Tag : nature’s art

22 posts

We’ve got a pair of chickadees busy preparing a nest in the bird house I plucked out of a FREE pile at the curb while on a walk last year. Those birdies have it stuffed so full that the nest is trailing out. 
I’m not sure how they plan on raising babies in there.


We are finally getting some moisture. It’s been so dry that grass was crunchy.
The crab apple blossoms love it.
I’ll be cutting some off in a bit to bring inside. Too bad the blossom stage is so short lived.
My neighbor’s tree is further ahead than ours…at least I get to enjoy it from afar.


A favorite pastime is searching for fun rocks to add to our collections. Well…it’s mostly our girl and I that can do this for hours on end. 

It was great to walk out from our hotel straight to the shoreline.

The shoreline at this part of the lake is rocky…not sandy. It kills my feet to walk on for any length of time even though the rocks have been worn smooth.

We brought home some treasures…

I don’t think we got any agates…have a book on reserve at the library to help me identify.

We just picked ones that spoke to us. Such as penguin rockpyramid rock, a couple with faces and some with a ring slicing through. Others just said take me home like the stick.

My ultimate excitement was when I found sea glass!!! There were all small pieces but genuine sea glass none the less. 

There were several shades of green and clear as well as a blue and a piece of pottery or maybe milk glass?  I want to go back just to sit and sift through to find more. Sad but true.

I spotted this rock while hiking and had to grab a picture.
Such a funny face…


And now to the friendship part of my post….
My BFF is in town for a convention and we haven’t seen each other in 17yrs!
I’m picking her up in a couple hours so we can spend the evening hanging out at our house until she leaves bright and early in the morning for home. 
I am so excited that I’m giddy!

My neighbor and I went for a walk such as we do several evenings a week but this time we walked to one of the nearby lakes with our cameras.

There’s a wonderful trail through the woods along the lake.

It even seems slightly magical…

Can’t you just imagine this as a little house for a fairy or gnome?!

And this…an arch for tiny woodland creature weddings.

I seem to be all about the photos lately! Probably because we finally have wonderful weather…gotta soak it up!

Those telltale signs of spring have finally decided to show themselves.

My friend Helen sent me an email today reminding me about helping the birds now at nesting season. I KNOW I’ve seen others in previous years set out a basket of goodies for the birds to use but for the life of me I couldn’t find any of their posts. Of course I may be mistaking one blog for another in my searches. I read A LOT of blogs!

Anyway..in my search to find the sweet basket posts for Helen, I came across another simple solution.
Since I had a nearly empty bag of lemons, I opted for this solution.

I added:

  • yarn scraps
  • thread
  • ribbon
  • dryer lint
  • torn fabric strips
  • Spanish moss

I took a crochet hook to pull some scraps partially out so they’d be more visible for the birds. Not sure if this is needed but I did it anyway.

I hope to see some nests with some fun colors while on my walks this year!!

It’s such a beautiful day!! It’s bright and sunny. A perfect day for a walk.
I love how warm the sun is this time of year in comparison to the air temp.

After going to get water at the spring I stopped by a local park to take a little nature walk.

I don’t think there will be any picnics today.

This is where the canoes are usually stored.

This cute little squirrel stopped to posed for me…wasn’t that sweet.

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