Tag : garden art

7 posts

It’s just a typical Tuesday at my house. I had a brisk morning walk…52°F. It was refreshing but I’m not going to lie…I wished I had worn long sleeves.

Next it’s time for a bit of coffee and list writing. Lists help me stay focused. Trust me…I was WAY off task this weekend and Monday. Mr. G took yesterday off so typically I take that “time off” as well. I don’t create lists and sort of go with the flow. Not always the best choice for me.

Good news though…last week I was very productive.

I replanted green beans, snap peas and zucchini.

They have all sprouted! Hopefully I’ll get some good production before our first frost.

My tomatoes are ripening. My squash lost the battle with pests…squash borers got to them…but now I know what to look for.

Marvin was busy watching the birds while I was snapping a few photos.

My tiger lilies are in full bloom and the deer have left them alone!

Perhaps its the new guard bear my neighbor painted and gave to Mini-me. That or the bar of Irish Spring soap I have hanging from the cage around the lilies. I heard that deer don’t like the smell of clean people. :)

I’ve started working in a new journal. I’m not loving this book as I’m afraid that its not well made enough to withstand the abuse that I put my art journals and altered books through.

It was the only one I had laying around at the moment. Since I’m not thrifting at all, it will have to do.

I thought it was funny that it had traveled half way across the country into my hands just for me to destroy alter it.

I’ve completed 4 spreads so far. This is a snippet of a page. I’m having a lot of fun playing with texture.

The T Tuesday post from last week had another one of the spreads. I’ll share more in another post. I’ve already rattled on too long for today.


What are you doing today?

At my school the last day is grade level field trips. I went with 7th grade to Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America. Nothing like setting 6 bus loads of kids free at the mall (and that was just from our school).

We walked in under this beautiful and interactive art installation.

There was a rope attached with a sign that read “Pull rope to help her fly“.  The kids had fun helping her flap her wings. Here’s a little news clip about it if you’d like to see more including a video of it in motion.

I went on 3 rides during our time at the mall. The first was the worst…hard on the body…very jerky, spinny and not for the feint of heart. The second was also pretty scary but not so hard on the body.

All those teal twists and turns made me scream a few times much the the glee of the students.

This was the view from the Ferris wheel…nice and slow with a great view of the park.

Over the weekend I did some outdoor sprucing up. I stitched up some new buntings for my gardens…

FYI…My glass of water is just out of frame on the step in adherence with T stands for Tuesday.

And refreshed some metal garden art…

I used several cans of spray paint to brighten up the flower. I’m not sure I love it but it’s so much better than before!

This little sign really needed help and a 3D element. I had two of these metal flowers. They have a metal pin out from the back. I used a tie tack back and a washer to hold it on the sign. IT hangs from a shepherds hook along the front walk.

Today I took Mini-me to take her drivers test…and she passed!! Then I sent her to Target on an errand.

Woot! She did great. She is so happy…so am I! Now she can drive herself to work and school and volleyball and well you get the picture…

Tuesday morning we are getting a new roof put on the house. I know…super exciting. I’ve got all kinds of busy work to do in the house while the nail guns are hammering.

What are you doing today?

For several weeks I’ve been meaning to share a little garden art piece. Last week I didn’t even make it for T stands for Tuesday.  In my defense, last Tuesday didn’t even seem like Tuesday since Monday was the Independence Day holiday. Enough with the excuses and on with the project.

I used a strand of memory wire, beads and a fishing swivel to create this whimsical edition to my flower garden. I started out with a wildly random color assortment but didn’t love it. After some thought, I decided on blue, white and silver. I felt this combo would contrast nicely with the surrounding greenery.


I was really hoping the fishing swivel would make it twirl in the wind. So far it hasn’t seemed to spin. Perhaps if there were something flat or paddle shaped at the end instead of a faceted bead it would have enough wind resistance to spin. Oh well….

I must also mention this was a stash busting project. Absolutely no cost. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

It’s a good thing to since I was saving my pennies to buy a set of these pretty copper mugs for our new favorite summer drink.

Moscow mule

So pretty and the customary vessel for a Moscow mule. By keeping the copper mugs in the freezer they retain the cold for much longer.  You have to be careful with this vodka and ginger beer concoction though….they go down quick but sneak up on you. Don’t even ask how I know that one.

I have errands on my list this morning but I’ll be around to check in with the rest of the T stands for Tuesday gang later.

What are you doing today?

Several years ago I made a banner for the deck rail.  It added a bit of whimsy to the deck box garden.

Refreshed flags | Halle's Hobbies

 When we added a second garden I made flags for that as well. Over the years the elements have done a number on the flags. Up until last winter I always took them down at the end of each fall. Knowing that they really needed replacement I left them up to continue the whimsy throughout the cold months.

Refreshed flags | Halle's Hobbies

Today’s version of the flags are single sided. They still blow sweetly in the breeze adding a fun element to an otherwise boring fence and deck rail.

Refreshed flags | Halle's Hobbies

Refreshed flags | Halle's Hobbies

Next is the planting….

T stands for Tuesday_200Thanks for stopping by today for T stands for Tuesday. I’ve got just boring old water in my glass today. 20140725_6078We’ve been so busy lately that it feels as if I haven’t done anything creative.  But then I got to thinking that I had made something…

I had to cut out a grape vine from my garden. I had actually planted it there myself and now 2-3 years later I’m realizing that wasn’t the smartest plan.20140722_6068Just before tossing the vine into the yard waste bag I had a bit of inspiration. Why not make a grapevine wreath?! 20140722_6072

I left it hanging in the shed to dry. I figure since it gets pretty hot in there even with the vents it should help to quickly dry it out. I made it slightly bigger than I’d like since I assume it will shrink in the drying process.

I also had to share this gas station sign we spotted. It was over by the Falls and Mississippi river a couple weeks ago.

gas wowGotta love a good sense of humor.

Today and tomorrow are booked solid for us…I’ll be around to visit my T stands for Tuesday friends as soon as I can!

20130701_2329I guess the owners of the lanes probably wouldn’t let me use this bowling ball anymore. I’ve had this in my head for a long time and finally found a bowling ball at a thrift store over winter. I had the stand leftover from a table top fountain that bit the dust years ago.


The little garden is really starting to come together. I just need a few more perennials with some color and I’ll be a happy camper.

The stepping stones were made at Mother’s Day when each of my kids were 2-ish. I love seeing their tiny little foot prints saved forever in the concrete.

They both hated the process but I’m glad I did it anyway. Neither remembers it, so it’s all good. :)

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 A couple of curious crystalline fungi have appeared in my landscaping.

I haven’t decided weather or not to let them be.

I like the smaller of the two better. (second photo)

The mushroom cap has a better shape.

Please excuse the weeding that needs to be done in the mulch. I’ve had a busy week.

This was yet another project inspired by Pinterest.

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