Tag : rubber stamping

47 posts

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been sending more cards. This, in turn, depletes my stash. Over the past week, I’ve been having fun creating some new designs using some scraps as well as previously created card bases.

I have an index card box full of precut layering pieces for cards. This comes in handy for quick card making. I also have a wooden cigar box filled with mini collages for cards or journal pages. Doing some of the mindless prep work ahead of time leaves more time for the creative process and doesn’t interrupt the flow of ideas.

I am also starting to pre-make some sentiment pieces. I grabbed my tag and mason jar punches to start. The mason jar is so darn cute. The punch itself is a bit finicky. It jams almost every single time. UGH!!!!

I am willing to put up with it though because…look how cute this is!!!! After I stamped the pale seafoam green I realized that it was beginning to look like an old-fashioned blue mason. I used a cosmetic sponge to shade in two colors of blue dye-based ink. Then rubbed the top of the jar on a gray pigment ink pad to act as the zinc lid.

I used foam tape to lift it off the page so I could add some sticker flowers to the jar. So fun!

I can 100% guarantee that you’ll be seeing more cards and postcards. They are really quite addictive to create.

Early Sunday morning I sat down to create. Getting my fingers full of paint and glue rejuvenates me. I used what was at hand.

 Scrapbook paper, magazine cuttings, ribbon and washi tape just to name a few.

After creating this page I notice that the current theme for July on Art Journal Journey is Art for Art’s Sake hosted by Chris of Pearshapedcrafting. Don’t you just love it when things fall into place. It doesn’t always happen that so when it does…woohoo!

Art Journal Journey


As I sat down to create in the midst of a summer that I hadn’t planned, my mind wandered to the beautiful things. The things that make me appreciate summer. Beautiful colors. Flowers. Birds singing. Breeze blowing through open windows.
All this had me in the mood for an explosion of color. I used my fingers to loosely apply paint in a tribute to a gorgeous sunrise or sunset. The colors were a little too bold. Too in your face so using a baby wipe I blended and softened the page until it made me happy.
I pressed uninked rubber stamps into the paint to create some interest on the background as the stamps pulled even more of the still wet paint away with them as you can see above with the grid pattern.
After heat setting the page I used a harlequin stamp with white ink to lightly stamp randomly around the background using white embossing powder over top to provide a little more kick to the white.
Digging through my stash I found some rub-ons that fit my theme perfectly. The black really pops against the background.
A canning jar full of flowers screams summer beauty to me, Casual, simple, perfect.
I really wanted it to appear that these flowers were indeed inside a glass jar. This gave me a bit of a challenge.
I stamped the jar twice. One was clear embossed for later use. The first was adhered directly to the page. I then stamped my bouquet of flowers onto tissue paper using black Staz-on ink. I adhered the tissue with matte medium and placed on the page, partially “inside” the jar.
Next I cut out windows in the clear embossed jar. I cut a piece of vellum to fit and gave that a bit of shimmer with clear embossing as well. I carefully stacked and glued the pieces of the jar over the original stamped piece. Much to my great pleasure, the stems of the flowers shone through the “glass” as I had hoped.  I used a Tim Holtz word sticker to sum up my thoughts.
The jar seemed to be missing something so I thought about the basket of goodies I carried home from a friends house like Little Red Riding Hood.
The perfect embellishment was right there.
I’m linking up today with Art Journal Journey for Inspired by… the theme chosen by this months host Gil from gibbyfrogettcraftations.
Art Journal Journey

Today, for my birthday, I took some time out to create. With the school year winding down and everything that entails this year, I’ve been finding it harder and harder to carve out creative time.

I glued some random papers to parts of my book then used thick white craft paint to give a bit of texture with a palette knife. I was planning molding paste but my jar was dried up…hard as a rock.

Next I used my fingers to spread two shades of teal then a light touch of plum purple on the very edge. I blended everything with a slightly damp babywipe. I continued to wipe away at the areas with the white paint to bring the lightness back for interest on the pages.

I used Staz-on to stamp gears and clock numbers on the background.

Washi tape was used to adhere a glassine envelope holding a tag to the page.  I added some stacked paper and button embellishments I created from my stash. The colors meshed well with the overall look.

More washi was added for balance on this side along with a snippet of music. I added a bottle cap I picked up on a walk since it reminded me of the treasures I bring home.   

As I looked through one of my favorite books to cut words and phrases from I saw this in a line.  Perfect.

Secret notes and treasures.


Something kicked my creativity back into gear over the past few days. I’m really excited about that!  Maybe it was the exercise….hey, that should motivate me to keep going on that as well :) But I digress…

I was in the art journal mood so I grabbed my kira-kira journal and slapped down a light coat of gesso. While digging out some washi tapes and other supplies…I dumped over my cup of wash water. UGH!! I had quite a bit of cleanup to do including changing my jeans…yep, dirty paint water all the way off the table on onto my leg.texture

Shockingly, I was still ready to create after cleaning up. Usually that would have soured me for the day.Love

The colors and patterns on this page remind of college. Likely because of the clothes I wore at the time. Leggings, black ankle boots, flannels in those colors. That look is back in its own modern way but I’m not sure that I could pull it off now being 20-something years older. Or that I should even try.  ;)

After completing a few pesky household chores I was still feeling creative.

Wow…two journal entries in one day!  This time I use my white journal. No particular reason…it just felt right. While mopping up the earlier spill I happened upon this fashion plate cut from a newspaper. I wanted to use on of the girls but after an exhaustive search I couldn’t find my “fussy cutting” scissors. I had to change my thoughts on where this was going.

unexpected weapons

Peeking out from a stack of stuff on my work desk I spotted a Basic Grey paper pad.  I was drawn to some paper with small circles. Small circles you say? There are no small circles on this page. Yeah I know…but the cityscape paper was in the pad too. As soon as I saw it my mind went to the old Sci-Fi movie genre such as Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.

So there you have it…two very different pages created the same day by the same girl whose mind apparently took a sharp left part way through the day. :)

the wallI can’t begin to tell you how annoyed I have been with myself for the past week or so. I misplaced my kira-kira journal.  Since I haven’t started a new one yet after finishing my cursed journal, it was my only journal space.  Yesterday, I stumbled upon it. I sat down with no idea in mind… just started with blue hues.

A week or so ago I picked up a bunch of rubber stamps at Goodwill…one of them was a brick pattern. I stamped the bricks all over the page for texture. Then I was feeling I needed to use pink. As soon as I spritzed the pink along the top to make it run, I thought of Pink Floyd: The Wall.  There was no need to go any further. I just needed to write the words.

promise meIt’s been a while since I’ve sat down and worked in one of my art journals. Or at least it feels that way.

This was a quick page I did one morning while feeling inspired. It felt really good to be painting again.

I’ve been preoccupied with crafting for an upcoming craft show. My focus has been expanding my inventory…not art for the sake of art. :)


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