Tag : rubber stamping

47 posts

I stopped by a local thrift store today looking for snow pants for my girl. No luck with those but I did make out like a bandit with some art supplies!

I got all you see for $6.50.

And before anyone asks…
No, I am not expecting another baby. Nor am I planning another wedding but I just couldn’t pass up these clear stamps. The baby set has lots of words that can be used and it was only a buck! Besides…I have yet to complete the kids baby books. I promise they will be done by graduation. Or maybe their weddings or at least by the birth of their 1st child. Hopefully in that order…

I do still occasionally make cards so all the words will come in very handy! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

These were so fun to make!!

I started with an 8.5×11 sheet of periwinkle cardstock. With an old credit card, I spread out some orange and yellow craft paints.

After that was dry, I used rubber stamps, more paint, markers, and stencils to create lots of background interest.

When I was happy with it I cut 9 ATC’s from my full sheet of cardstock.

I free handed a VW bug to make a template then cut little bugs out of discarded book pages. Paint and marker were applied in a very loose manner.

I punched wheels from black “handmade paper” …I put that in quotes since it was actually store bought. I then used little flower sticker for some fun hubcaps.

The part that I love the most is the genuine VW key attached to each one. I grew up with tons of Volkswagons. My dad and his friend would buy them cheap, fix them up and resell. Sometimes they would just part them out. Dad never threw out anything so I had just enough VW keys laying around to give these ATC’s just a little extra punch!

A couple of VIP’s in our lives have birthdays this month.

I really wanted to do another lesson for the AB101 class I took online. It was over long ago but I have yet to finish. Of course my muse didn’t cooperate with me today and this is the spread that came out. It incorporated NONE, ZIP, ZERO of the lessons..oh well. I never was much of a rule follower.

I decided to only glue down one side of each butterfly so they’d have a dimensional quality. Hopefully they’ll still pop up after being smashed in the book over time.

Each summer ABC_alteredbookclub celebrates the anniversary with a collaborative project. This is my 4th year participating.

My 1st year we did an alphabet themed chunky book.

The next year was another chunky book.

Last year we did something a little different. We made circles!

This year we are doing a skinny chunky book. Sounds weird, huh?!
I’m nearly finished with the whole swap. I cut out 28 of these 3×6 inch recycled cereal boxes. Only 25 are required for the swap but I wanted to make sure I had room for mistakes.

I sprayed them with black, brown and gold paint on the printed side of the cardboard. The back is sprayed with white, brown and gold.

I decided to mix a custom color of embossing powder since plain white seemed way to stark against the dark background. I mixed mostly white with a little gold, copper, black and jasper. I really like the slightly speckled effect.

I have 7 more to complete but I ran out of the beaded trim. Either my math skills failed me at the store or I was severely cheated.

I created this for my mother-in-law for a Mother’s Day and birthday gift. They have been so helpful with taking the kids so often lately while we are dealing with the changes in my folks life.

Once again I’ve recycled an old painting that I wasn’t completely happy with… I just poured the gesso on and started over. I think this is the 4th time I’ve used this same 18×24 canvas.

The lighting isn’t the best for the photo but I wanted to document it before giving it to her.

I think I was feeling like I needed a little warmth and sunshine. The flowers are fabric yo-yo’s.

The sentiment reads:
It’s the little things that make life Big.

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