Tag : masterboard

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I was recently inspire to create some new journals. These are single signature journals.

I’ve never thought to create small journals such as these but I realized that these are going to come in very handy.

I used scraps of heavy fabric for the outside of the cover and recycled posters for the inside of the cover.

The denim cover is from a pair of jeans that my now college-aged daughter wore as a preschooler.

Since the embroidery was so cute on it, I saved the leg. Waste not, want not.

I used about 15 pages of various papers for the signature.

I wasn’t worried about them all being exactly the same size, in fact, I prefer that there is some variation.

The rose on the left is a digital creation of mine. I had a group of mine printed at Kinkos to make sure that they would print properly if I were to sell them as digital downloads. I have not taken that step yet but maybe someday. In the meantime, I have some fun and uniquely me pages to play with.

The right side has one of the tags I have created from the masterboards I’ve been creating with scraps. I like to stitch around them both for interest and to secure the edges.

Here’s yet another tag slipped in a side tuck on the page. The tuck is from my stash of mini colleges. Also a scrap busting project.

Both masterboards and mini colleges are things that I tend to do when I’m lacking that creative spark. They are quick, use lots of scraps and are great to have around for later projects.

Here is yet another example of both being used on one page.

Attaching an envelope to the edge of a page then folding it to the back creates a fun flip out that can hold a secret note or photo or whatever you want to tuck away for safe keeping.

I’m really having fun with these journals. They are quick, no pressure of strict theme, multi use and just really darn cute.


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