Tag : lace

14 posts

Over the weekend I finally checked something off my perpetual to-do list that has been on it for far too long….a closet purge. I decided to through my closet with a realistic mind.  I had so many articles of clothing that hadn’t been worn in ages. They fell into several categories; out of style, doesn’t fit, not my style, and why do I even own this?

I have a tall kitchen bag full of shirts and skirts but several pieces had potential to be reused or re-purposed.

I decided to cut or tear out the usable crafting pieces. I love adding bits of fabric to my journals, collage cards and mixed media pieces.

There was a good mix of colors and textures.

I’m really excited to start piecing these together. The pink plaid is kind of bugging me in this photo if I’m honest. But the rest of it gives a real tropical 1980s feel. Bright, bold colors…totally 80s.  Like, totally!  (in your best Valleygirl impression)

That roll of lace is calling my name….I cut it from the bottom edge of a shirt that I think I only wore once. It just never fit right. I hate that! I should know better than to buy something just because I really like the look of it and ignore the fact it doesn’t really work. But at least I have some pretty lace now.

But seriously…so many fun bits of this and that.

Anyone notice my glass of water in keeping with the T stands for Tuesday rules? She’s there on the corner of the table. Have to keep hydrated in the winter.

There was a sweater in my original pile but I haven’t decided how I want to use it yet so it remains uncut. I was thinking about Christmas ornaments and decor. Also maybe boot cuffs or mittens. I also thought about trying to refashion it in some way. Since I am totally undecided it will go in with my sewing fabrics until a later date.

What are you doing today?

Life. Family. Memories. Adventure.

The journey.

I was inspired to sit down to create this morning. I didn’t have a specific theme in mind but as I began to pull interesting pieces together I realized that I did have something in mind. Life is an adventure

Over the last two days I’ve exchange emails with cousins from both sides of my dad’s family. A genealogy message board connected them even though they aren’t related, but I am to both of them. My “new” cousin was looking for photos and info on her Grandpa…who was my Grandpa’s brother. I was able to provide her with a photo she’d never seen of 4 of the brothers.  As it turns out we live within 10 minutes of each other and plan to meet sometime after school is done. So cool!

Anyway…all this digging into the past. Thinking of stories told to me by my parents. Old photos. Genealogy. Family. Memories. All came together to inspire the page you see. Life is an adventure

vintage stamps and lace

Life is an adventure

Blue chip stamps and vintage trim

Life is an adventure

B&W photo and flower embellishmentLife is an adventure

All of these pieces coming together as a vintage inspired tribute to my ancestors. Their life was a great adventure. Life is an adventure

Ours is too. This is something I think we often forget through the drudgery of everyday life. Live your life…make it an adventure.


I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey for Recycle and Collage.

Art Journal Journey

Some quiet reflection brought me to this page.

new happy ending

I used light cardboard for my substrate adding layers of paper and paint.

glass-look mason jar using punched plastic

Gelatos were used on this paper pieced mason jar. I punched a jar from a plastic sleeve and adhered over the butterfly giving the illusion of glass.

charcoal doodles with white pen journaling

Before punching holes in the page for my polka dot journal I did a bit of paint scrapping, doodling with charcoal pencil and personal thoughts in white pen.

nearly full polka dot journal

My polka dot journal is basically full. I may do two more pages that I can adhere to each of the inside covers before called this one complete. I originally thought I’d do something on the front cover as well but unless it’s non-dimensional…which has not been my MO lately….it’s likely better that I leave it just plain.

I hope you forgave me for being so insensitive…so long old friend.

Today for Second on the 2nd I’m sharing a second look at rusted fabric. This was the first time I tried this technique and was quite pleased with the results. Since then I’ve rusted more fabric and even some watercolor paper.

Take a look…



I just couldn’t wait any longer. I had to unwrap the fabric.

I’m going to leave them to dry in the yard for a little while.

Just look at all the rusty goodness…

And this…

Love it!!

My question now is…do I rinse the fabric or leave it as is? I love the look of it right now but don’t want to endanger myself or others if it should be rinsed.


I did end up rinsing the fabric at the urging of Elizabeth…it faded a bit but was still quite glorious. This post reminds me that I need to ask Mr. G for some more scrap metal that I can use for rusting.

Over the past few years I’ve started collecting Christmas trees. Mostly because I keep making a new kind each year but I’m not opposed to buying one at a thrift store or garage sale if it really speaks to me.

This year I was inspired by Mini-me. She had to film a tutorial for her technology class. Her group of three girls each picked a different Christmas craft and bought enough material for the three of them to each create their own.  She was inspired by this tree.

inspiration tree | Halle's Hobbies

Her version used smaller pieces of cardstock. It got very tedious for her towards the end of both punching all the scallops and hot gluing them to the paper cone. It was her punching all those pieces that had Mr. G prompting me to try my Silhouette machine again.

Speaking of paper cones…I made the cones from poster board after first seeing the price of a craft store foam version and then realizing that the foam would melt with hot glue. Glad I thought that one through before starting!!

lace wrapped tree materials | Halle's Hobbies

This tree came together really quickly.

vintage lace trim for lace wrapped tree | Halle's Hobbies

This vintage trim was in the bottom of my sewing box likely bought for some project my mom had intended to make in the 1970’s. At least it’s getting used now! lace wrapped Christmas tree| Halle's Hobbies

Isn’t it sweet. I had the tiny glass ornaments in my stash as well. All it needed was a topper. I auditioned several ideas but finally decided a star was in order.handmade star for lace wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I drew a star on a piece of paper so I’d have a guide to do my bending. I used a twisted piece of 22 gauge wire. I had to “tie” the star at the crossover points “barbwire style” for stability.

The second tree (well technically it was the first one) was yarn wrapped.

yarn wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I used a leftover partial skein of acrylic yarn for this one. Again I had some tiny trims in my stash to give the tree a finished look.

Nothing I love more than to use stash items! No cost…no trip to the store…AWESOME!

Tree collection | Halle's Hobbies

My humble little collection in our game area of the family room. You may be able to see both my Suess tree and cork tree. Additionally you also may be able to see the recycled Christmas card balls I made last year and the 12 days of Christmas swap book from several years ago adorning the table.

Ever have a day and you wake up feeling inspired? That was how I felt this morning. I popped out of bed, started coffee, had a little quiet time and yoga. I headed off to the basement with my mind set to create.

time slips away

I wasn’t planning on using this journal but since it was prepped and ready to go with the background that was speaking to me at the moment…I went for it.

prepped journal

As I started painting in green…my muse said…nope. Turquoise is the color of the day. I covered up the green and was pleased with the subtle shading the layers had created.

The page came together so quickly…I was amazed.

teadyed lace

The last little accent I added was a bit of tea dyed lace. I carefully cut around the medallion. It was perfect for the spot.

I don’t often get really excited about my pages but this one has me smiling!

T stands for Tuesday rolls around more quickly each week it seems. Think it’s possible that our hostess Elizabeth is speeding up time? Yeah…probably not happening.

This week my Tea is not for drinking… I’m just dye-ing to show you what I’m doing. *teeheehee*

Tea dye

My supplies are simple…old package of 6 tea bags that I’d never drink. Scraps of linens, lace and ribbon. Glass bowl. Boiling water. And time.

toil and trouble

Bubble, bubble toil and trouble. And now we wait…

I’m heading for a brisk morning walk with a friend.

What are you doing today?

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