I find myself playing catch-up this week. With the kids on Spring break, I completely forgot about doing my postcard!
Week 14–
Thadeus writes to Maggie about his long absence.
So sorry to have worried you but I was unable to send any correspondence. I was sent on another errand- this time I was at sea for a couple weeks. I was certainly happy to come to port here in Singapore.
I want to see you again. Please send me your travel plans. I’ll be waiting here at the beach for the next few days.
So that must be why Thadeus never made it to Israel. *wink*
Here’s my page with a few notes…more clues to his research one would assume.
And now for Week 15 from Iceland!!
I knew I had to do the Northern Lights. We see them here in MN sometimes. I have fond memories of sitting in silence watching the colors play across the sky.
Maggie writes in her sweet note:
I am so delighted that we were able to spend an entire day together. I’ll always cherish sitting on the steps with you. The Northern Lights were like a symphony. We didn’t need to speak, we just had to be.
I wish you would end your research – I fear for you and your well being. Who knows what you might discover.
My goodness they’ve met again. A romance seems to be brewing between them.
The page features the word magnificent boldly circled. I’m thinking that Maggie has fallen head over heels.
Please swing over to Darcy’s blog and check out the rest of this weeks postcards.