Tag : Gypsy journal

24 posts

After completing the cover on my last art journal, I had some scraps of stamped tissue paper laying around. I layered the lovely brown tissue on the pages. This gave my background instant texture and an even more aged feel than the original pages already have.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

I really enjoy this color combo. It’s bold yet not something that makes you search for your sunglasses.

It didn’t occur to me until just now that this journal entry is very similar to a small canvas creation that adorns my livingroom.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

Someone is very curious about mom’s camera…

Halle's Hobbies

As I was saying…before my ADD had me running up to take a photo of the livingroom wall…this color combo is obviously something I like a lot. The complementary colors work so well and the black and white accents give a nice pop.

dramatic colors | Halle's Hobbies

I broke out the gelatos again for my latest journal page. I love how smoothly they blend. They are just a joy to work with. Such vibrant colors.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I also love how the page text shows through adding to the texture of the spread.

I definitely stepped outside my comfort zone with these colors. I’m always surprised when I try something new and it turns out better than I ever hoped.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

When it came time for words on the page a conversation I’d had earlier with a neighbor came to mind. We were catching up on life….we don’t see each other much over winter. I mentioned I’d been sick and hadn’t been working much. We talked about the past and the future.

gelato journal page | Halle's Hobbies

These words jumped out at me. I am living my dream. I am blessed.

Hello! I’m back! In reality I never “left” but have been totally out of commission with influenza. Yep…first it was Mini-me, then Mr, G then me. Everybody quickly knock on wood with me that J has been spared. It was a MEAN bout of influenza. We are all still coughing but have been told that could last for weeks! Honestly I’m still not 100%. I thought I was doing well yesterday until I was 1/3 of that way through my weekly grocery shopping and broke out in a sweat and felt as if I could pass out at any moment. Needless to say…I cut my list short and headed home. Enough talk of things totally out of my control and on with the art.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

As I’ve been continuing to paint the 3D printed Catan tiles, my extra paint has been spread randomly on this journal page.

This morning I was feeling a bit of creative energy….I didn’t give much thought…just worked with items around me.hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

At this point is when I realized that my head is still a bit foggy. I had heard a small splash while making the India ink drips but it took a good minute to realize what had happened.hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

I was holding the bottle of ink in one hand and the dropper in the other…evidently I tipped my hand a little too far over. DUH! What a mess!!! Luckily I did get it cleaned up and remarkably didn’t get any on my nice jeans or white sweater!!  When inspiration strikes I don’t often think about what I’m wearing….I’ve ruined several nice things that way.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

I decided on a glassine envelope to hold a bit of private journalling.

hidden journalling | Halle's Hobbies

The tag I used was just a bit of scrap paper that I cut down to fit….that was the intent at least. I cut it a bit short (did I mention my head was a bit foggy) so I added a “handle” of sorts by simply stapling some black and white polka dot paper to the scrap.

That’s it for today…I need to rest a bit more before a necessary errand.

After a little post-Christmas cleanup, I rediscovered my worktable. Sad but true…it had been buried under things I was setting there “just for the moment”. I should know that means weeks around the holidays.

Never being one to leave an open space open for along…I grabbed my Gypsy journal and began this new journal page.

time warp journal | Halle's Hobbies

I used some of my favorite techniques. They are my go-to whenever I’m feeling the creative bent but not knowing the direction I’d like to go.

My go-to formula is drywall tape for the background, a focal image of a person and found text to end it off.

time warp journal | Halle's Hobbies

I really enjoy creating little tales such as this one. Even though it may not make any sense to others…it makes me smile none the less.

Do you have go-to techniques that are seen in your work over and over? I used to think this was a bad thing as I wasn’t growing artistically. I now see that that for me, using similar techniques over and over actually help me grow creatively.

What is your favorite technique?

***I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey today with my time warp journal collage. ***

Don’t let that title fool you…I’m not yet organized but am working towards making it a habit.


I’ve seen a lot of talk about bullet journaling lately and am intrigued. Rita @ SoulComfort’s Corner keeps an awesome bullet type journal…so organized. I do like some of the concepts and having it all stay in one place…permanently. In the past I’ve always kept my list on random paper that would get misplaced or recycled before completing the tasks.  I’m only about 10 days into this so far. I did skip this past weekend as we were planning on a very lazy laid back one.

Mini-me loves to organize. She’s got a lot of her dad in her with that one. But she also has a lot of me. She organizes when the mood strikes…otherwise it generally looks like a tornado swept thru her room. I was the same way at her age…at least with the messy room part.


She was inspired to organize our paint drawer. She even weeded out the dried up containers…now there is room for everything! Thanks sweetie!

Last week for T stands for Tuesday, I posted the beginning of an art journal page that used a scrap of junked up paper.

t tuesday waste not edition | Halle's hobbies

Here’s the completed page….

junked up journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I loved these words and am trying my best to heed them.

junked up journal page | Halle's Hobbies

This also struck me as funny as I was photographing the page.

junked up journal page | Halle's Hobbies

See my name along the edge? I must have used this page to try out my typewriter as well.

I’m going to try and catch up on things here at home today. I had some training yesterday for my job. And with the lazy laid back we just had, I’m definitely behind around here.

What are you doing today??

art journal snippetI started this page at craft club next door. I wasn’t feeling like making cards this time. I prepped the pages with tape down the spine and a thin coat of gesso at home so I’d be ready to play. I brought my gelatos, some pens and baby wipes for my fingers. The baby wipes work really well for both clean up and to get a little moisture on your fingers so the gelato moves more freely.

pondering art journal page |Halle's Hobbies

The next evening I sat watching TV with the unfinished page on my lap. Something came up about pondering and questioning…or perhaps something else triggered that in my mind. I just started free writing my thoughts. I have always been intrigued with the idea of time travel and parallel universe theories. What if there were an alternate timeline some how…some way?

pondering art journal page |Halle's HobbiesIf you could take a peek at your life in that time line the branched from a choice you made…would you look? Or would you be afraid to look?

without haste art journal page| Halle's HobbiesThis journal page has been in various states of creation for, at the very least, a week. I just haven’t “felt it” every time I went to create. In addition, I was sick for a couple of days.

without haste art journal page| Halle's Hobbies I find it amazing how quickly we can get out of a good habit, especially since picking up a new “bad” or unhealthy one is so easy. 

Today I set my mind free of an end product and just created without constraint.

I was impulsive and carefree…

It was glorious!


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