Tag : frugal living

114 posts

 Preparation for this years garden has begun.  
All of my seeds have sprouted into these cute little seedlings…hooray!
I have 4 varieties of tomatoes, basil, mint, parsley, thyme and dill in one tray and petunias just getting started in the second. 
Not sure if  the flowers will be big enough by the time I want them outside but I had to try anyway.

The garden plot is waiting to be prepped as well.  
I haven’t dared do any raking or hoeing since hurting my back. I’ve got plenty of time though, we usually don’t plant anything outside until after Mother’s Day. Then the chance of frost is pretty slim.
Can’t wait to get the rest of the seeds into the ground! 
We love having a garden to eat from.


For Christmas this year, our daughter received an American Girl Doll. She’s been wanting one for years. My only issue is that all the American Girl brand accessories are really spendy just because they have the logo. 
Yesterday I decided that I’d try to make a sleeping bag for her. I grabbed my box of blue scraps (once intended for a boy quilt) and started piecing. 
With a few measurements of the doll herself, I decided on my size.
I’d say it fits pretty well.  

Little J liked it a lot with the exception of the colors. I figured that would be the case so this one will be a gift and I’ll be making another in the colors of her choosing.
I got to go crazy with my free-motion foot. 
I had to stop after breaking 3 needles and read up about what in the world I was doing wrong. 
Turns out I was moving my hands to quickly and pulling the needle out of alinement so it would smack down onto the footplate and snap.


So we have this old fridge that just keeps humming along mechanically but cosmetically it was getting really nasty looking. 
I used to keep papers, magnets and comics on it to cover as much as possible.
It was rusting from underneath the finish on the doors. I’m guessing that it was a manufacturing issue since the rest of it isn’t rusting at all. 
I sanded all the rust and painted over it with Rustoleum paint.
I decided on dictionary pages to cover the fridge. My thought was…it’s got to be better than the way it looked before. 

And in my opinion, it totally is!!  I still need to put a couple coats of sealer on top so I can wipe it down as needed. I picked up the Golden polymer medium I used as glue in the recycle center reuse room for FREE!!  Just two cheap foam brushes were purchased for this facelift. 
Yes, I know we’ll eventually have to replace this beast but until then it’s definitely a conversation piece in my kitchen!!

Well, the would be this Halle…not the Christmas spelling, which is the wrong spelling in my opinion. :-)
Anyway….I’m trying my best to root this ivy cutting that was given to me. Not like I really need another house plant but I have a hard time resisting them especially when they are FREE!
Stop by our hostess with the mostess, Kimmie’s blog, to see what she and the rest of the girls are doing this last Tuesday before Christmas.

…my version of a necklace and bracelet organizer. 
I made one for my mom as well. 
Ssshhh…don’t tell her…it’s a surprise.

After working out and running errands this morning, I spent a good chunk of this afternoon putting together all these bottle cap magnets.  I think I’m a little loopy from the glue…need more ventilation in the basement!
You may remember a long time ago I had them strewn across my work surface.
I bagged them up and stuck them away…promptly forgetting they existed.
Well, no more.
They are heading to Texas along with all the other items I’ve been busy creating plus some oldies but goodies.
I still have a list of things I want to make but am running out of time.
I hope I remember to take a picture of everything before sending it off.

The other day I came across this cool tea tin. Now I’m not a big fan of Jasmine or any floral tea for that matter but I did like the tin. Who knew it would be full of tea. Not wanting to actually drink it I decided to do a little experiment. I had some scraps of muslin so I heated some water and threw the muslin and tea in with it and let it sit all day while I was out and about.

It didn’t get as dark as I believe black tea would have but the fabric strips are a nice aged color.

So what did I do with them you ask…  
a little layered fabric hair accessory for my girl.


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