Tag : home decor

4 posts

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

I decided to make this a twofer post after realizing that I had added some coffee themed tissue paper to my A Stitch in Time themed page for Art Journal Journey.

Art Journal Journey

This page started out to be something completely different but as I continued adding paint and paper elements to the page it somehow evolved. I really need to take a cue from Eileen at The Artful Crafter and take photos along the way.

The substrate was a page from a book…lots of interesting imagery that I thought was driving my direction. I guess I took a sharp right, maybe a left…who knows.

I just kept playing until my page spoke to me…and it said “follow your dreams”

I, of course, added fun and purposefully wonky stitching. I was turning the dial that controls the width of the zig-zag while sewing. It gave the stitching a really unique look.

Won’t you join me for A Stitch in Time?!?

 This week is looking to be a hot one around here. I’m setting myself up with some indoor projects to work on.

These books are for a big project I’ve had in mind for years. I’m finally going to tackle it. There I said it…now I have to do it.

I also arranged and cleaned out my closet. I had several t-shirts that just had to go.

I decided to tear them into t-shirt yarn. I’m thinking these will become a rag rug.

So many possibilities…

What are you doing today?

Hello and welcome to another edition of T Stands for Tuesday!

Lately when its not frigid or snowing, I’ve been doing a bit of thrift store shopping. Mini-me has gone a few times as well. She has found some really awesome clothes for herself. Me…not so much in the clothing department but I have found some craft supplies and home decor items.

Such as this cute word pillow for the couch. I love it! 

I also picked up this lovely red tray and the craft supplies in it. Frankly I don’t know if I’ll use the cards as craft supplies but they were so cute and reminded me of my childhood. They were a must have for me.

Speaking of supplies…I finally finished the tea in this tin! I’ve been wanting to use the tin in my craft room as an organizer. Now if I could just remember my original intention for it. :)

Since today was a workshop day for teachers, Mini-me and I had the day off. Marvin was very confused. He likes routines. He spent the day taking turns following each of us around the house, curiously watching.

BTW–Mini-me did really great in her tournament over the weekend. She once again shot a personal best. A whole 21 points higher than the previous week. And get this…she shot left handed after shooting right handed for over a year.

You can see her shooting left on this side at the most recently…as opposed to right at all previous tournaments. Crazy huh? And yes, Mini-me has almost waist length hair.

Tuesday has work, archery (thrifting time for me) and an evening meeting. It’s going to be a long day!

What are you doing today?

Frugal frame fix. Say that five times fast!

Last summer I picked up a cool frame at an occasional shop not too far from here. I had the thought of stringing wire or perhaps even chicken wire (dang, just thought of that now) to create a changeable photo gallery piece.

Frugal frame fix

I’ve reserved one section of wall for family photos, caricatures and memorabilia in the game area of our family room.  This is an always changing wall, which I love.

Frugal frame fix

Since the wall is so busy and colorful on it’s own I felt that black frames were the way to go.

Frugal frame fix

Of course I never remember to wear gloves….

Frugal frame fix

I’m pretty sure at any given time I have paint on me somewhere…whether its on my hands, nails, hair or clothes one just never knows.

This morning I got my supplies ready so I could finally get this project off the game table.

Frugal frame fix

I stapled the bent wire across the frame on the back then curled each end to lock it into place.

Frugal frame fix

Easy peasy right… One would think so. This was only after making my first mistake did I realize that I had to staple to the side wall of the frame…not straight down.

Frugal frame fix

Crud…the staple went right through the front of the frame. Oh well, nothing a little bit of black paint won’t fix.

Frugal frame fix


I’m thinking I may keep a box of favorite photos right here so it will be easy to switch them out.

So what’s a girl to do when she doesn’t want to repaint a wall quite yet…hide the imperfections, of course.

This first one is were my dustbuster hand vacuum formerly hung. It finally “bit the dust” so to speak. Oh man that was bad.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

My solution is not too shabby. Totally hides the wall anchors. It’s an awkward little section of wall anyway…might as well try to dress it up.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

This UGLY phone jack was truly an eye sore in the kitchen when I took down the wall phone. Just the simple hanging of the painting over the jack gave that wall a fresh new look. I didn’t even have to pound in a nail!

 Big J says the painting makes him of cells….and that’s from the kid who says he doesn’t like biology.  Me…I just like the colors. LOL

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