Tag : nature’s art

22 posts

If you just take a little time and look a little closer, you’ll find a beautiful and wondrous world all around you.

Before my garage sale I made some flags from scraps to put up by the street so people would know the sale was here. As it turned out, we had so much stuff the flags weren’t needed. They’ve sat on my sewing machine case until today. I decided to pretty up the garden a bit.

Incidentally…the garden is doing very well. I have green tomatoes on all the plants and a couple yellow pepper on one plant. I’ve been harvesting herbs nearly daily. The lettuce is looking pretty poor but I’m going to try and let it dry out a little more. I think it’s not well enough drained.

I picked up a small stoneware pitcher from a garage sale last week. The lady didn’t want to bargain much with me because she said it was made by a famous MN potter named Robert Briscoe. I’d never heard of him but looked it up when I got home. I paid $5 for it…she said she paid over $30.
Last evening, I went around the yard and picked a pretty bouquet for my new pitcher.

As I said in the previous post…I had a garage sale. One of my neighbors brought up a gigantic fish bowl full of corks they had saved over the years to put on the sale. My mind started whirling right away. I knew I could make something from both the corks and the fish bowl.

I had to buy it.

This afternoon my girl and I went to work. I brought out an old frame I had in the storage room. I set her to work painting the backing black while I applied some crackle glaze to the wood frame. We were in the sun so everything was drying super quick. I had my girl squeeze 4 nearly empty jars of burgundy craft paint into a yogurt cup while I cleaned my brush. The crackle turned out quite well. Not so much crackled as just distressed…which is perfectly fine with me.

After I’d finished I called up yet another neighbor to come over and check out my handy work when…

We turned around and this is what we saw in the neighboring yard.  She looked so thin…either it’s a yearling that lost it’s spots or a doe with young fawns?!? still nursing maybe?  I’m just speculating but it was so odd to see in the middle of the day…lawn mowers buzzing all around. Beautiful but odd.

Found in my backyard on a whim. My first ever four leaf clover find!

Look at the beautiful flowers my loving husband brought home me yesterday. It was our 16th wedding anniversary.

I’m so fascinated by hoarfrost. It is so beautiful… This time I got up close and personal with it. It’s so amazing that my little point and shoot camera can take these photos!!

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