Tag : soap making

8 posts

Another year behind us…

It’s been a busy one.  So many projects using a wide variety of media.  These are a few of my favorites.

year in review

Have a happy and safe New Year! Best to you in 2015.

Good morning…It’s Tuesday already…time for another edition of T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth.

Once again I have been busy, busy. For starters…I made soap again last week.20141003_7103 20141005_7104
I used a new recipe so we’ll see how it turns out in a month.20141002_7087 20141007_7111

The days seem to be taken up with creating more Holiday inventory. I have lots of work-in-progress.  I get tired of working on the same thing over and over again so I switch off often. I think that’s part of my craft ADD self diagnosis.20141002_7090

There are always more cards to make. I’m obsessed. I love doing these mini collages.20141007_7109

This morning I met a friend for a walk at the arboretum.  It was a bit chilly, so I brought my mittens just in case. I hate having cold hands.

My other new obsession is my fitbit.20141007_7113

I’m working really hard to get my steps in each day. It’s nice to be just over 2000 from my goal by 9am.  It’s paying off according to the scale.

I’m going to help out my mom in a bit then do some more crafting. What are you doing today?

soap blocks barsI was able to remove the blocks or loaves of soap from the molds today.

The oatmeal topped one smells so good!!

I cut them into bars and set them to cure for the next month.

I have to say that they already felt “soap-like”.

The next thing I need is a better way to cut the blocks into bars to get a more even, consistent bar. They are all approx the same weight but they are definitely not even.

Can’t wait to do the next batch! I have to make room in the storage room before I do more. Space…it always seems to be an issue.


The garage is finally a comfortable temperature again so I got my soap making supplies out and made two batches this morning. The first was an unscented batch that I felt comfortable making again as it turned out well the first time around.  soap

Next I decided to branch out a bit with new recipe, fragrance and an inclusion. I’d observed this soap being made by my friend Patty so I had a clue before starting.

The inclusion is oatmeal ground in my coffee grinder. I sprinkled a few oats on top of the mold so I’d be able to tell the two batches apart very soap moldseasily.  The oatmeal acts as a wonderful exfoliant and general grime fighter.

The molds are tucked away in the storage room waiting to be released from the molds in 24 hrs or so. I lifted the wool blanket a wee to show you the two batches. There was a lot of heat under there.


Remember a month or so ago I made soap for the first time…
It’s soap…
It suds…
It cleans…
All that’s left to do is some
pretty packaging.

I successfully made soap!! 
I’ve been nervous to try it on my own but figured with the month of cure time for this cold process soap that I better get over it and do it.
This is a coconut oil and olive oil soap with no added fragrance or color. Figured I better start with the basics and work my way up. 

I have to tell you that I was super worried yesterday.
I never got a good “trace” before pouring it into the mold. 
So maybe I shouldn’t say that it’s a success yet….
I’ll let you know in a month.


Patty was kind enough to take photos of the freshly unmolded soap we made.  
Here’s much anticipated blue marbled soap brick. 
Isn’t it pretty!?!?
Next out of the mold was the Oatmeal Shea…
I thought this was a cool photo showing how they slipped it out from the mold.
And now being cut into bars….
Nice of her hubby to lend a hand with the cutting. I’m sure it’s not that easy to slice through.
Fun stuff!
Definitely want to try it again soon.

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