Tag : nature’s art

22 posts

Over 30 years ago, I mined these lovely black rocks and since then they have resided in an old Christmas tin…such a shame. The other day I decided that I wanted to gift another rock loving gal with some of my treasured Apache Tears.

Technically they are obsidian but the ones found in this particular area of Arizona are named Apache Tears.

The Apache Tear is named after a legend of the Apache tribe. In the 1870s, a small group of Apache warriors met the US Cavalry in a battle. They were horribly outnumbered and it became clear that they could not win the battle. Instead of conceding defeat and being captured then murdered, they decided to ride their horses off the side of a mountain to their deaths. According to the legend, when the wives and children of these warriors mourned, their tears turned to stones when they touched the ground where their warriors fell. Those stones were the Apache Tears so we would always remember what happened.

My friend’s mom is waving at us from our high vantage point….likely worried we’d scare up a rattlesnake or fall from the cliff behind us. But teenagers are fearless.

I took these photos during our time adventuring around at the mine. It is honestly one of my favorite memories of my spring break trip to AZ my junior year in high school. Getting to use a small pick ax to gently tap away at the perlite unearthing the rounds of obsidian was so much fun. I can see how miners could get “gold fever” very easily.  It’s my understanding that this mine is now closed to the public. So glad I had the chance to experience it when it was available.

When I came across this glass jar, I was instantly inspired to create a lovely displayable gift. The rubber stopper is removable so she can take out the stones to admire them any time she wants. I used an old dreamcatcher earring as decoration along with a specimen tag. I plan to make another for myself as soon as I find just the right bottle again.

Here we are at the end of 2018. Time to take a look back at the year and discover the highlights.

Such as my word of the year…Discover

Looking back I’d have to say that I made some discoveries along the way.

I discovered a new type of journal keeping that gives me the freedom to do what I want. Not a rigid everyday, writing only journal.

I discovered that I like like making videos of my creations. Not sure where this will go but it’s fun nonetheless.

I discovered how much I love my job now in year 2 back to work. Developing relationships with those crazy kiddos whether they are “mine” or not has been amazing.

Another big discovery was learning to let go of the things I can’t control. This is a work in progress…

I discovered… I am strong, I’m funny, I am clever & creative and I am uniquely me.

I am also a Norwegian from the Mid-west and those statements are as close to boasting about oneself as I dare tread.

I thought I’d share a couple of collages of the important things of my year….from both my personal and artsy/crafsy sides.

Events, travels, triumphs and good clean fun.

So many crafts…so little time.

Now I look forward to what 2019 has in store for me.  Stay tuned tomorrow for the reveal of my 2019 Word of the Year.

We are ready to safely view the eclipse here.

Have my homemade viewing box.

Now if the cloud cover would just roll out of here we might actually get to see some of it. Where we live about 83% will be covered. I hope we at least get a glimpse of it.

I broke out the old plastic canvas a few months ago and created a little bin to hold my thread scraps while sewing. for the birds

This helped keep my table tidy. My knitting and weaving scraps also made there way into the bin.

Today I was really noticing an increase in bird activity through the window. I decided it would be a good time to gift my feathered friends with some nesting material.for the birds 2

Several years ago I did something similar for the birds.  I found some little bits of yarn in the front yard after a while so I know something was attempting to use the scraps.

Now I need to make a new bin for my scraps. Perhaps this one will be more visually appealing on my work surface.

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What’s a girl to do when she has a bunch of boring white cotton yarn?

Dye it of course.

I used a batch of red cabbage dye that I saved in the freezer from dyeing eggs.

I decided  to use some crochet skill to try out a dishcloth.

I love that the yarn isn’t a solid color. Some people would look at that as a flaw but I think of it as a bonus.

I made up my own pattern. Frankly, it looks like a thick doily to me.

I’m not sure how the color will stand up to repeated washings but who cares! It’s a dishcloth after all.

Next I’m going to attempt to follow an actual pattern. We’ll see how that goes…since I seem to be pattern challenged.

PS…it’s snowing here again.


It’s happened again…I just have to make some new things I’ve seen on Pinterest.  
Such as these Kale chips! 
Crispy, crunchy, healthy, yummy.
Here’s a link to the the original post
Credit where credit is due….

The second inspiration didn’t have any readable instructions…just a series of photos pinned. So, unfortunately, I can’t give credit to whom it’s due.

Here’s the original “pin” (left) which summed itself up nicely.

I used an ugly canvas I picked up at a garage sale…gessoed and tissue papered it before painting it green.
I thought the green left behind my leaves was a little boring so I went back with painted and retouched them. 
Looks pretty dumb on the shed door but I happened to have a nail there for the photo op.
Have you been inspired lately?


Ever have one of those weeks that you have all planned out way a head of time…then when the week begins you completely forgot that you had a zillion things to do?? That’s been my week. I think the 3 day Memorial Day holiday weekend was what started me off on the wrong foot. Monday turned into Tuesday in the blink of an eye. 
 Tuesday I was a bit under the weather…allergies and such.
Wednesday was filled by inventory at the school library.
Yesterday I got to go to the Arboretum as a chaperon for Little J’s class. I really love it there. We should really get a membership…but I digress.
The girls enjoyed the Japanese garden…
especially the koi.
I enjoyed a moment of quiet serenity myself. 
But we can’t forget about the flowers…
So many beauties. 
It was hard to choose which to share.
This was my favorite floral photo of the day.
Soft and dreamy…and pink!
Today will be my “catch-up” day. 
The team of fairies I wished for at the fountain never showed. A girl’s got to dream, right?!?!
How are you preparing for summer?



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