along to a friend, it inspired me to keep a couple school shirts for this project.

This project couldn’t be an easier. I turned the shirt inside out then stitched the bottom closed.  Next was the box pleat to create a flat bottom. Basically you sew perpendicular to the bottom seam at each corner. You end up with a triangle of fabric that is not usable bag space. Gosh, I think I’m making that more complicated than it really is!! Here’s a link that shows the process if I just confused you.

Anyway…then I turned the shirt back right side out and cut off the sleeves and made a scoop cut at the neckline. No pattern just start cutting. We all know what a plastic handle bag from the grocery or discount store looks like….that’s what you are going for in shape.

All in all, not too shabby for a few minutes work. It saved a couple of shirts from the rag pile since  they’d likely never be worn again.

Little J claimed the lime green one as soon as she returned home. It was her shirt to begin with so now it will continue to serve her in a different capacity.

It’s been a long time since I had a Tea Tuesday post…mostly since I always have a super busy Tuesday and I don’t often schedule my posts. Likely because I’m not very good at planning ahead. I’m sort of a fly by the seat of my pants type of girl. 

 I just had to show you the teacup candles I made. 
Once again, something I’ve been wanting to do for a long, long time but just never did…until now.

I’m totally in love with them. They turned out perfectly.  
I couldn’t have imagined better results! 
Hooray! Love it when something comes out right!


Continuing one with my need to melt things…I made some candles.
Over time I’ve collected containers and supplies at garage sales to create some OOAK candles.
This one in the tin is so feminine. It has a nice soft scent…not flowery as the flower on top would suggest. Just soft, sweet and slightly fruity.

For this one I placed chunks of a darker, broken  candle in the glass jar before filling with the new wax. I was hoping for a more dramatic look but what can I say…I’m experimenting.


I’m showing my age with that quote. 
Remember the show  
Anyway…I do like to melt stuff. 
We have piles of crayons. I think they are reproducing in the cupboard. 
I’ve recycled crayons many times with varying degrees of success. 

Cheap dollar store variety and the free crayons from restaurants contain too much wax and not enough pigment. 
The best ones are the Crayola.
My technique:
Spray mini muffin pan with olive oil to act as a release agent.
Melt in a 230° oven for about 10 minutes. 
Cool completely.

(I set the pan in the garage overnight to harden.)

Now we have a fun, chunky set of crayons to spark some renewed interest in coloring…hopefully.



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