Tag : gardening

106 posts

I thought I’d share another page in my coffee theme altered book on this T stands for Tuesday. I can see the end of the book. I’m estimating I only have room for 3 more spreads. Longest project ever!!

java in a teacup

Now that it’s nearing completion, I’m really trying to grind it out… *grin*

plant update

I thought I’d give a little peek at my seedlings. They are getting leggy…time to transplant into slightly bigger pots.

sunny spot

I also had to share this gorgeous photo of Gracie that Little J aka Mini-me aka JR took the other day. I knew she was using my camera but wasn’t sure for what. She definitely has an eye for lighting.

I’ve got errands, phone calls and chores on my list today. Living the dream. :)

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday_200Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard. It’s time to share a beverage and talk about what ever the heck is on your mind!water for tea tuesday

Holy cow!! We’ve definitely had a week to remember…or at minimum…an early morning to remember. We found out that our volunteer fire dept has a really good response at 6:20 in the morning. And we didn’t even have a fire…just needed EMT’s.  They just kept walking through my front door. I won’t go into the details but no transport was needed and all is fine now.


After commenting to friend about all the men in my livingroom that morning I saw this on Pinterest and it made me laugh!!


And back to normalcy. I created a cover page or perhaps it would be the title page for my latest journal. I decided to leave the name of the original owner of the book. It gives the book more history in my mind.


My seedlings are doing really well. I picked up an herb pot at Trader Joe’s and have placed it inside the protective plastic bin as well to keep it safe from you know who. Naughty Miss Gracie.

I also got the pink streak put in my hair again.  halfThe kids are on Spring Break this week. We are enjoying a mellow week at home. Little J and I saw Cinderella yesterday. It was pretty good. More sad than the animated version but not as dark as the original fairy tale.

I’m not sure what the rest of today has in store yet. That’s the beauty of vacation right?!?

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday rolls around all too quickly each week! I feel like I’m playing catch up all the time. moody tea

I thought I’d give you a little update on life around here.


Not much has changed with the seeds I’ve started other than the view outside is a little white. We got about 4″ of snow which is actually good since we were under a red flag fire warning. 20150323_7478

If you look really closely you can see a few little bits of green popping through the soil.

I also wanted to share about Little J’s surgery. It went really well. She is up and around almost as if nothing had ever happened. She is even going to school today a mere 3 days after knee surgery. Crazy!! Miracles of modern medicine and the resiliency of youth!!

What are you doing today?

Good Morning! Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.  T stands for Tuesday_200

Lets keep our fingers crossed that my back stays in good shape now! Geesh that was a long haul. I apologize for not stopping by many, if any, blogs for the past week.

Every year I start my seeds the week of St. Patrick’s Day.seed starting By the time we can safely plant outdoors, I’ll have nice size plants to set into the garden…or gardens as the case may be. My in-laws are graciously letting me plant in their garden again this year in addition to my two small garden plots.

So what’s in those cups?

  • 3 variety of tomatoes
  • 2 variety of peppers
  • cucumbers
  • spaghetti squash

I will also be starting some herbs in pots and sowing seeds directly into the gardens when the time comes. We love having fresh herbs and veggies with our meals…especially when they are straight from the garden!plant vigil

Miss Gracie is keeping vigil over the seeds while watching the critters romp.

gracie sittin n lookin

I’m off to run a few errands, stop to see my knitting group then make a ton of phone calls to get our ducks in a row for Little J’s upcoming knee surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

What are you doing today?


Hello, hello!  I finally made it for T stands for Tuesday! I’ve been MIA here in blogland lately but hopefully things are settling down and I can get back into my routine.        Create–>photo—>blog. 20140909_6923

I found this mug at a garage sale last week. There were actually two but I only took the one. Why the significance? We got married in the Canterbury Wedding Chapel inside the Excalibur Hotel a little over 20 yrs ago. We also attended the Fantasy Faire show while there. I just couldn’t pass up the mug.

On to the harvest….20140909_6921

Most of the tomatoes came from the plants I have in the ground at my in-laws house. My garden is really poor this year. Between the deer eating the tops off my beans and the squirrels snacking on the tomatoes…it’s been a little disheartening.20140909_6922I’m planning to make a spicy jam with these little babies.  We’ll see how that turns out.

Otherwise…I have been crafting some. Listing cards in my etsy store, getting an inventory built for the craft season and finding more ways to upcycle.  I’ve found that my back bothers me when I sit at my computer so I’ve been trying to stay away from it…besides I get more accomplished when not lost in cyberspace. :)

I’ve got some shopping and outside chores on my list today. The weather is supposed to turn colder tomorrow so I better get it it!!

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday_200This edition of T stands for Tuesday is all about my garden….my edible garden that is.20140701_5614First we have the obligatory beverage. In my case, this morning, it’s still coffee resting along the deck rail. I have three boxes of herbs here and two really sad looking pots behind me in the photo. They are so scraggly and pathetic that I am ready to throw them out. 20140701_5621My raised bed is doing really well this year. I think having some tree limbs above it trimmed has really helps get the needed sunshine.20140701_5618Some of my lettuce is ready for a sandwich or salad. I’m thinking I need to boil some eggs for an egg salad sandwich…oh yum. 20140701_5619This year I decided to plant more than one cucumber plant since in previous years I’ve had such poor production. I also changed the location. They seem to be loving it here. Hopefully I’ll be seeing lots of little cukes from all those blossoms real soon.20140701_5622My “big garden” has tons of green bean plants that are covered in blossoms and lots of tiny beans beginning to form.20140701_5626The tomato plants in this garden aren’t looking so great. These are my large red variety vs the small yellow pear shaped ones in the raised bed. Hopefully they will produce some tomatoes.

In addition, I have 4 plants at my in-laws house…2 of each variety.  Big J is mowing their lawn this summer so I took them up on the offer of using some of their garden space.

Our CSA farm share has been pretty meager so far. The weather here in MN has been less than ideal. So many fields are under water. What we’ve gotten from the farm share has been good quality…just not much in the quantity.

Another busy Tuesday for me…I’ll be around to visit as soon as I can…

What are you doing today?

Hello, hello! I’m feel a little thrown off this morning from the Memorial Day holiday yesterday. Today seems like Monday. Waking up late didn’t help matters any.

But today is Tuesday… so that means it’s time to join Elizabeth and Bleubeard for T stands for Tuesday.deck box gardenI brought my coffee outside with me to check on the gardens. I won’t bore you with a bunch of pictures of mostly dirt. I have 10 tomatoes planted…4 yellow pear plants and 6 Thessaloniki(Greek heirloom)plants. My beans are sprouting. The cucumbers are planted. Hopefully the leaf lettuce seeds I planted will sprout soon form the galvanized bucket in the deck box garden.

It’s misty raining so I’d like to show you my before and after on my cursed journal. After completing the journal I assumed I would leave the outside unadorned. The cover graphics and color was what made me choose this book in the first place. cursed journal beforeBut the spine left something to be desired. It kept bugging me as it sat on the bookshelf. Since my art space is currently out of commission…there wasn’t a whole lot I could do. Then my tea dyed curtain scrap came to mind. I could have the best of both worlds…pretty graphics and the ugly spine covered.cursed journal afterI decided to add the little bits of chain and charms at the last minute. charmedThey add a little movement and bling.  Now I’m very happy with the journal that caused me so much grief in the beginning.


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