Tag : my digital printables

3 posts

For the second piece in my “I’ve got a notion” series, I went with a vintage feel using elements from the sewing room.

The background is the instruction page from a pattern set. The vintage paper has such a lovely color.

I used a label rubber stamp around a spool image from a dictionary to add a notion.  I like to use this technique to harvest images from old book pages.

The printed papers are my own digital creations. I haven’t played much with that technique lately. I did take a USB thumb drive to Kinkos and have a few pages laser printed a couple years ago just to see how they’d turn out. The rose paper is one of those.

I added the lace down the side because who doesn’t love roses and lace. Once again butterflies are appearing in my art.

I hope you’ll join in with me for “I’ve got a notion” over at Art Journal Journey sometime this month.

I’ve come to realize lately that I’m really drawn to butterflies. Not sure what it is but they are showing up everywhere for me.

I’ve been enjoying playing with paper again. I really makes me happy!

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for What makes you happy.


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve used my creative side. I’ve got a project scheduled for July, so I need to get my hands dirty and make some things! How’s that for a teaser…

While cleaning up my creative space, I found an incomplete 7×7 scrapbook album that I’d totally forgotten about. It works perfectly for loose leaf/ stand alone journal pages which happen to be a favorite of mine.

Instead of continuing to clean my space I had a little side quest and made this journal page.  It felt so amazing to have gluey, painty fingers again!

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